Well the RSA covers a lot, but the big thing it covers is the set funding amount that the pro clubs get from the WRU for running the player pathways, and running the regions as pro teams etc. That money is almost certainly going to increase as all the regions need it to compete.
The issue around the real term monetary gain for each dual contract player a club gets is also said to be being discussed. Eg that having all of the dual contracts down west creates an unfair playing field on a financial basis.
I don't think the union want to own the pro clubs for the reason you state - financial risk. How do you keep up with the wage inflation happening in Ireland England and France with 4 teams who rely heavily on TV revenue and the income from the national game. Also the WRU board is a political minefield and most people involved at pro level want the clubs to remain independent from the union - but if they can't run as businesses who do not make losses, you find we have the Celtic Warriors situation for all 4.
Good article hear with Martyn Phillips if you are interested: