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All Blacks 2021-2024 Thread

its been said before Moanga doesnt play the best with BB at 15, maybe he second guesses himself or maybe BB overrules him, really really want to see jordan at 15 behind moanga
Also interesting what Dan Carter was saying on Amazon prime that it was really Beauden controlling the game from full back whereas it really should be Mo'unga that should be. A downside of playing them both in the dual playmaker role?
did you hear that live or read it? i repeated it to someone and was told to sit down so would be good to be able to fire back some quotes
its been said before Moanga doesnt play the best with BB at 15, maybe he second guesses himself or maybe BB overrules him, really really want to see jordan at 15 behind moanga
It must be super hard for mounga that beauden is one of the more senior leaders in the group too, driving things at training etc .
It must be super hard for mounga that beauden is one of the more senior leaders in the group too, driving things at training etc .
thats what im thinking, BB and RM together might just be LESS than the sum of their parts, it works with my feeling that fozzie doesn;t look at combinations, he see each position in isolation and he just puts the "best" play in regardless of how that selection will work with the players around them
I feel sorry for rts too; no way would he have picked 12 if he decided on his own. And the irony about it, that it was because another guy who wanted to play twelve was wanted by foster at 15 and now foster has relented and the guy he wanted at fifteen has become his twelve, meaning rts has wasted his time trying to develop himself as a twelve when he could have been developing as a fifteen, (or winger).
thats what im thinking, BB and RM together might just be LESS than the sum of their parts, it works with my feeling that fozzie doesn;t look at combinations, he see each position in isolation and he just puts the "best" play in regardless of how that selection will work with the players around them
Well you would have seen this dual playmaker thing play out at the highlanders with varying success, when ione and hunt were ten and fifteen. I don't think it's a terrible idea altogether. But it can be hard to get it right.
Well you would have seen this dual playmaker thing play out at the highlanders with varying success, when ione and hunt were ten and fifteen. I don't think it's a terrible idea altogether. But it can be hard to get it right.
i dont think there was much variety, generally didn't work, i think dual playmaker with 10/12 can work, just moving the decision or pivot slightly to unbalance the defence, they cant rush just one guy...but i just dont think it works with 10/15....and i think those that try it just cant decide who the better 10 is (thats what we had) or dont have the courage to drop a former world rugby players of the year to the bench
did you hear that live or read it? i repeated it to someone and was told to sit down so would be good to be able to fire back some quotes
Yes, watched it live post match on Amazon prime. Had Gaby Logan as main presenter pitch side with DC, Hartley and Gatland. Aaron Smith joined later.

Unfortunately the post match commentary are no longer available on prime. But Gats asked DC what he thought of the combo and impact on the game. DC said ideally you want your 10 controlling and calling the plays and that meant Richie. But it appeared to him Beauden was.
its been said before Moanga doesnt play the best with BB at 15, maybe he second guesses himself or maybe BB overrules him, really really want to see jordan at 15 behind moanga
Are you sure you were not thinking of Smith and Farrell??
i dont think there was much variety, generally didn't work, i think dual playmaker with 10/12 can work, just moving the decision or pivot slightly to unbalance the defence, they cant rush just one guy...but i just dont think it works with 10/15....and i think those that try it just cant decide who the better 10 is (thats what we had) or dont have the courage to drop a former world rugby players of the year to the bench
Carter and Smith springs to mind for ABs.
Main playmaker with another wider to offer width to the attack.

For Sarries, Faz at 10 and Goode at 15 works because of the characters. Faz trusts the calls Goode makes, but is still in control at 1st phase. In multi phase play another pair of eyes is needed somewhere.
Carter and Smith springs to mind for ABs.
Main playmaker with another wider to offer width to the attack.

For Sarries, Faz at 10 and Goode at 15 works because of the characters. Faz trusts the calls Goode makes, but is still in control at 1st phase. In multi phase play another pair of eyes is needed somewhere.
conrad? i guess i can see it, i kind of saw him as someone that made plays rather than a play maker if that makes sense, he's make a break and then be able to go back to nonu or out to the wing...but i dont think he would drop back and make a clearing kick or chip and chase for himself...was more of a run a perfect line to make a break...ever time

i would say the other dual playmaker that can work is the 9/10, the highlanders actually made it work last year with smith and gilbert, gilbert played a "flyhalf lite", he'd make the runs and kicks....but smith decided the overall direction
its very encouraging how much of a non event it is for people, obviously still the odd ******** taking the **** and making themselves look like an idiot, still a long way from being out whilst playing but baby steps, also heard several stories suggesting those he played with knew and didn't care
This thread should no doubt be updated to 2023.

Even KR is calling for NZRU to appoint Robertson now.

its basically no win situation now, NZR have really screwed the pooch, should have done it last year...how fozzie has survived two contract renewals and an occial "review" with his results is beyond belief

interesting, obviously all the press is about razor....but the only actual leak ive heard says Jamie Joseph and tony prown will get it
its basically no win situation now, NZR have really screwed the pooch, should have done it last year...how fozzie has survived two contract renewals and an occial "review" with his results is beyond belief

interesting, obviously all the press is about razor....but the only actual leak ive heard says Jamie Joseph and tony prown will get it
Razor should have been asked to take the fiji job to prove himself.

Then Whosever team out of Joseph and razor makes it furthest at the World Cup gets the job. If they make it equally far then the pre decide who gets the job and advise that now. That way if any other country is interested in the coach who doesn't get the all blacks role they will hold off on hiring their coach
Interesting to see how both RM and KR have lost so much weight, especially since retiring from the game.
Yeh definitely giving his cardio a proper workout. No longer needing to pump that iron in the gym anymore.

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