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The US has always been very lose lipped from my dealings with them but to potentially compromise an on-going operation.....
TBH my plan is to move to Japan after the 2019 RWC.

Meanwhile i'm binge watching Digimon and pokemon shows to prepare me for the move.
I don't think Radical Islam attracts anymore of the % of a population than other groups that willing to use violence to attack others in society. I look at groups like the EDL and Britain First and can see they are feeding off that same level of thinking.


What I do want to understand is why Radical Islam can convince its devotee's to inflict such harm and what they will achieve even thats becoming unclearer with each attack. At least the IRA had an ideology and a common purpose.

Ireland doesn't have any oil.
Ireland wasn't occupied by a much larger force that had them under physical threat on a day to day basis, not in the Republic.
Ireland didn't have a super power paying their military to keep them subdued.
Ireland didn't have a super power paying their neighbours to keep them subdued.
Ireland didn't have a super power selling the latest high tech military hardware to their neighbours so they could use it on them at will.
Ireland didn't suffer drone attacks.
Ireland didn't have anything super powers saw as being of value either in mineral wealth or geo-political hegemony.

Ireland play rugby. ;-)

ISIL have an ideology and a common purpose. Neither of which have a positive or constructive outcome.
They are a twisted and dangerous organisation borne out of decades of oppression and brutality.

One thing is for sure, Teresa May and her govt cannot protect the British public.
She hasn't got a clue.
If you want to get off the list of target countries, stop using unwarranted aggression in the middle east.
Initiating more bombings against 'insurgents' in the middle east is not going to change the situation.
It is not going to serve to halt the attacks on soft civilian targets.
We don't need to be in the middle east, we need to get our nose out of it and let the Yanks do their own dirty work if they want to steal oil from Iraq, Libya and anyone else.
Explain to me how a terrorist attack in Manchester has anything to do with America. You are the one that must explain your theory, not me.

So you don't have one?
You just swallow what the papers have to say do you Rugger, which is mostly to focus on the victims rather than ever focus on the wider issue.
Doesn't anyone stop to wonder what causes human beings to sacrifice themselves in this manner and adopt this type of vile act of warfare against soft civilian targets?
You have to be subjected to some pretty bad experiences to espouse the virtues of this kind of tactic, because it's definite;ly not the reasoned approach of a sane mind.
Yet it is happening across western Europe.
This calculated vengeful spiteful low tech form of warfare.
These types of attack are all the 'enemy' can muster because they have no arsenal of weapons that can reach out and hurt us from their own lands, which are being occupied and expolited and 'terrorised' by... oh thats right, the 'West.
Yep, that would be us Rugger.
I ask you, why does the US 4th fleet park in the Persian Gulf?
It's been there for decades now.
A massive ongong investment for each and every US administration that takes power. A huge drain on the budget in wages for the personnel, upkeep of the many vessels, planes, drones, missiles etc
Why is it perennially parked in the Persian Gulf ?
Whaddayou reckon rugger?

Why is there an American army of occupation in Iraq ?
Any thoughts rugger?
Why does the US 'gift' $5 billion dollars of 'aid' to Israel, every year?
In the form of 4.75 billion in the latest high tech and hardware and o.25 billion to help with the salaries for the Israeli army.
Why is that?

Yet America also pays $1.2 billion to the Egyptian army, primarily in funding to help the Egyptian army maintain it's friendship towards the USA and I daresay to guarantee the free flowing efficiency of the critical naval highway of the Suez Canal. A primary seaway that allows the quickest route for oil flowing out of Iraq, through the Persian gulf, around the Arabian peninsula and up the Red Sea, before sneaking through the Suez and out into the relative safety of the mediterranean and a charge across the central Atlantic into Houston where the ill gotten goods are discharged and the behemoth vessels are sent back for another load of black gold contraband.

Do you remember the spring uprisings in North Africa?
What do you think that was all about?
Or was that just a coincidence?

Whats happening in Libya rugger?
Any ideas about whats happening with the large oil reserves there? Or why they haven't had a govt, just lawlessness, since the 'NATO coalition' battered Gaddafi and eliminated vast areas of important infrastructure?
Why would we leave a country in that kind of condition?
Instead of assisting them to return to peaceful govt?

Follow the money rugger.
None of this happens by chance.
The Arab countries being 'terrorised' didn't bring this on themselves.
Capitalism, a very unfriendly and mail gauntleted form of Capitalism is hard at work in all the areas I've mentioned and it all comes back to money, and geo-political hegemony.

This is not a theory, this IS happening and it's been happening for a long time.

This ugly war of terror attacks against soft civilian targets is a direct result of the policies that are being enacted by the USA, France and the UK against the arab countries of the middle east.
In their speak, the enemy.
What standing army and arsenal do they have to use against us in the west?
Bugger all.
So we get this kind of insidious low tech warfare because it's all they have.
I expect more of it, not less and Teresa May cannot protect us from it because she is perpetrating the policies that cause these atrocities.
Oppresion causes ugly symptoms where the subjected element will do what it can to fight back against the bullying element.
This ain't rocket science.

Rugger, check out a very learned American bloke called Noam Chomsky. Hell of a nice guy and incredibly erudite and widely experienced.
Chomsky has some great videos on Youtube. Articulates himself very well and shows a phenomenal understanding of how politics really works. I saw one video recently where he basically said that most elections in the west are bought - by large donors namely banks, oil barons, multinationals, rich individuals.

May won't make Britain any safer. Too late to shut borders - the horse has already bolted. I actually think Brexit will increase the risk as the UK finds itself out in the cold in the EU it will be forced to be America's no.1 war poodle which will see the backlash and resentment towards the UK from terrorist groups increase.
So IS and their supporters ultimate aims are:

1. We all turn Sunni Muslim, if not then you die because you're an infidel. This includes other Muslims, i.e. Shia being the other largest group.
2. The world pledges allegience to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
3. The world becomes a worldwide Caliphate without borders with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as supreme leader.

Beggars belief what these lunatics want.
So IS and their supporters ultimate aims are:

1. We all turn Sunni Muslim, if not then you die because you're an infidel. This includes other Muslims, i.e. Shia being the other largest group.
2. The world pledges allegience to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
3. The world becomes a worldwide Caliphate without borders with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as supreme leader.

Beggars belief what these lunatics want.

It's sad how in so many ways real life now is just like a very very bad comedy / Bond film.
TBH my plan is to move to Japan after the 2019 RWC.

Meanwhile i'm binge watching Digimon and pokemon shows to prepare me for the move.
You also need to watch a whole bunch of this
So you don't have one?
You just swallow what the papers have to say do you Rugger, which is mostly to focus on the victims rather than ever focus on the wider issue.
Doesn't anyone stop to wonder what causes human beings to sacrifice themselves in this manner and adopt this type of vile act of warfare against soft civilian targets?
You have to be subjected to some pretty bad experiences to espouse the virtues of this kind of tactic, because it's definite;ly not the reasoned approach of a sane mind.
Yet it is happening across western Europe.
This calculated vengeful spiteful low tech form of warfare.
These types of attack are all the 'enemy' can muster because they have no arsenal of weapons that can reach out and hurt us from their own lands, which are being occupied and expolited and 'terrorised' by... oh thats right, the 'West.
Yep, that would be us Rugger.
I ask you, why does the US 4th fleet park in the Persian Gulf?
It's been there for decades now.
A massive ongong investment for each and every US administration that takes power. A huge drain on the budget in wages for the personnel, upkeep of the many vessels, planes, drones, missiles etc
Why is it perennially parked in the Persian Gulf ?
Whaddayou reckon rugger?

Why is there an American army of occupation in Iraq ?
Any thoughts rugger?
Why does the US 'gift' $5 billion dollars of 'aid' to Israel, every year?
In the form of 4.75 billion in the latest high tech and hardware and o.25 billion to help with the salaries for the Israeli army.
Why is that?

Yet America also pays $1.2 billion to the Egyptian army, primarily in funding to help the Egyptian army maintain it's friendship towards the USA and I daresay to guarantee the free flowing efficiency of the critical naval highway of the Suez Canal. A primary seaway that allows the quickest route for oil flowing out of Iraq, through the Persian gulf, around the Arabian peninsula and up the Red Sea, before sneaking through the Suez and out into the relative safety of the mediterranean and a charge across the central Atlantic into Houston where the ill gotten goods are discharged and the behemoth vessels are sent back for another load of black gold contraband.

Do you remember the spring uprisings in North Africa?
What do you think that was all about?
Or was that just a coincidence?

Whats happening in Libya rugger?
Any ideas about whats happening with the large oil reserves there? Or why they haven't had a govt, just lawlessness, since the 'NATO coalition' battered Gaddafi and eliminated vast areas of important infrastructure?
Why would we leave a country in that kind of condition?
Instead of assisting them to return to peaceful govt?

Follow the money rugger.
None of this happens by chance.
The Arab countries being 'terrorised' didn't bring this on themselves.
Capitalism, a very unfriendly and mail gauntleted form of Capitalism is hard at work in all the areas I've mentioned and it all comes back to money, and geo-political hegemony.

This is not a theory, this IS happening and it's been happening for a long time.

This ugly war of terror attacks against soft civilian targets is a direct result of the policies that are being enacted by the USA, France and the UK against the arab countries of the middle east.
In their speak, the enemy.
What standing army and arsenal do they have to use against us in the west?
Bugger all.
So we get this kind of insidious low tech warfare because it's all they have.
I expect more of it, not less and Teresa May cannot protect us from it because she is perpetrating the policies that cause these atrocities.
Oppresion causes ugly symptoms where the subjected element will do what it can to fight back against the bullying element.
This ain't rocket science.

Rugger, check out a very learned American bloke called Noam Chomsky. Hell of a nice guy and incredibly erudite and widely experienced.

I am having an incredibly difficult time seeing how this makes the Manchester attack America's fault, which is what you seemed to be implying. Very good points all around, but it really did not explain the issue at hand. How did the American government cause some psychotic terrorist to attack an Ariana Grande concert? They did not. His sick religion did, which is becoming so common that I do not even have to present the facts on it.
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I am having an incredibly difficult time seeing how this makes the Manchester attack America's fault, which is what you seemed to be implying.

Im not implying it Rugger, it's definitely America's fault as the prime power in the group often referred to as 'the West'.
England and France are America's NATO *****es.
It's been that way for a long time now.
It's whats being referred to when the papers talk about Britains 'special relationship' with America.
There's a good article in the conservative rag, the 'Daily Mail' today, on Page 15, it's ***led 'Are we now paying the Price for the chaos Cameron unleashed in Libya?'
The journo puts the blame for 'creating the environment' for the recent attack in Manchester, squarely on David Cameron (the UK govt) for not listening to the author and other journo's at the time about what would happen in the vacuum once Gaddaffi was gone.
However David Cameron pushed on ahead with it in his bid to be a statesman etc and he had this kind of backing on his side...
No surprises there.

I'm still shocked that an article like this could come out of the Mail. Nevertheless, the author stops just short of directly blaming Cameron for the atrocity.
The article is quite thorough and goes on to talk about how the warring element in Libya were then offered a conduit to continue their jihad in Syria via a conduit in Lebanon.
Very interesting to read this in a right wing western newspaper 3 years at least after it was reported by RT, and denied at that time by western media.

The truth is, if Nato had not gone into Libya and upset the apple cart and tipped over Gaddafi then the loonies like this bomber and his family would not have had the fertile grounds of war, destruction and puppet occupation to grow their twisted angry belief system.
Gaddafi was a dictator.
Libya was stable under Gaddafi.
When NATO bombed him out they left a war torn law less waste land where the Islamic extremists find fertile ground for their ideas.
When you take war and oppression into another country, you create enemies, civil unrest and you can expect a backlash of some kind.
The backlash from the 'west's' foreign policy in the middle east and the Muslim north african countries, is that they attack the USA's partners in NATO, (France, Britain and Germany) because they are much easier to reach, and they have a multitude of soft targets. That would be 'us' here in Europe, oh yay.
Nice one David Cameron, for creating the nvironment for these ne'er do wells to ferment and nice one Teresa May for keeping the status quo in place.

In short Rugger, the foreign policy of the USA in the middle east and Africa is what creates the environment for the crazies to exist and thrive.
When you squeeze a civilian population over time they will break and warp and turn nutso.
By and large America doesn't care how they conduct themselves, because by being heavy handed they don't have to trade, and they get what they want. They either control the flow of oil (substitute opium or other relevant goods depending on the country they are occupying) through a puppet tyrant/dictator or through localised Warlords.
This is not a conspiracy theory, this is how business is done and it's a dirty business.
A bonus for the yanks is they are far away across the Atlantic so they are considerably less likely to suffer the easily planned low tech soft target attacks we have to contend with here in Europe.

The extremists have always been there, they were previously held in check by puppets like Saddam Hussein, by Gadaffi, by Assad etc and when the stopper is removed, the crazies get their chance to cut loose.
Bear in mind these extremists are not viewed as such in their own countries as they are in 'the west.'
In their own countries many people see them as freedom fighters and liberators, patriots laying down their life against a western army of occupation and oppression.

I don't see them that way, but I do understand how they are made.
A foreign policy of subjugation of indigenous civilians will always create an environment of partisans who will seek to fight the invading/occupying enemy any way they can.
History is littered with examples.
Stop the occupation and the bombing, the drones and the outright theft of their country's sovereign resources..
Focus on moving away from petro chemical fuels. For the mid to long term.
All of a sudden, we are not a target and our beautiful innocent children are not destroyed
Here's something else I wasn't expecting; UKIP grabbing the headlines by slaughtering Teresa May for her poor record on immigration when she had years to do what she said she would and trim immigration, but she still didn't do it, and then she cut police numbers by 20,000 giving us the smallest police force since the second world war.

I thought UKIP were going to be the quiet bed mates of the Conservatives (much like the Lib-Dems were when they were in coalition govt with the conservatives, and then the Tories knifed them in the back in the election campaign) but it's not the case, UKIP are intent on keeping their own seats and support base, they have come out fighting and sticking the halberd of glory right up Teresa's jacksy.

Teresa May said: "We need to talk about tax. It doesn't matter to me whether you're Amazon, Google or Starbucks: you have a duty to put something back, you have a debt to your fellow citizens, you have a responsibility to pay your taxes. So as Prime Minister, I will crack down on individual and corporate tax avoidance and evasion."

Yet her husband is a top manager at Capital Group who have £20 billion worth of shares in Starbucks and Amazon alone, two key companies known for long standing tax avoidance in the UK.
What are the chances of her pushing that agenda when she has to go home to Philip?
thats going to be a cosy dinner... not.
It's never going to happen.
There is no chance of her making good on her word as the UKIP speakers have correctly pointed out, she has consistently failed to deliver as Home Secretary.
Now after owning a monumental lead the public are starting to see her for what she is, a failure.
She hides from public debates and won't even take the stage to face a shabby old labour leader who after trailing by more than 20 points is now right behind her only trailing by 5 points.

The wheels are not falling off but they are certainly losing air and starting to wobble for President Teresa May.
Good Old UKIP causing poltical damage to themselves so we don't have to.

Seriously though I'd really rather not have to assess this goverments attitude to cuts to the police in this pressure cooker scenario. We are days after a national tragedy but now less than 2 weeks to a general election. However people do really to think if goverment cut have contributed for this.

Corbyn has done nothing but state deep-seated views and Tim Farron has kept it arms length choosing to remove his party poltical broadcast with heartfelt genuine message of condolence. How they attack May for her cuts (which both parties manifestos seeked to rectify) but not get tarred with exploiting a national tragedy I honestly have no idea.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the polls over the coming days the Tories were nosediving and May just had a trainwreck interview with Andrew Neil. Initial polls suggest the gap has halved again to as low as 5% but I don't think those numbers are 'true' yet.

Meanwhile May wants to combat extreme material online when any technology expert will tell you its impossible without severely limiting internet freedoms.
Opinion polls mean bugger all. Come June 8 those Waivering will just baulk at the thought of Corbyn, McDonnell, Abbott and Thornbury getting anywhere near Government and vote Tory.
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