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[COVID-19] General Discussion

Just another case of trial by media. It's a shame the rosters didn't ticket the reporters for not social distancing or the idiot leaning over the BBC blokes shoulder on the briefing.
Just another case of trial by media. It's a shame the rosters didn't ticket the reporters for not social distancing or the idiot leaning over the BBC blokes shoulder on the briefing.
Or maybe just maybe minor back bench MPs aren't the same significance as the Chief Advisor to the Government...don't reply I know what your answer will be.
no no understand. Of coarse advisors are far more important than MPs.
Just another case of trial by media. It's a shame the rosters didn't ticket the reporters for not social distancing or the idiot leaning over the BBC blokes shoulder on the briefing.

Trial by media?

I'm surprised the media have removed their collective faces from the government's arse long enough to see anything untoward!
There won't be a second wave if people pay heed to the advice given and ignore the opinion of those ignorant to reality.

If there is no second wave due to action taken, do you think that proves you right?

Citation please

Citation please

SARS and MERS transmitted quite differently, neither to my knowledge could easily transmit via aerosol.

Once they were understood, containment was significantly easier than for CoV-2
The real name for the bugger is SARS-CoV-2 because it is so closely related to SARS-CoV-1 the original SARS. Let's just done it goes the same.
Which is what was said about the initial Coronavirus outbreak... Why is the concept of smaller numbers rapidly becoming much bigger numbers something people can't grasp with this virus?
Or any virus. That's about the first thing you learn in science in high school. If there is any chance of the general population knowing anything about science it is that. The spread is exponential until they exhaust their potential habitats.
The real name for the bugger is SARS-CoV-2 because it is so closely related to SARS-CoV-1 the original SARS. Let's just done it goes the same.


... and yeah, I hope it goes the same way too ASAP.

BTW - CoV-1 was never really transmittable in aerosol.
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The real name for the bugger is SARS-CoV-2 because it is so closely related to SARS-CoV-1 the original SARS. Let's just done it goes the same.

in all fairness, humans and apes share 99% of the same DNA....so when we talk about "closely related" in terms of genetics...there can still be some big differences
Aye... 'cos the most natural place in the world to try your eyesight out is at the wheel of a 1.5 tonne piece of metal moving 30-40 mph.

Nothing mundane like walking to the far end of a room in the house with a wall clock and seeing if you can pick out the number details clearly. No no.
There's got to be a petition right? What is it 1 million for it to get brought up in Parliament? Also, if enough peeps write to their MPs, especially in Tory Constituencies to keep the pressure on.
Right - letter to MP time. I know I'm forgetting something, but can't think what it is right now - any ideas?
Dear Mr Robertson

I am writing to you to express my deep concern around Mr Cummings, and some of the arguments put forward in defence of his actions. For clarity, I'll bullet point my questions, rather than lengthy prose.

1. If Mr Cummings was "just being a good parent" – does that mean that all those parents who followed the government's instructions are bad parents?

2. When exactly did following your instincts allow one to break the law with impunity?

3. When exactly did dangerous driving become the standard form of eye test – as opposed to, for example, the ability to read a number plate at 75 feet, or a simple Snellen chart, easily found, with instructions, from all good search engines.

4. This same question goes for Mr Gove, who, this morning, has claimed to use the same tactic to test his eyes.

5. Given the decision to break the law twice in order to test his eyesight (dangerous driving and breaking self-isolation whilst symptomatic) – why would anyone who feels themselves to be dangerous to drive, then take their child to a beauty spot as part of that eye test?

6. Is such child endangerment another indication of "being a good parent"?

7. Are we really supposed to believe that it was pure coincidence that this "eye test" trip just so happened to coincide with Ms Wakefield's birthday?

8. Given that Ms Wakefield has family living just a couple of streets away from their London home – why were they not considered good enough as childcare option?

9. Were none of Mr Cummings' family capable of driving? To come and collect the child in the event of necessity?

10. When Mr Cummings first drove to Durham, could we please have confirmation on whether he was strongly symptomatic, and thus unsafe to drive; or asymptomatic or mildly so, thus rendering the trip unnecessary in the first place.

11. Given that both Mr Cummings and Mr Gove have publicly admitted having broken the law (dangerous driving) do you think that a public inquiry, or a CPS inquiry would be the more appropriate.

12. It is obviously imperative that Mr Cummings should resign or be fired – do you feel that this should also be the case for some of those who have defended his actions? Including those who have defended it by claiming to have broken the law themselves?

13. Given that the definition of "reasonable excuse" has been broadened so much in order to incorporate Mr Cummings' actions; broadened way beyond the legal definitions and explicit government edicts; is there now any action that is not considered a "reasonable excuse"?

14. I am not one of these people, but can all those who have been fined or otherwise sanctioned for breaking lockdown, expect the be reimbursed their fine, and receive an official apology and defence from the Prime Minister?

Thank you
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Internet Rules
#1. Never read the comments

You should have seen some of the comments under those videos were the press were waiting for Cummings outside his house. Brainwashed Brexiteers who believed the £350m NHS bus slogan were writing "Leave him alone you media scum". Hilarious.

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