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Heineken Cup talks "have now ended"

I agree competition is vital, but I think that European rugby needs to be stabilised financially in order to stop it from becoming a Franglais affair.
At least initially, for the first couple of seasons... with promotion/relegation from/to the second tier Eurocomp afterwards.
The problem lies less with the structure than the very simple fact that I do not think any of Wales, Italy, Scotland or Ireland - dissolving the Pro12 gives them little choice but to follow a similar model - has the finance or player resources to have a domestic professional competition that will do most of the work in providing internationals and provide a decent career to rugby players produced at home. I just don't think it's a goer. Particularly as only 2 HEC teams would mean less HEC money.

Maybe the Pro 12 will have to be dissolved or heavily remodelled. I don't know, although I would not be at all surprised if it has the same teams next year. But I don't think there's any going back to primarily domestic rugby for these countries. They're too small, rugby's too small. Maybe if we completely adopted the Super Rugby model, maybe - maybe that would produce enough money to subsidise a secondary domestic level of pro rugby. But that would require a huge change from everyone.
Word on the street is that all Unions are now in agreement over governance.
TV deals are next on the list.
The Unions can agree on what they want, they still have to convince the clubs and welsh regions.
The Unions can agree on what they want, they still have to convince the clubs and welsh regions.

The regions don't have a pot to **** in - if they want to continue to exist they have to do it alongside the WRU*... and its the WRU that hold all the power in that relationship.

*since they have nowhere else to play with the RFU refusing entry into England's leagues.
Now hold on the RFU have not to my knowledge come out publicly and confirmed what the WRU have said. Plus the RFU normally dont mess with the affairs of the EPL
If you think that an Anglo-welsh tournament is possible you're dreaming.

It is not compatible with English promotion/relegation - The premiership team's relationships with the (RFU) Championship sides is also too important to them from a rugby point of view.

This is important (if true) because we now have agreement where previously there was none.
Im not overly keen on the idea rats but people read too much into what gets said sometimes. Example, the IRB said they would only sanction a breakaway cup if the Unions agreed to it. On here that translated to "IRB block new European Cup"
Rumours in Ireland today that the Regions have agreed 90% of a deal with WRU and there will be some sort of restructuring in the process. Also that pressure is coming back on PRL clubs to return to table regards HEC as the RFU says they're only shooting themselves in foot.
Im not overly keen on the idea rats but people read too much into what gets said sometimes. Example, the IRB said they would only sanction a breakaway cup if the Unions agreed to it. On here that translated to "IRB block new European Cup"

Well... it did, because the RCC as it was was not going to be sanctioned by the unions therefore the IRB would block it.
As we can see (by the fact that the RCC is being held up) that was correct.

The Unions are trying to find a mutually agreeable solution - whether the PRL and LNR go with it is a different matter.

All I did was say that the Unions seem to be in agreement, which is news, because they weren't previously.
You seem to have interpreted that as me saying the situation had been resolved.
Think your being a bit defensive rats.

As far as I was aware the Unions were loosly in agreement all along.

Previously the RFU, IRFU, SRU, FIR and WRU had all agreed that a new Eurocup be goverened by the 6N.
The FFR however wanted the new Eurocup to be under the auspices of FIRA.

The FFR now agree with the rest of the unions, that is the change.
What about the FIR? are they forgetting about their domestic plans then.

They have not at any point indicated they wanted to leave the HEC or any future European competitions.
They just want to put their resources into their own domestic competition rather than the Rabo.
If they leave the rabo then the current format of the HC must be over.
The current critiria for the HC is 6 English 6 French and 3 Irish, 3 Welsh, 2 Scottish and 2 Italian teams plus 1 correct? So if Italy leave the RBO then the critiria must change whether its the Italians keep 2 places but they are filled by their top 2 clubs or they are pushed out and all the Welsh and Irish teams get a place.
As far as I know the PRO12 unions had agreed in principle to a change of qualification criteria.
That being 1 guaranteed place for each country in a 20 team tournament.

If Italy do leave the Pro12 then all Italy have to do is provide a team - which domestic competition they play in bears no relevance to their European qualification.
Whether that is the winner of their new domestic competition or a franchise/region is not really important.
They are guaranteed a place based on their position as a 6N country, not their inclusion in the Pro12.

They have not at any point indicated they wanted to leave the HEC or any future European competitions.
They just want to put their resources into their own domestic competition rather than the Rabo.

Rats, they don't want to leave the Rabo, they want to stop being bilked of EUR3m to play in it and are at least willing to threaten to leave on the issue. That is the big issue.

Anyway - assume they leave which I'd put down as pretty unlikely - 6 from England, 6 from France, 6 from the Celtic League, 1 from Italy, or some variation thereof. Job's a good 'un.

I find it incredibly unlikely that PRL/RRW will go to the barricades and go through a far from guaranteed court action simply to have a league with each other at the cost of really annoying their unions if there's a reasonable European compromise on the table. It would also severely compromise TV deals.

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