But it's not even true that he can do nothing about it. I think it takes a bit of a lack of imagination to not see how a politician and/or a political party and/or a government can change the culture of a country. They can do it without even passing any legislation.
How did politicians get people to take up sports? They shovelled money into the Olympics. How did they stop people smoking? Warnings on cigarette cartons. People not wearing seatbelts? Advertising.
How do you create a more inclusive environment for networking in the workplace? Promotion of diversity, especially in regards to people understanding what falls under diversity. (e.g. in the civil service, people are made to do mandatory e-learning on diversity, where more than simply covering race, sex, age etc., it also covers working patterns, parental status etc.) If the entire Labour party repeats this message as part of a wider vision on working culture, it will sink in.
I didn't say networking doesn't matter, just that there should be no expectation to do in your own time and with your own money. People can perfectly network within work hours.