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England 2021/22

Are international stand downs not a thing now? Weird to see Itjoe play every minute of the 6N and then straight in to start for Saracens - they binned it off cause there's bye weeks now?
Malins with 2 tries today for Sarries showing even a winger that isnt actually a winger can score well when the team makes space for them ;) disclaimer i didnt watch the game they could be individual brilliance by Malins
Because of Bye weeks can they have a week of before 6N and count that it they dont have their BYE week post 6N because it seems a bit unfair.
The very existence of bye weekends is a travesty, and a stain upon the whole season - as it will be next year as well, and if PRL get their way - for ever more
Because of Bye weeks can they have a week of before 6N and count that it they dont have their BYE week post 6N because it seems a bit unfair.
I'm guessing it's worded to be games missed rather than weeks rested to avoid this - like how with bans they started naming the specific games the players are ineligible for
What Jim Malinder up to these days?

Being serious, I do think that experience in the premiership is very useful for an England coach understanding the club vs country and overall difficulty in player management but it would be nice to have a coach that's also gone abroad to appreciate other systems.
What Jim Malinder up to these days?

Being serious, I do think that experience in the premiership is very useful for an England coach understanding the club vs country and overall difficulty in player management but it would be nice to have a coach that's also gone abroad to appreciate other systems.
Im really not sure who id choose, Baxter seems on obvious choice to be in the mix as he has won the prem, been up at the top of the table for years but i also worry with him he's like Lancaster, great coach but better at building a settled team throughout the year rather than having them few weeks at a time.
Won't any preappointted successor be tainted with us bombing at world cup and therefore be ditched?

Of course everything I think I remember how bad we have to be to not make a SF
Who is our answer at attack coach because that seems to be the issue for us, right now i really dont care who comes in after the WC for Jones, i actually want us the have the right set up not just an extra guy for the future.
"I wouldn't write off Eddie completely in terms of the fans. I know he's controversial and he polarises massively but I don't think every fan in the country hates him," said Sweeney, giving Jones a massive vote of confidence.

Really, much as I think Jones is self-contradictory and does not demonstrate any sort of congruent thinking, Sweeney must surely be doing a Jones (talking tosh to take the pressure off someone in his charge.)

It's either that or Sweeney is alarmingly out of touch, has no PR skills and doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut.
I'd strongly prefer our coaching team to be English but it's far more important that they're the best people for the job.

I don't care if the head coach polarises opinion provided their teams deliver on the pitch. But if they talk crap and take fans for idiots they've got to accept the fur will fly if results / performance are poor. Underneath the bluster Jones actually seems to have a fairly thin skin.

I do want people who properly understand rugby union. Feels totally ridiculous to say that, but the national team is no place for the likes of Siebold and Gleeson to learn their trade. I don't expect both to be in situ come France.
It's a tricky one. If we're going for an English candidate, there are only three or four serious candidates, but all come with caveats.

Sean Edwards is a serial winner who has been a massive part of Wales and now France's success. He is a world class defence coach, but there's no actual evidence to suggest he is more than that. His track record is good enough to suggest he could be and I'd be open to giving it a try. However, being the head honcho and the guy who the buck stops with is a very different role. Hard to say how well he'd cope with that and how he'd translate his success as a defence coach across all other aspects of a head coach remit.

I like Rob Baxter a lot. He comes across as a fair and likeable guy who seems very good at building a culture and bringing people along with him - both players and coaches. However, I can't say I have ever particularly enjoyed watching Exeter play. They perfected a style that won them domestic and European honours, but it wasn't pretty and as it's become less successful, they haven't really adapted. I could definitely get behind him if he was given a really good coaching team.

Andy Farrell is doing very well with Ireland, but there's no denying that Ireland benefit hugely from the central contract system and the ability to draw the significant majority of their starting XV from arguably the best club side in Europe. It's hard to gauge how much credit Farrell deserves and he is definitely tainted by his role in the 2015 disaster.

Steve Borthwick is probably the most palatable candidate IMO. He's doing a great job at Tigers and he is the only a candidate with genuine, up to date*, understanding of both the international and domestic game. If he wins the league with Tigers and can continue that success next season he'll be at the head of the queue. The fact that he's a former England captain can't hurt either.

*Edwards has obviously coached in the Premiership but not for a long time.
Borthwick biggest worry for me is can he continue this form and if not can he handle things when they don't go his way?

I bet 12 months ago Lam would've been favourite for the England job now look at him.
Baxter putting his hat in the ring potentially.
Saying he's open to it but wants to know what exactly the RFU is wanting especially the whole shadowing Eddie at the 2023 RWC crap