What serious economic, societal or environment issues are cause by immigration from immigration from the EU? Latest figures show immigration from EU in the past 12 months was less than a third of all net immigration as EU citizens from Eastern Europe return to their own improving economies.
The irony of leaving the EU on a partially racialised vote (thank you Gareth Southgate for saying something that will potentially hamper your career) is that immigration will largely be around the same, but the proportion of immigrants that are white, Christian and has a good grasp of English (e.g. from a European education) will be lower than in recent years. Voting to leave because someone told you a fairytale about Turkish EU membership and then you wake up to more "brown faces" praying to false idols. You couldn't write it.
Also, my understanding is that EFTA was primarily part of a fledgling Europe in a non-globalised world in the 60s & 70s. It is worth noting that zero, or close to zero European states want a simple EFTA arrangement in the present day, presumably as their business sectors demand staying competitive in the battle to attract multinational employers.
The UK begged to join the EU. It's not been foisted in them. De Gaulle wanted the UK to get lost because he thought they were more hassle than it was worth (one of the few things he ever got right). But he didn't veto their joining after diplomatic efforts by the UK.
The only thing the UK is a victim of in Europe is of their own dithering and indecision.