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A Political Thread pt. 2

For me it's simple, it should belong to the people who live there. If they choose to be Mauritian, then that's their choice. We shouldn't at the time still have an ex-colonial power deciding who land belongs to. We've had enough wars and issues started because the UK arbitrarily decided who land belongs to.
It's 2020, all over again. :rolleyes:

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So whilst Republicans are out there turning this natural disaster into a political attack by lying through their teeth about every aspect of it, they are simultaneously voting to block further funding intended to help the relief effort...

My blood boils at what massive ******* ***** the far right in America are. There is no redeeming feature at all, this isn't political differences any more, they people are straight up ******* evil. I know words like that get thrown around lightly but when you are blocking funding for disaster relief whilst simultaneously lying about how poor the disaster relief has been, most of which is in Republican states, there is no reasonable argument that can be made to defend such people. That is just straight up evil.

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