This is the context of the conversation, you commented on Welsh exiles question about how prevelant juvenile on juvenile (13 on 13) murders were. I responded that it wasn't.
So, Hassan was a foster and residential child, diagnosed as having low capacity, Autism, who was violent from an early age. His interactions with the police from aged 9, culminating on his first arrest at 12 for a knife attack is hardly an Andrew Tate radicalisation case is it?
I dont know the case of Ava White, I'd have to go look into it, your link on Wiki does claim she was playing and drinking alcohol at 12, and charged a group of older boys.
Let me be clear though, I am well aware of teen issues, it's the idea every young man who does something wrong can be attributed to Tate is the ludicrous claim. I just don't see the radicalisation. I'm not sure if you have engaged in any prevent, or radicalisation training, but it all focuses of white Christian radical boys, and Tate specifically (they ignore that he's muslim), when the reality is that this demographic is only a smaller part of risk to society. Gang crime, and drugs are far more of an issue, but it's a far more complex and difficult conversation to have than but muh Tate.
If authorities wanted to use Tate as an example of focusing on what kids watch online, or how dangerous algorithms and outlandish rage is faked for views, I'd be fully behind it. But Tate is just the next boogeyman man on the train of why young boys are bad, along with video games, Boxing, MMA, and the new one misogyny in pornography.
I'll apologise for the rant here, but I recently sat in on a high school session, where a 50 year old nan type police officer sat a targeted at risk group of teen boys down and explained how the porn they watched was disgusting, why they were disgusting for watching it, and even implicated that sex as mild as doggy style was sexual abuse. It went exactly how you expect it would, some walked out, some called her a Peter file, and 3/4s through she threatened to bring in officers to arrest them for mocking her. The amount of work targeted at young men that has good intentions but is embarrassingly not fit for purpose is scary!