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A Political Thread pt. 2

No, 100% correct. Again amazing how ignorant you are whilst claiming to be well informed.

"Given this record, it is not surprising that many members of the general public presume that noncitizens do not deserve the same rights as citizens. II But the presumption is wrong in many more respects than it is right. While some distinctions between foreign nationals and citizens are normatively justified and consistent with constitutional and international law, most are not. The significance of the citizen/noncitizen distinction is more often presumed than carefully examined. Upon examination, there is far less to the distinction than commonly thought. In particular, foreign nationals are generally entitled to the equal protection of the laws, to political freedoms of speech and association, and to due process requirements of fair procedure where their lives, liberty, or property are at stake."

"Eventually, the Supreme Court extended these constitutional protections to all aliens within the United States, including those who entered unlawfully, declaring that aliens who have once passed through our gates, even illegally, may be expelled only after proceedings conforming to traditional standards of fairness encompassed in due process of law."
Holy Mother of Christ. You do not read.

We can suspend your due process of law. We have done it several times. Again, come over here and shout Anti-Semitic slurs and watch your British @ss get sent straight to Gitmo.
Holy Mother of Christ. You do not read.

We can suspend your due process of law. We have done it several times. Again, come over here and shout Anti-Semitic slurs and watch your British @ss get sent straight to Gitmo.
You can suspend the due process for natural citizens too and have done in the past, does that mean natural citizens don't have those rights? Remind us just how many rights black people had only a few decades ago. But well done again proving you are all bravado and ignorance. You really don't have a clue what you are talking about do you you ******* cretin?

You really think the USA would throw foreigners into a prison camp without due process of the law for shouting slurs? You really are a ******* moron aren't you?
You can suspend the due process for natural citizens too and have done in the past, does that mean natural citizens don't have those rights? But well done again proving you are all bravado and ignorance. You really don't have a clue what you are talking about do you you ******* cretin?
You do not have the same rights as citizens. Naturalized citizens do not have the same rights as birth-right citizens. I'd love to meet you in person and show you first-hand how little rights you actually have.

Come to Chicago anytime. I'll buy the first round.
Hey you said go on some protests and see how much freedom you have. Not having the right to protest is pretty Russian.
American citizens have the right to protest. Is @Ragey Erasmus a citizen? No. But maybe if he has $5 million he can buy the Gold Card.
You do not have the same rights as citizens. Naturalized citizens do not have the same rights as birth-right citizens. I'd love to meet you in person and show you first-hand how little rights you actually have.

Come to Chicago anytime. I'll buy the first round.

American citizens have the right to protest. Is @Ragey Erasmus a citizen? No. But maybe if he has $5 million he can buy the Gold Card.
I never said they have the same rights, I said they have protection under the US Constitution. What was it you said about being unable to read? I know their rights aren't the same because they can't vote you fuckwit. However it is established law that provisions in the Constitution not explicitly set out to just citizens also apply to ANY person in the USA. The only exception is made for enemy combatants, and protesting does not make you a combatant.

Non-citizens have the right to free speech in the same way they have the right to a trial, right against unlawful search and seizures etc. Once again you show Trumpers are completely ignorant.

The fact the government has been able to successfully abuse that doesn't change that fact any more than racial segregation proved citizens didn't have protections under the Constitution or the Japanese internment proved it. It seems however that you desire for the government to be run based on the abuses and not on the proper law, which is ironic seeing as you are fellating yourself over how free you think you are.
I never said they have the same rights, I said they have protection under the US Constitution. What was it you said about being unable to read? I know their rights aren't the same because they can't vote you fuckwit. However it is established law that provisions in the Constitution not explicitly set out to just citizens also apply to ANY person in the USA. The only exception is made for enemy combatants, and protesting does not make you a combatant.

Non-citizens have the right to free speech in the same way they have the right to a trial, right against unlawful search and seizures etc. Once again you show Trumpers are completely ignorant.

The fact the government has been able to successfully abuse that doesn't change that fact any more than racial segregation proved citizens didn't have protections under the Constitution or the Japanese internment proved it. It seems however that you desire for the government to be run based on the abuses and not on the proper law, which is ironic seeing as you are fellating yourself over how free you think you are.
Earlier, a bunch of us were having what I viewed as a very civil back-and-forth on free speech. Different cases and perspectives were shared highlighting the differences between the US and UK and between the political stances of the members here. Nobody was really being rude or disrespectful just kind of pushing back on each other's perspectives on the matter.

Interestingly, you got involved in the conversation and seemingly true to form when you didn't agree with someone on the "other side" you reverted to name calling and stomping your virtual foot.

You said you lost a good friend by what sounded like your own intolerance. Pretty sad that you handle disagreement like that.
The Supreme Court ruled 9-0 "hate speech" is protected by the first amendment. Brandenburg v. Ohio if you want to dig into the brief and per curiam opinion.

Let me repeat that to the people still saying America and the UK are the same: From the most conservative to the most liberal judges in highest court in America they UNANIMOUSLY ruled hate speech is fully PROTECTED by the first amendment.
can i just circle back to this...youre proud that hate speech is protected?....you're proud that people can openly hate on each other? and for it to be hate speech we're talking truly terrible things...ok

my personal struggle with several American issues is the idea of "rights" and "principles" outweighing actual real world problems, its more important to have the right to bear arms than the lives lost due to the resulting abundance of guns, the right to free speech is more important than the hate and division it causes....and a president that claims to value those rights above all is lauded despite being a convicted criminal and serial racists and sex offender

for a long time its come across as this real victim mentality, so many americans think everyone is out to get them and so grasp these rights like theyre the only thing they have, its the same with the immigrants are stealing my job or the russians are going to attack us via greenland and we cant trust anyone to help us

famiously trump claims to be good mates with putin so why is greenland such a security issues? it reminds me of this from an aussie tv show

I think it's going to come down to three things
1. Court ruling on whether or not these need to be hand signed
2. Was Biden actually aware of who was being pardoned?
3. If Biden was too old and forgetful to be charged for the documents case was he in the right mind to sign pardons?
I think it's going to come down to three things
1. Court ruling on whether or not these need to be hand signed
2. Was Biden actually aware of who was being pardoned?
3. If Biden was too old and forgetful to be charged for the documents case was he in the right mind to sign pardons?
thats a slippery slope though, trump has already admitted he didn't know all the details about some of those he pardoned, the ones that actually attacked cops etc
Earlier, a bunch of us were having what I viewed as a very civil back-and-forth on free speech. Different cases and perspectives were shared highlighting the differences between the US and UK and between the political stances of the members here. Nobody was really being rude or disrespectful just kind of pushing back on each other's perspectives on the matter.

Interestingly, you got involved in the conversation and seemingly true to form when you didn't agree with someone on the "other side" you reverted to name calling and stomping your virtual foot.

You said you lost a good friend by what sounded like your own intolerance. Pretty sad that you handle disagreement like that.
Yet my first comments were civil and it was Chicagokid who decided to start being a *** and going "why don't you come here and see what rights you have?" This is not a case of when someone "disagrees", this is a case, as with you, where you are flat out lying. You lied about Trump declassifying documents, Chicago is lying about foreigners not having protection under the Constitution.

I already said that said "good friend" stopped being my friend because I discovered he had nazi sympathies, demanded genetic purity among Brits, said Hitler wasn't such a bad guy and texted me at 5am for the sole purpose of rubbing it in my face that Trump won and starting an argument. He was also an advocate of genocide in the middle east, kicking out everyone who wasn't a pure enough Brit, denying voting rights to "undesirables" and preventing left wing parties from being in government. HE caused the rift. When Labour beat the Tories, I said nothing about it to him. When Trump beat Biden, he's text me at 5am, so how about you kindly **** off commenting about my personal life you know nothing about? If you want to be friends with full blown Nazis then that's your choice, I don't.
thats a slippery slope though, trump has already admitted he didn't know all the details about some of those he pardoned, the ones that actually attacked cops etc
I agree it's a slippery slope. I did not agree with the pardoning of anyone convicted of violence towards police. Many others are a little trickier due to no violence and the actions of the Capitol police that day.
I agree it's a slippery slope. I did not agree with the pardoning of anyone convicted of violence towards police. Many others are a little trickier due to no violence and the actions of the Capitol police that day.
of course, like so many of their actions to date, i think they would get less push back if they took more care, understood what they were pausing before pausing it, if they pardoned 80% (guess of a number that just followed everyone else in) but help the convictions to those that actually attacked people or started the breaking in

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