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A Political Thread

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TBF Leader of the House of Commons is pretty ceremonial role.

But every one of these cabinet members has my contempt for signing up to no deal Brexit on October 31st,
TBF Leader of the House of Commons is pretty ceremonial role.

But every one of these cabinet members has my contempt for signing up to no deal Brexit on October 31st,

But leader of the HOC still gets to sit in on cabinet meetings and have their say; better than being a back bench MP. And importantly organises government and non-Government business put before the house. So pretty much timetabling what gets debated and when bills are introduced.
Yeah but whats timetabled and debated are usually decisions by government and cabinet. The LHoC is just the mouthpiece to that process,

As to cabinet better to have them in bringing the country down than out and pretty much yelling at the sidelines.

When Barkley comes back with no changes to the deal but cabinet decides to present it as such. JRM either has to bring the ERG with him or resign and when Brexit doesn't happen he can pointed at as trouble maker number 1

It makes sense and gets the rabid Brexiters in line. Something May never tried to do.

Johnson's problem is more moderate elements of the party and I hope they stitch him up good and proper.
All you can say is the new home secretary supports the death penalty...

All you can say is that a quote was given many years ago, and will be dragged up by all Corbyn's Comrades.
All you can say is that a quote was given many years ago, and will be dragged up by all Corbyn's Comrades.
Before or after she got fired for holding secret meetings with foreign governments?


Before or after she said we should use food shortages in Ireland as a bargaining chip with the EU?
"Give us what we want or potato famine mk.2 electric boogaloo"
All you can say is that a quote was given many years ago, and will be dragged up by all Corbyn's Comrades.
Hang on a second - so quoting the things that politicians have said is supposed to be a far left conspiracy now?
Extreme right?
I suppose that's anyone who isn't in Momentum?
Hang on a second, so you're saying that everyone to the left of the ERG is the far left of Momentum?

I think this is saying far, far more about yourself than it does about anyone else.
I honestly can't believe what is happening, it's mad that so many influential people are happy to ignore history books just to get their names into future ones. This is all looking very similar to the troubles the UK had getting into the EEC just reversed. De Gaulle, as much as I like to criticise the prick, was correct in not letting them/us in, his intention was to restrict the US' political influence over Europe, and stop the UK limiting the influence the Community would have on Agriculture and he was ultimately successful by delaying entry and forcing the CAP on ye. The increased US influence in the UK post Brexit isn't much of a stretch of imagination, you just have to look at Trump playing to Boris' ego and more or less grooming him.

The following De Gaulle quote is also interesting and worth noting: "
England in effect is insular, she is maritime, she is linked through her exchanges, her markets, her
supply lines to the most diverse and often the most distant countries; she pursues essentially
industrial and commercial activities, and only slight agricultural ones. She has in all her doings very marked and very original habits and traditions." It's essentially the Brexit campaign minus Farage et al's "let's make the UK the greatest country on earth again" BS. The only issue being that the approach was failing in the 60's and it has no place in the modern world.

If Boris is as pig headed as he appears to be - and he's surrounding himself with self serving idiots who will allow him to be - going for a no deal Brexit will, in my opinion, undo half a century of growth the UK achieved through the EU and leave them almost entirely reliant on the US who will happily use and abuse them. There's a way to retain many of the positives of the EU but it more or less requires the UK to sign their law making rights away to the EU, this has been discussed and its far preferable to a no deal.

Personally all I can hope for, as a close neighbor looking in, if there is a no deal Brexit is that the Scots get out, I'm near certain they will, and the North follows suit, potentially less likely but you'd expect the cuts to the primary sector and public servants will sway even them and that only England and Wales suffer the brunt of the backlash. I'd rather ye just gave up on the whole thing to be honest, it's so obvious that it will end badly... If not maybe England and Wales can become the 51st state, still **** for the working class but not quite as ****!

I don't know how well post war history is taught in the UK but I can only speculate that it's taught extremely poorly considering people think this is a good idea...
One or two honourable exceptions but I thought Labour were particularly petty in not joining in the ovation for May. Of course they thought she was cr*p, so do half her own party, but they should have respected the office and acknowledged that she had tried her best. Just made them look very small. Wouldn't have expected anything less from Corbyn, mind, and May's final barb at him was bang on.
Tried her best at what?

Even when you take away her policies.

She will go down as one of the worst PM in history, a leader with no backbone who caved in at the slightest of pressure.
"To our friends in Ireland, I am convinced we can do a deal without checks on Irish border and without that anti-democratic backstop."
Yeah and then appoint that scum who threatened food shortages in Ireland. Already negotiating in bad faith there. Boris has as many friends in Ireland as he had friends as a kid, not counting au pairs of course.
"To our friends in Ireland, I am convinced we can do a deal without checks on Irish border and without that anti-democratic backstop."
Yeah and then appoint that scum who threatened food shortages in Ireland. Already negotiating in bad faith there. Boris has as many friends in Ireland as he had friends as a kid, not counting au pairs of course.
And he gives Gove who was against the GFA a fairly key Brexit role. Tory leader doesn't give a **** about Ireland, north or south, no change here.
"To our friends in Ireland, I am convinced we can do a deal without checks on Irish border and without that anti-democratic backstop."
Yeah and then appoint that scum who threatened food shortages in Ireland. Already negotiating in bad faith there. Boris has as many friends in Ireland as he had friends as a kid, not counting au pairs of course.

So basically Johnson's tactic is to threaten no deal, whilst trying to pin the blame on the E.U and Ireland, as well as making out that it's undemocratic (elected by 159,000 people). Problem is that if it does blow up in his face, we'll still have idiots in this country who will believe that none of this is their fault and that they were lied to about what would happen.
BoJo promise the start of a Golden Age for the UK. Clearly harping back to the colonial era of Britain.
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