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Global Rugby Manager

I naver made it past this....
I can edit and all that, its just when I go to play a match.

I have W7....but in German. Maybe a decimal thingy because of language.
Anyway, I've deleteted and reloaded twice and no joy.

and I use Microsoft security esentials
Should be all fixed now. You will need to download the game again from the link sent to you when you purchased it, and then reinstall it. Let us know how you get on.
yep that did it

thanks guys. I'll send this link out to my Rugby team members and hope they too will buy the Sim
any chance of putting touch judges and Refs on the field too?

And perhaps a random leaque generator?
Putting Refs and touch judges on the field is something that
has always been on our list. It usually ends up on the cutting
room floor for the sake of other features.

A random league generator is certainly possible.

You can randomise full teams of players at the moment by
generating a new players from a selected country in the editor. I use this
to create random teams instead of the default ones for a new challenge.

These guys will all be from the same country though, so it would
be cool to have a completely random league generator that randomized
teams and players, including their countries.

These are certainly things we will consider adding in future versions.
well I have to say, that after trying a few of the other manager Sims, this one is by far the best one. It only needs a few more features to be honest.
3d wise no one comes near this game. Perhaps even the possibility of setting up ones own "online" leaque would be cool too.
well I have to say, that after trying a few of the other manager Sims, this one is by far the best one. It only needs a few more features to be honest.
3d wise no one comes near this game. Perhaps even the possibility of setting up ones own "online" leaque would be cool too.

That is always good to hear!

What features other than those you mentioned do you feel would add to the game?
well, like the football managers sims, I'd like to be able to start from some extream lower leaque and see how far I can get. At the present, almost all freeagents and transfers listed players are mostly high level international players. I miss having the village team which doesn't even pay its players...like the old days. Plus the fact that you can buy new players every week is a bit to easy. I'd like to see this run like the football games were you have to plan for the next transfer period, buy the odd player and continue. Injuries would also be a thing to add.

I had set up an all canadian Vancouver leaque with canadian players etc...but within the first season, most teams had bought expensive international players...sort of spoils all the work put in. But it is nice to be able to set up personalized leaques though.

Anyway, if you have ever heard of, or played "Blood Bowl" then it has a nice easy way to set up different competitions with numbers of Div's etc. Have a look and you get the idea.
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International Rugby would be a must for me. My no 1 by streaks. Also, U20s at International level and U18s are my 2 and 3. The basis of most rugby fans.

Adding another 32 teams would be fantastic from other nations, even fictional, just to give the game more depth than currently.

Being able to see other teams rosters.

Academies would be nice.

Ability to have in game options, such as Subs, tactics and so on.

It's actually a pretty good game truth be told.
The game has been updated to fix a few bugs.

For anyone who has the game, you can redownload it and install it from the same link you previously used to download it.
Any chance of a list that has changed i dont see any change
Any chance of a list that has changed i dont see any change
It just fixed a few bugs, so they are not really things you will see or notice if you hadn't already. The two main ones were,

- The coaches stats were being displayed as international stats when they were not
- After a few seasons there was a bug that could cause freezing at round rollover
I've uploaded the Top 14 roster (minus Oyonnax and Agen because they're in the relegation zone atm and I couldn't add more teams without it going weird), would appreciate help with the names and stats for the players
Any chance of adding a little window that shows up when players are replaced due to injury?

Any chance of a Leaque with 5+ Div with teams moving up or down?

oh and one last thing, would it be possible, when the season rolls over, that the red/yellow bars that show training improvement, all turn back into solid red. Its hard to see just how much or if they improve.

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Two questions:

1) Is there any reason why this game doesn't have its own subforum?

2) I like RUTM. Will I like this? How does it compare on in match tactics? What about training and player development?
Two questions:

1) Is there any reason why this game doesn't have its own subforum?

2) I like RUTM. Will I like this? How does it compare on in match tactics? What about training and player development?

1) Is there any reason why this game doesn't have its own subforum?

We would be very grateful if TRF would grant Global Rugby Manager a subforum!

2) I like RUTM. Will I like this? How does it compare on in match tactics? What about training and player development?

Anybody who likes RUTM, or any rugby manager game should like Global Rugby Manager. If you aren't sure just try the demo. You can get it here,


Match tactics are very in depth. Here is a screen,

You train players in physical attributes and skills separately. Each player has their own unique training rate in each of these areas. The player card below shows all the physical atrributes and skills. Each player can train in one physical attribute and one skill at any given time.

Skills can also be trained via extra focus training sessions.

Thanks Ceejay - it looks immense. I'll have a play of the demo tonight. Are there plans to introduce international matches and integrate the club and international schedule etc?