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A Political Thread

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It is amazing how many times MPs go "off piste" and come out with stuff which is clearly mad*.

*this is mad in one of two ways (i) he is telling the truth, in which case the Lib Dems will possibly fatally undermine their long term support [given the coalition still is brought up] or (ii) he is full of crap, in which case how does he think he's helping the party or himself by coming out with it?
It's so off piste I can find zero evidence of it being true. Which considering how much trouble his jointing caused the party in regards to LGBTQ+ rights I'm amazed nobody but Olly is talking about it.

Think it night be momentum ******** but so many people want it to be true. Bit like Jo Swinson Squirrel Hunter.
It was a shocking performance from Andrew who actually made Boris look like a convincing liar. Andrew is a despicable individual and has brought a lot of shame to the royal family.
And now standing back from Royal duties for the foreseeable.

And the papers are on his case about how he funds his lifestyle.

If ever there's a lesson to listen to PR consultants that was it. Hard to think of anything else that's backfired so spectacularly.

Very hard to see a way back for him. Well Charles does want to slim down the Royal family.

Bet Beatrice is massively looking forward to her wedding now. Didn't Andrew lob toys out of his pram to get the other one's televised? Not really in the position to call the shots this time.

Fergie of course showed her impeccable judgement just before the interview with her gushing Insta "I am deeply supportive and proud of this giant of a principled man that dares to put his shoulder to the wind and stands firm with his sense of honour and truth" etc. Think she may be in the minority....
Lee thing was in the guardian apparently, I just saw it on twitter
why is andrew neil respected?
he seems to have been on the wrong side of history on pretty much every major political controversy in his lifetime?

Also: apparently the testimony in the impeachment hearing today was pretty damning. I don't see Trump ever getting impeached though.
why is andrew neil respected?
he seems to have been on the wrong side of history on pretty much every major political controversy in his lifetime?

Also: apparently the testimony in the impeachment hearing today was pretty damning. I don't see Trump ever getting impeached though.

He's a no nonsense interviewer who doesn't suffer fools. He cuts through our politicians' BS quotes, claims and inconsistencies and calls them out on it on national TV. Watching Neil make these bullshitting self serving politicians squirm is quite therapeutic not to mention entertaining.

Pretty damning then.

Is Trump just repeating and shouting no quid pro quo just to reaffirm in his own mind that there was none because he's not fooling anyone but the dumbest Trump supporter?
I'm not reading 107pages of it, but the Labour manifesto is out and everyone seems pretty chuffed with is - big emphasis on climate change (Green Industrial Revolution).
I'm not reading 107pages of it, but the Labour manifesto is out and everyone seems pretty chuffed with is - big emphasis on climate change (Green Industrial Revolution).

I like what they are at least aspiring to do - I'm just not sure how it'd all be funded.

If it cannot be reasonably costed - then I'm afraid having a 5 year term of spending followed by 20 years of austerity to pay for it is no use either.

Regardless of how bad things are - its not fair that the electorate of 2019-2025 spend way beyond their means and makes things worse for the electorate of 2035-2040 (for example).

If our current approach is unsustainable, its unsustainable - and we need to deal with that rather than sticking more plasters over an ever more septic wound.

But I trust Corbyn the man to at least try to do the right thing for the majority. Even if I might disagree with some of his decisions, at least I know they are likely to have been made in good faith.

Johnson - I wouldn't trust him as far as I could kick the useless shite... and even with my best pair of steel toe capped boots as well as a good run up - I don't think I could get the fat fúcker to fly too far.
So Tories pass off their Twitter account as a "fact checking" page, say nothing wrong with it when caught and when Twitter accuse them of misleading people, claim it is to point out Labour lies and misinformation... You couldn't make this ******* **** up.

Add to this the story above

Add BJ's blatant lies in the debate

Add Trump's defence now as good as gone

But of course the right wing around the world claim everyone else is lying.

We own TheBrexitParty.com Farage and co have sent us a long legal letter demanding we give it to him. Well, he can have the website...for a million quid, all proceeds to the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (price goes up £50k a day).

In the 8-page legal letter we got from Farage's lawyers he cites EU law *five* times. Who knew Nigel Farage was such a fan of European law?

Dunno if he'll cough up, but for now we've turned TheBrexitParty.com into a Tory-Brexit Party electoral alliance advent calendar. Open a new door every day until December 12th to see examples of lies, lunacy and hypocrisy from the Conservatives and their new allies, the Brexit Party.

Nigel Farage spews out that much sh!te he could single handedly fertilize every fúcking field in East Anglia.
Nigel Farage spews out that much sh!te he could single handedly fertilize every fúcking field in East Anglia.

Oh, and ye couldn't take that useless fúcker Johnson near a field as ye'd bog to the axles straight away.

You'd need the umbilical - and ye could probably fertilize every field in Scotland. Only the Scots couldn't stand the smell.
You've got to love how the Tories blame everyone else for dithering and delaying when it was them who chose May as their leader to deliver Brexit and she botched it up. Failure to deliver Brexit happened under their watch and here we are 3.5 years later. How can they possibly suggest others are responsible for delaying when they squandered their own majority in Parliament.

You've also got to love how the Tories have taken the union jack and integrated it into their campaigning material and battle bus. They are now basically a larger version of UKIP or the National Front.
Rachel Riley is getting some abuse on social media for photoshopping a t-shirt of Corbyn.

Screenshot_20191121-190551.jpg Screenshot_20191121-190558.jpg

She could have chosen a better image of Corbyn to photoshop. Seems a bit stupid
Rachel Riley is getting some abuse on social media for photoshopping a t-shirt of Corbyn.

She could have chosen a better image of Corbyn to photoshop. Seems a bit stupid
She (apparently) gets a fair bit of undeserved abuse - or (I suspect), abuse that goes way beyond what's deserved.
She absolutely deserves abuse for that. Deserves to be sacked for this one - objecting to her workplace hosting a political debate and including Corbyn. Had she kept it personal, then she'd simply deserve abuse (preferably from Jimmy Carr); as it is, she brought her work into it, and objects to their political neutrality; and that is surely sackable.
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I walked past a bus stop earlier and heard some old geezer angrily shouting "Foreigners are ruining this country" at someone else. Dangerous that morons like this can actually have a say in who governs the country.
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