If I've wrapped my head around all of this correctly, options going forward are:
Parliament is paralysed, and we'd drop out with no deal next Friday => probable violence on the streets.
Parliament "porogues" (new word for the day, dunno if I've spelt it right), reopens next week with a new session => no violence on the street as no-one knows WTF is going on. May's deal gets a 3rd hearing.
May asks for a short extension to hold a general election => probably rejected as it doesn't solve anything.
May asks for a short extension to allow a second referendum => probably granted, result of 2nd vote probably depends on the weather.
May asks for a long extension in order to renegotiate from scratch => probably granted on condition that Mays red lines are withdrawn.
May asks for extension, but Farage ('s rupels) convince Italy to veto the extension => article 50 revoked, possible more minor violence on the streets.
May asks for extension, but Farage ('s rupels) convince Italy to veto the extension => drop out with no deal, see point 1, probable violence on the streets