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Do you believe?

Great responses by both O'Ro and RBS. I must not have (altho never claimed to have) understood what i was reading.
My knowledge is far too limited to even conceive another arguement. Einstein has claimed time-space is curved, but little do i know how he suggests that is so.

I'll have to do a hell of a lot of research. :D
Great responses by both O'Ro and RBS. I must not have (altho never claimed to have) understood what i was reading.
My knowledge is far too limited to even conceive another arguement. Einstein has claimed time-space is curved, but little do i know how he suggests that is so.

Techno-babble gets us every time mate, those sciencie types just can't resist it.
Great responses by both O'Ro and RBS. I must not have (altho never claimed to have) understood what i was reading.
My knowledge is far too limited to even conceive another arguement. Einstein has claimed time-space is curved, but little do i know how he suggests that is so.

I'll have to do a hell of a lot of research. :D

but einstein could be wrong ... he hasn't the truth in his mouth. his theories work in our actual perceptions of the universe ... like ppl were saying the world is flat before discovering america ...

i agree with some of your views but i don't think the universe is exactly curved ... i see it like a mud puddle pool with irregular form (as i said in a previous post some theories say universe is still in expansion).
but einstein could be wrong ... he hasn't the truth in his mouth. his theories work in our actual perceptions of the universe ... like ppl were saying the world is flat before discovering america ...

i agree with some of your views but i don't think the universe is exactly curved ... i see it like a mud puddle pool with irregular form (as i said in a previous post some theories say universe is still in expansion).

It's a myth that people thought the earth was flat. It was a myth created to make Christopher Colombus look greater than he was.
When we speak of the universe we speak of dimensions, just like we do on earth. There are 3 dimensions to make things appear as they are. This requires 3 points and 3 intersecting lines.
Point a to point b? Straight line.
I believe scientists now claim there are 10 dimensions.
1 for time and 9 for space.
What on earth they could be going on about, i have no idea.
I believe scientists now claim there are 10 dimensions.
1 for time and 9 for space.
What on earth they could be going on about, i have no idea.


Why knows...it probably some vague wooly concept they've come up with to justify their own existence but can't actually prove.

I mightn't be very clever but I have good bullshit detectors, check out this pile ********


Scientists, it has to be said, are criminally under-valued. In a world where we've never known so much about everything that's truly important people like Chantal, Jade and Paris fecking Hilton rule the psyche of the masses whilst Pete Docherty lurches round doing bugger all and getting lauded for it.

Personally I can just about take it 'cause I'm probably just as useless & telentless but (and this is just my vague wooly theory you understand) those people who are actually good at something but get no recognition resent it massively....Scientists fall into this category and they extract revenge by coming up with all this intriguingly cool sounding techno babble to awe us into paying attention hence event horizons, gravity wells, warped space time continuams etc etc. It's like in Uni...reports featuring words like Method, Idea and Plan get Bs, replace them with Methodology, Paradigm and Strategy....*Bingo Bongo* you're cruising down A Plus Avenue baby.

I wholly believe this theory....I challenge someone to put it to the test. Terminate Paris, Jade and Chantal and I bet scientists start talking a language us ley people understand. I'm willing to bet their lives on it.
Do you think theres such thing as aliens? at least some kind of lifeform must exist in the universe right?
I believe there must be life forms out there.
I believe that there are life forms much more advanced than we are.
I believe that i'm going to die never knowing the truth though.
It's possible, fun and even sexy to believe that there's something out there that can think and feel like us. There are, for sure, no sentient aliens out there, the planets are too much, and even if the conditions for there to be life just like in the Earth are hard to get two times, I think that life has adquired many forms around the universe, of course I cannot prove it. I don't think though that there's another sentient species on the whole universe, the probability is so minimal that I can negate it, I would like to think so though.
It's possible, fun and even sexy to believe that there's something out there that can think and feel like us. There are, for sure, no sentient aliens out there, the planets are too much, and even if the conditions for there to be life just like in the Earth are hard to get two times, I think that life has adquired many forms around the universe, of course I cannot prove it. I don't think though that there's another sentient species on the whole universe, the probability is so minimal that I can negate it, I would like to think so though. [/b]
Well I'm glad someone can be "turned on" when thinking about such things... :p
i didnt bother reading most of the thread because im lazy so i dunno if its already been posted but theres always Drakes theory on the probability of intelligent life
N = R x fp x ne x fl x fi x fc x L
R is the rate at which stars have been born in the Milky Way per year, fp is the fraction of these stars that have solar systems of planets, ne is the average number of "Earthlike" planets (potentially suitable for life) in the typical solar system, fl is the fraction of those planets on which life actually forms, fi is the fraction of life-bearing planets where biological evolution produces an intelligent species, fc is the fraction of intelligent species that become capable of interstellar radio communication, and L is the average lifetime of a communicating civilization in years.
roughly this gives us (with an optimistic outlook) roughly 10000 technonlogically advanced civilisations in our galaxy or one for every 40 million stars say the nearest one being around 1000 light years away from us. just to put some reason into the arguement.

oh yeah and those figures are based on
R = 1
fp = <1
fl = 1
fi = 1)
fc = 1

so N may equal L lets say 10,000 ish
If there's no extra-terrestrial life,how do you explain Chabal's beard? Seriously though, I remain to be convinced of the existence of extra-terrestrial life- the odds of life having emerged may be good, but the odds of it having evolved and survived are, I think, small and overlooked in many rough lay-scientific estimations.
Do I believe that there are aliens? I am sure that this is a true, they are watching us all the time, we should realize that and prepare to meeting with them :D
Now that's the kind of thinking i like!
Prepare in what way though: for hosility?
Are we expecting friends or foe?
Now that's the kind of thinking i like!
Prepare in what way though: for hosility?
Are we expecting friends or foe?

We're human! We can't even be nice to each other for any length of time, a totally different race of people would have no chance.
So you say regardless of how they arrive (friend or foe) they're all gonna leave the same way?
What if they are like those space babes like Captain Kirk would have sex with all the time?
I am undecided as to the machinations of any other lifeforms. I am convinced they are out there, especially having seen a UFO myself, but i have never been able to decided whether they are friend or foe. That is a topic of debate in itself.
Now that's the kind of thinking i like!
Prepare in what way though: for hosility?
Are we expecting friends or foe?
I hope if there are (which I will definitley say there aren't) aliens and we are to prepare to meet them that they are hot green skinned big boobed aliens like Captain Kirk got to shag.

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