But but Brexit!
Literally we have got to the stage where it could be revealed the Bullingdon boys had sold everything in the country to their mates and the Tory faithful will go "yeah good on yah! Everyone who dislikes this is just jealous they ain't filthy rich." I reiterate to those who still support the Tories, how much is too much? Is there even a limit to the level of corruption you will tolerate? No I'm not going to be diplomatic about this, the country is being sold down the river and you keep electing these fuckers in over and over and they seem to be impervious to accountability so what the **** is the limit!? What the hell is it going to take for you to not continue supporting these shits? This country is being torn apart and you are ******* cheering it on! For god sake I want to bang my head against a brick wall with the number of single minded single issue voters we have. Can't you ******* see?
You could see what was going in 2010 the financial crash preceeded by 13 years of Blairism was enough that country felt a need for change. Added in Cameron sold himself as a center right like candidate and all parties advocating austerity (despite Brown actually doing a good job at recovery, ah hindsight wonderful thing). And it was just enough to pull them over the edge.
The cluster **** that happened since is frustrating. Lab got destroyed more than anyone predicted this left the LDs with only one viable choice at a time where we needed a stable government. They subsequently get punished severely as many of their voters are left leaning and see Tories just badly as Labour voters.
Labour elect a guy in Milliband whom can't connect with the general public at all. Dave thinking he needs consessions from the LDs to form another government sticks an EU referendum on his manifesto that he never thinks he has to hold.
He wins, the referendum is held it goes ***s up on a fine margin. He resigns.
Tories elect May who appeared competent but turns out is a ******* awful leader and has tactical brains of a Sloth. Rather than try to compromise with pro-EU people she decides to side with the radical parts of her own party. This galvanises the anti-Brexit wings of both parliament and the public.
Meanwhile Labour having tried center left candidates the last two times elect a pure lefty whom the left love and everyone else hates. They're told it will end in tears they don't listen (they still don't listen). He's mistrusted by pro-EU people for always being against it, and he's mistrusted on national security for well talking to terrorists when he had no political power for it to be any use despite what his motives were.
May can't get anything through parliament but is surging in polls. Thinks best idea is to hold an election. This would a be a great idea if the manifesto wasn't 'how we're going to **** everyone over'. This means somehow she goes from predicted big majority to loosing seats and hung.
LDs have to duck off so she bungs a bunch of money to biggest bunch of cranks in parliament. And she still can't get anything through.
Lab get it in their stupid minds Corbyn did well rather than May did equivalent of political belly flop from the high board. Keep him on, he still doesn't appeal to anyone outside the left and does nothing to fix that.
May has to resign for not being able provide a real answer to NI and Brexit. Johnson sticks the knife in on that becomes leader. Johnson has the same parliamentary math problem and can't get anything done so hold another election. Proceeds to lie, lie some more and lie again. This is better than May's strategy and because Corbyn is deeply unpopular he has one the worst Labour results in history like everyone said would happen.
And despite all that I can't understand how in the polls how Johnson is made of so much ******* Teflon. Like nothing sticks to the guy no matter what comes out.