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Do you believe?

I believe in ALLAH.

I'm muslim.

Who's muslim here ? B)

Good night :cheers:
I dont think he read the thread properly...

Anyway i beleive there has to be some kind of alien race out there, it would be stupid of me not to think that.

There are millions of different species on this planet, who is to say there isnt another planet full of life out there. Have they visited us thats another story, thinking of another life form making "space ships" and flying around either looking for life or looking to inhabit another planet wouldnt be too much of a stretch. Isnt that we are doing anyway?
There are millions of different species on this planet, who is to say there isnt another planet full of life out there. Have they visited us thats another story, thinking of another life form making "space ships" and flying around either looking for life or looking to inhabit another planet wouldnt be too much of a stretch. Isnt that we are doing anyway? [/b]

I agree, you don't have to be that much more advanced that us to already have a space mission plan where you're looking for alternative inhabitations.
I can't help but believe that there is something out there.
I question how many people are telling the truth (knowingly or not) when they say they've been abducted, but i believe that there have been some genuine sightings.

My question is: Do i believe Spielberg or all the other film makers (i.e. do the aliens have good or bad intentions)?
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There are millions of different species on this planet, who is to say there isnt another planet full of life out there. Have they visited us thats another story, thinking of another life form making "space ships" and flying around either looking for life or looking to inhabit another planet wouldnt be too much of a stretch. Isnt that we are doing anyway? [/b]

I agree, you don't have to be that much more advanced that us to already have a space mission plan where you're looking for alternative inhabitations.
I can't help but believe that there is something out there.
I question how many people are telling the truth (knowingly or not) when they say they've been abducted, but i believe that there have been some genuine sightings.

My question is: Do i believe Spielberg or all the other film makers (i.e. do the aliens have good or bad intentions)?

I am sure that there is life on other worlds...it'd be too bonkers if this was the only one in the trillions of billions of stars with a planet with life on it.

I don't know if interstellar travel will ever be feasible in any form other than huge generational colony ships...the distances are just too huge.

I don't know if interstellar travel will ever be feasible in any form other than huge generational colony ships...the distances are just too huge.


That, my friend, is the short sighted view a lot of people have these days.
If you could go back in time and ask someone from 100 years ago if they think it would be feasible to leave the country and arrive on the other side of the world on the same day, i'm sure they'd say no. But we've come on in leaps and bounds.
What about what Stephen Hawking proposes, with worm-holes and all that malarky. What about ships that can travel at the speed of light.

It all sounds really far fetched, but i'd love to believe this is possible and if we don't seriously f*** each other up with wars etc. then i believe we (as humans) have the potential to achieve such things as interstellar travel.
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There are millions of different species on this planet, who is to say there isnt another planet full of life out there. Have they visited us thats another story, thinking of another life form making "space ships" and flying around either looking for life or looking to inhabit another planet wouldnt be too much of a stretch. Isnt that we are doing anyway? [/b]

I agree, you don't have to be that much more advanced that us to already have a space mission plan where you're looking for alternative inhabitations.
I can't help but believe that there is something out there.
I question how many people are telling the truth (knowingly or not) when they say they've been abducted, but i believe that there have been some genuine sightings.

My question is: Do i believe Spielberg or all the other film makers (i.e. do the aliens have good or bad intentions)?

I am sure that there is life on other worlds...it'd be too bonkers if this was the only one in the trillions of billions of stars with a planet with life on it.

I don't know if interstellar travel will ever be feasible in any form other than huge generational colony ships...the distances are just too huge.


no they are not in some theories ... interstellar travel as the "Star Wars " films is a possible kind of travel. others think that its possible to curve the universe to make two points, that are far away, touching themselves ... i don't remember exactly but these theories are linked with the black holes.

perhaps as cymru said, in the next 100 year they will have found a propell way good enough for big flights. taking off from the moon is btw a very good start to space conquest. our only limit is our mind and dreams ...
I prefer the throw-magic-dust-in-fire method of traveling long distances in short amounts of time.
no they are not in some theories ... interstellar travel as the "Star Wars " films is a possible kind of travel. others think that its possible to curve the universe to make two points, that are far away, touching themselves ... i don't remember exactly but these theories are linked with the black holes.


Yeha, that's what stephen hawking proposes.
That the universe isn't infact one, big, long, flat expanse - rather it is curved

The proposition is that we could be at the top of that image and a destination (say 100 million light years away) is at the bottom. Without generational colony spaceships, it would be hard for us to conieve there ever being a way for us to reach it.
But with a wormhole it can allow us to reach that point in a fraction of the time.
Yeha, that's what stephen hawking proposes.
That the universe isn't infact one, big, long, flat expanse - rather it is curved

The proposition is that we could be at the top of that image and a destination (say 100 million light years away) is at the bottom. Without generational colony spaceships, it would be hard for us to conieve there ever being a way for us to reach it.
But with a wormhole it can allow us to reach that point in a fraction of the time.

Yeah but that theory is just *adopts a fake Stephen Hawkins voice* a big pile of ********

The universe quite obviously doesn't randomly curve back on itself....of this I am 100% sure.
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Yeha, that's what stephen hawking proposes.
That the universe isn't infact one, big, long, flat expanse - rather it is curved

The proposition is that we could be at the top of that image and a destination (say 100 million light years away) is at the bottom. Without generational colony spaceships, it would be hard for us to conieve there ever being a way for us to reach it.
But with a wormhole it can allow us to reach that point in a fraction of the time.

Yeah but that theory is just *adopts a fake Stephen Hawkins voice* a big pile of ********

The universe quite obviously doesn't randomly curve back on itself....of this I am 100% sure.

yeah i saw something on that sayin that the weight of the material in our universe is too small. the gravity force is not logical. in fact they've done researches on that fact and realised that there was something (they called it black material) that had weight but no atoms ... the material is 5% of the requested total to mainain gravity as it is. the black material is 22% and the other missing is what they call black energy. its in fact the acceleration of the universe expansion that produces it.

weird theory but a lot of scientists adher to it.

so having found this kind of things i'm almost convinced that by 100 years they will hav found something to travel quick in space
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Yeha, that's what stephen hawking proposes.
That the universe isn't infact one, big, long, flat expanse - rather it is curved

The proposition is that we could be at the top of that image and a destination (say 100 million light years away) is at the bottom. Without generational colony spaceships, it would be hard for us to conieve there ever being a way for us to reach it.
But with a wormhole it can allow us to reach that point in a fraction of the time.

Yeah but that theory is just *adopts a fake Stephen Hawkins voice* a big pile of ********

The universe quite obviously doesn't randomly curve back on itself....of this I am 100% sure.

I'm not entirely sure anyone can claim that.
Who's to say it's a random curve?

Come on, mate, your post was a little too vague. Explain yourself, please.
I'm not entirely sure anyone can claim that.
Who's to say it's a random curve?

Come on, mate, your post was a little too vague. Explain yourself, please.

It doesn't curve back on itself....it just doesn't. How could it? How could that possibly work? I can't prove a negative but I'll put my money where my mouth is. I bet you a pound that Hawkins is wrong on this one.

The shortest route between two points is in a straight line. Here's my proof :

A -------------------------------------------------------------------- B

You owe me a pound.
I honestly don't see how you just proved me wrong and yourself right with that post.
Yes, i agree that the shortest point from A to B would be a straight line.

What's that got to do with the curvature of the universe?
Again, don't get *****y with me, i'm just saying there's every possibility.

You see, right now i regard myself as the few who believed the world was round, and you as the masses who believed it was flat all those years ago.
Back then there was no photographic evidence to prove either right, but you can't just blindly disregard the other opinion.

Apologies if you actually made a valid point in your last post, i just couldn't see the relevance of betting a pound with me regarding quickest routes and the possibility of there being a curvature in the universe.
Nobody ever believed the world was flat - that myth was cooked up 150 years ago by an American journalist (the guy who wrote the Legend of Sleepy Hollow) as a protestant propaganda piece to show that the ways of the Old World were inferior to the new sparkly progress of the New World.

Maybe there is life beyond this world. Who cares? The only life that matters is this one - here and now.

Belief in the existence of extra-terrestrials comes from the need to believe.
Becuase it fulfills your fantasies. It will prove to me that there isn't a God and that we are not the only creatures around. We can't be a coincidence (i just just can't believe that fact) there has to be more like it out there and of a totally different kind.
I'm curious to see what it's like. How primitive or advanced they are.

I'm just really curious - and you should care about all living things; regardless of where they are from and regardless of whether we know for sure that they exist or not.

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