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A Political Thread

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Well when the White House is spouting out nonsense like this, you know they have lost the plot. Trying to separate this into social issue with no political solution? Seriously?

Without wanting to sound defeatist, is the situation hopeless in America with regards to gun violence? As a nation are they "too far gone" in this respect? No president, no congress, no celebrity has had the ability to date to stand up and call out the arguments put forward by the NRA for the guff they are. Scarily in terms of personality and command of a wide group of disparate people, trump is probably the person in the best position to do so in the last 20 years, particularly with congress as it is. As per the link above though, I don't expect it to happen.
The republicans blocking gun reform laws is just the cherry on top of the **** cake that is the gun culture in America,
The blood of these people is on the right's hands (and not just because these were right wing nut jobs that carried out the attacks)
Without wanting to sound defeatist, is the situation hopeless in America with regards to gun violence? As a nation are they "too far gone" in this respect? No president, no congress, no celebrity has had the ability to date to stand up and call out the arguments put forward by the NRA for the guff they are. Scarily in terms of personality and command of a wide group of disparate people, trump is probably the person in the best position to do so in the last 20 years, particularly with congress as it is. As per the link above though, I don't expect it to happen.

Are you being serious? Trump is part of the problem. When has he stood up to the NRA? Apart from accusing others of being scared of them. He's doing exactly what he always does plays to the audience he's talking to. But his actions on gun control as President speak loud and clear.
Are you being serious? Trump is part of the problem. When has he stood up to the NRA? Apart from accusing others of being scared of them. He's doing exactly what he always does plays to the audience he's talking to. But his actions on gun control as President speak loud and clear.
Yes I know he is part of the problem. I never said he wasn't. And indeed his evident inaction on this topic makes him more responsible. My point was, and apologies if this wasn't clear, but if we look at where a breakthrough on this topic would need to happen, it would have to come from someone with support on the right and in the south and from the NRA (i.e. Trump). That is; in terms of support from the right people, he is in the best position to bring forward change, which is what you highlighted in my post. Again apologies if you misinterpreted what I was saying as support for trump.
Trump claiming 'there is no place for hate in the US' after these shootings. Coming from the man who stirred up so much hatred as part of his electoral strategy of getting to the White House. He also continues to do it with his 'they should go back to where they came from' remarks.
Apparently the trump campaign has run 2200 Facebook ads, during his campaign for/continued presidency all referring to immigration as an invasion.
This is also what the el paso said in his manifesto.

During a rally in Florida he asked the best way to deal with the border crisis, someone shouted out shoot them, and trump laughed
It's America's two biggest hypocritical issues: race and gun control being played out at the same time. Certainly the one in El Paso if it is confirmed as a race hate crime. If it had been an Hispanic or Muslim shooters, Trump would be shouting from the roof tops that this proves he is right on immigration and that they are terrorists. Funny how he has gone all quiet on the fact that all 3 shooters (including the one in SAN Jose) were white. Just condemn them under general "hate" and blame "mental illness" for their crimes.
So once again video games are being used as the scapegoat for a gun problem... It's ******* ridiculous how this keeps getting wheeled out. There is no bloody correlation at all between violent games and people being violent in real life. The Japanese and Koreans are some of the most avid video gamers and also have some of the lowest violent crime rates. Why the **** are American politicians determined to blame anything and everything except the mass proliferation of guns!?
Metal music getting a look in as well as one of the shooters was wearing a t shirt of a metalcore band

As we all know only America has access to videogames and metal

The idiot even got the wrong city for the second shooting.
According to Trump "Mental illness and hatred pulls the trigger, not the gun". Wonder if it's occurred to him what might happen if there weren't any triggers to pull.

There's no easy solution, but to not even acknowledge the problem is beyond contempt.
It's a good job everyone in America is relying on the NRA and its members to stop Trump from becoming a Tyrant
No surprise Trump avoided talking about the massive elephant in the room and blamed other causes for the mass shootings. His plans for stopping mass shootings are pretty much unworkable and he knows it.

And the political spin continues. After 3 years we have actually reached a point which was never contemplated, never spoken about and was promised wouldn't happen, which is to leave without any major deals with the E.U. Now it has become less about actually trying to get a deal and all about points scoring to see who takes the least blame.
Had the British government changed its view or offered anything new to contribute to negotiating of a different deal this Brexit secretary already negotiated?

Its not the EU is refusing to negotiate its the fact the British won't budge on anything.
How is this news, though?
Like the EU said after May's deal that that's their negotiations over with and we can take it or leave it.
Why are they so surprised that they don't want to start all over again?
Thats not entirely what they said, they said if May (and now Johnson) changed the red lines they'd be happy to reopen negotiations.

Of course we've not changed a damn thing.
Oh it's not news at all, more just a confirmation that Johnson saying he was going renegotiate was pointless. For me the question is will anyone blink or are both sides committed now to no deal and will look at damage limitation. Also just to be clear, this is all Britain's fault.
I'm shocked that energy and positivity hasn't sorted this out in the last fortnight.

The doomsters and gloomsters remain rooted in exactly the same place.
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