Originally posted by ZoMbIeAsRtOnAuT@Jan 30 2006, 11:21 AM
You nailed it. Great post, summed the whole "why isn't that game as good as JLR" argument perfectly.
it's a great hypothetical for sure....
but what about the alternatives -
1. Maddens started out 2d and ****...now it is gaming nirvana...and frankly the money goes mostly on licensing etc...those guys can just make and understand games....like the WCR crew apparently knew rugby and should have made a much better game.
2. They may have sacked the main guy who kicked arse in the programming of JLR and with out him they lost their mojo - with him the game may indeed have been made instead of WCR and god knows what we would be getting with its sequel in terms of the highest quality.
3. the attitude is wrong - gameplay over graphics in situations where their implementation is superfluous - i.e. we will have cool jerseys and involve the premiership etc....but we will not bother with jump and we will keep the spped bar.....!!!???
....come on guys - that is just stupid. Honestly now - that is straight out fact for any gamer or game lover surely? What decision would you have made?
4. They could have just worked longer on the game.....it would have been better....thus word of mouth would have provided much more sales...thus more money....thus a better game. They didn't...they took the low road (yes, its great to have feedback in forums and their participation, but their job(s) are to make a good game - spend your time doung that) and we all missed out.
5. They could get it right, like they should have already, with the nest one - buit they opted to not do another. Bah Humbug.......a good first game and a devent sequel would have set you on your way and fulfilled our dreams.
they could have simply used the same engine base of jlr and then upgraded it with licenses and additional things (like pop balls that actually DON'T work), but either they or your own vivid imaginations have made you believe this isn't possible..........of course it is.
But they got either arrogant or forgetful or something and they put out a game with no jumping and speed bars to name a thousand annoyances....how is that justifiable in relation to stepping up from one bit to another etc....
I finished off the street fighter 2 emulation on ps2 before and, let's face it, there are no technical limitations on remaking and, if one chooses, upgrading a game.
this error had more to do with egos than electrics IMO.
Ask yourself this - is it the game you would have made or endeavoured to make? answer: NO. It's not that WCR and WCR2 should be as good as JLR.....
they should be MUCH, MUCH BETTER.
after all, EA don't care anywhere near as much apparently (and likely too) as Swordfish....yet, they are making greater strides....how can this be? They are two games into using the new engine, and rugby 06 looks mean as...sworfish's labour of love is flawed from the get go for inexplicable reasons....why?
ego - their fault
budget - unfortunate and arguably not their fault, but then remember the earlier point = If they had made a better fist of the first they would have made more money....
repeating serious flaws in a final sequel is inexcusable.....well it is, but it doesn't warrant buying....where the hell is the $ going anyway? everyone's paid and they are not making a sequel....bugger that! lol.