This is a comment made from someone trying to win and entrap and not discuss an issue honestly lol.
I have stated no religious people should not be abused while trying to pray, that isn't speech, that's incitement. That's akin to shouting fire in a cinema. Because your physically there, making a commotion, abusing people's God, and creating an incident in which people could be hurt. If you wanted to criticsie or even abuse or mock Allah online, or in a conversation that's very different. Shouting fire in a cinema and saying the word fire in a conversation of a cinema goer are very different.
This is a very strange comment, why would I have never been allowed near a womans rugby team? Why would I mock women for being women?
You see the vitriol in your comments? Your trying to harrass and blur lines, and frankly your embarrassing yourself. You fully understand being for free speech is not the same as hating, and I find it totally ignorant that you wouldn't be sceptical of hate speech and hate crime laws based on perception. The 'victim' of the hate crime law doesn't just have to be a protected characteristic, they can be perceived as protected by a 'perpetrator'.
There is a case of 2 straight men being asked if they were gay buy a homosexual man, and he homosexual man was criminalised for a hate crime... let that sink in.