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A Political Thread pt. 2

Republicans, downright shameless as they are may want to head Trump off at the pass and prevent him running as an independent in 2024. They both fish from the same pool so Trump running in 2024 would be disastrous for them.

By all accounts McConnell is happy to see him impeached anyway which is probably a pretty good indicator of how the party leadership feels. Plenty of Reps won't want to alienate their cousin riding voters though.

I think the democrats are making the right move by pushing for impeachment now. Pretty easy for Republicans to duck their head when the issue isn't as fresh in everyone's mind.

Great post, I couldn't agree more.

Trump has been impeached for a record second time, so he's finally getting some comeuppance. :cool: And it's only going to get worse for the Orange Monster.
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Only the start. When will it move to the Senate? What with it being in recess.
Not before Biden is inaugurated
Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has just released a statement on the timeline for the upcoming impeachment trial.

He says even if the Senate convened this week, "no final verdict would be reached until after President Trump had left office".

Remember, Inauguration Day is 20 January. The Senate can still convict Trump after his departure, though.

"In light of this reality, I believe it will best serve our nation if Congress and the executive branch spend the next seven days completely focused on facilitating a safe inauguration and an orderly transfer of power to the incoming Biden Administration," McConnell said.

"I am grateful to the offices and institutions within the Capitol that are working around the clock, alongside federal and local law enforcement, to prepare for a safe and successful inauguration at the Capitol next Wednesday."

Earlier, we learned McConnell has not made a final decision on how he will vote in the impeachment trial, saying he intends to listen to the arguments when they are presented.

The lack of awareness and introspection from the DUP is astonishing. After sabotaging the backstop deal, attempting to hold the rest of the UK hostage twice, repeatedly dismissing concerns people had and pounding their fists on the table every chance they had, the DUP are now whinging because there are problem with trade in NI... You stupid fuckers caused it!

Has the forum just given up trying to censor my swearing any more? ****, ah nope it's still there.

The lack of awareness and introspection from the DUP is astonishing. After sabotaging the backstop deal, attempting to hold the rest of the UK hostage twice, repeatedly dismissing concerns people had and pounding their fists on the table every chance they had, the DUP are now whinging because there are problem with trade in NI... You stupid fuckers caused it!

Has the forum just given up trying to censor my swearing any more? ****, ah nope it's still there.
The DUP are trying to push blame on everyone else, especially Remain backing parties in Northern Ireland. They know they will lose Unionist voters, perhaps not enough to become the 2nd biggest Unionist party but enough to give Nationalist leaning parties an upper hand.

Hilarity that Sammy Wilson, my current Westminster representative, claimed that people should go to the chippy when there was 'Project Fear' about potential food shortages.... Now he is shouting from the rooftops about how awful the foot shortage situation is...
Only 10 Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to impeach Trump. What are the chances of there being 17 Senators brave enough to Convict him? Romney likely to be one. Don't trust McConnell with a barge pole .
Yeh looks like whenever the trial happens he won't be convicted.

But whether that would mean no second vote to then bar him from ever running for public office again remains to be seen if no conviction. That would only need a majority in the house rather than 2/3rds majority.
One of my main arguments against leaving the EU was the Tories would do this. Project Reality still a day to day occurrence.

Yeap agreed.

The NI Protocol is having big issues in Northern Ireland.

As someone who likes to grow vegetables and flowers I cannot get seeds etc sent from businesses in GB to NI. Suttons Seeds said they won't be sending to NI because each order would need a phytosanitary certificate and it's too expensive for businesses to get them for each order heading to NI. Of course there are no businesses in NI who offer the same quality and diversity of items because of the previous ease of shipping from GB.

Look Whos Talking Now Reaction GIF
48hr maximum working week, what's that?

Everyone starting a job that is anywhere close to 48hrs a week has to sign an opt out. Otherwise they either don't get the job at all or other barriers suddenly appear, like the requirement for detailed daily timesheets.

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