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A Political Thread pt. 2

What's the chances that Russia has a modern nuclear option? Many of their nuclear missiles are from the 80s and are currently being equipped with conventional High explosive war heads because Russia is running out of missiles. The half life of weapon grade plutonium is 5 years, to keep nuclear warheads in tip top condition requires a lot of effort and cost. Given how the Russian military has fallen apart since February what makes you think their nuclear arsenal is any better?

Russia can get ******. It started a pointless war and is losing, it's also United the West and alienated itself from China and India. It's only friends are North Korea, Iran and trump supporters. They want peace now because they are losing. Screw them, let Ukraine decide what it wants to do with them.
What makes you want to even take that risk? Even a shitnuke can end the world and start a domino effect.

Like I said, on principle, I completely agree, but the reality is much more complicated. China isn't alienated; they are indifferent; they have stopped openly backing them and are loving the global distraction as they continue to push ahead with their own soft imperialization without the spotlight on them, but in no world are they suddenly going to align with western forces on this especially when it is just doing to its own neighbors what Russia tried to do to Ukraine, just more successfully.

Again, I agree with **** Russia, and on principle, I agree with letting ukrain dictate terms, but if you think the west, i.e., the main reason Ukraine has held its ground due to the vast amount of arms provided, is going to risk nuclear war over Ukraine, it just won't happen; they aren't that principled, as evidenced by their simply letting Russia yoink Crimea. While the threat of nuclear war is great for weapons companies' profits, actual nuclear war is a disaster. When the threat becomes real, you will see the US push for peace.
People cannot get their head around the fact that all we are to the EU is just another county outside the EU. If anything we are a potential competitor. We just don't matter that much
Indeed, all we were was a noisy member who pushed back against anything they wanted to introduce while also having so many benefits that we barely had to interact with most policies.

British people have this awful habit of believing we are more important to the world than we actually are, being unable to accept history for what it is, history. Sure, we were once the global hegemony, but no more. As a sole nation, our influence is miniscule compared to the whole European bloc, America, China, etc...
What makes you want to even take that risk? Even a shitnuke can end the world and start a domino effect.

Like I said, on principle, I completely agree, but the reality is much more complicated. China isn't alienated; they are indifferent; they have stopped openly backing them and are loving the global distraction as they continue to push ahead with their own soft imperialization without the spotlight on them, but in no world are they suddenly going to align with western forces on this especially when it is just doing to its own neighbors what Russia tried to do to Ukraine, just more successfully.

Again, I agree with **** Russia, and on principle, I agree with letting ukrain dictate terms, but if you think the west, i.e., the main reason Ukraine has held its ground due to the vast amount of arms provided, is going to risk nuclear war over Ukraine, it just won't happen; they aren't that principled, as evidenced by their simply letting Russia yoink Crimea. While the threat of nuclear war is great for weapons companies' profits, actual nuclear war is a disaster. When the threat becomes real, you will see the US push for peace.
See appeasement before WW2 for what happens when you let a completely insane and unreasonable dictator get away with ever increasing acts of aggression because you fear the ultimate act of aggression. It never works and it never will. These people ALWAYS look at these situations as proof that ever increasing levels of aggression work. Remember we have already appeased Putin multiple times and let him get away with literal murder. Rigging the elections in Russia, the invasion of Georgia, the assassination of Litvinenko, the attempted assassination of Skripal (one using nuclear material, the other using a deadly nerve agent),f the actions in Syria, the political interference in Ukraine to move it away from the west and the EU, the annexation of Crimea, the multi-year military campaign in the breakaway regions of Ukraine and now full blown war and attempted annexation of Ukraine and sabotaging of international infrastructure.

Did appeasement do anything to prevent him from escalating before? No. It will do nothing to prevent him trying again now. You know what the next step of escalation is? Seeing if NATO is prepared for a nuclear war when Russia invades the Baltics. Would you agree we go all out then or would you let him take them? How about when he invades Finland? An EU state? Where do you draw the line because, unless he dies, he WILL escalate again. We could have done more to stamp this out earlier in the escalations when he could have backed down without losing too much face but we didn't and now it's got to a point where the stakes are high. If we back down again, those stakes will only be even higher next time. With Putin's time likely limited now and his desire to leave a "legacy", that next escalation could occur very soon after we back down. He would love nothing more than to go down in history as the Russian who beat down NATO.
What makes you want to even take that risk? Even a shitnuke can end the world and start a domino effect.

Like I said, on principle, I completely agree, but the reality is much more complicated. China isn't alienated; they are indifferent; they have stopped openly backing them and are loving the global distraction as they continue to push ahead with their own soft imperialization without the spotlight on them, but in no world are they suddenly going to align with western forces on this especially when it is just doing to its own neighbors what Russia tried to do to Ukraine, just more successfully.

Again, I agree with **** Russia, and on principle, I agree with letting ukrain dictate terms, but if you think the west, i.e., the main reason Ukraine has held its ground due to the vast amount of arms provided, is going to risk nuclear war over Ukraine, it just won't happen; they aren't that principled, as evidenced by their simply letting Russia yoink Crimea. While the threat of nuclear war is great for weapons companies' profits, actual nuclear war is a disaster. When the threat becomes real, you will see the US push for peace.
Risk? Risk is rolling over everytime Russia, China, Pakistan or India threaten someone.

No. Not happening. If we give in now Russia will continue to push it. They already feel free to mount chemical attacks in Salisbury and hack the NHS system. Nuclear weapons are a deterrent to attack, no one is attacking Russia

The worst PM in UK history by a country mile. Voted in by a majority of clueless racist Tory party members who preferred a Caucasian English woman, totally out of her depth with zero economic credibility over a British Asian as Tory leader. It should never be allowed to happen again.
Liked Starmer sticking it to the Tories re private schools earlier in the week. Joke they get charitable status.
Yeah the idea that private schools are charitable is laughable. The odd student here or there may get some sort of scholarship but even that is because the school will benefit as they have some great ability or connections. They are businesses first and foremost.

I've always found it baffling how some people seem so opposed to the idea that wealthy individuals and organisations should pay their fair share...
Also: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-63851251

The Tories are so shameless in their exploitation of the Ukrainian conflict for everything. I'm sure Putin was even more glad to see the Tories tanking the economy, bombing living standards, repeated political infighting, alienating Britain on the world stage, putting the UK on the path of tearing itself apart, our sabotaging and disregard of the good Friday agreement, being a pain in the arse for Europe and making lots of noises to the USA than he is about a few strikes, but we won't mention that will we you stupid fuckers?
Yeah the idea that private schools are charitable is laughable. The odd student here or there may get some sort of scholarship but even that is because the school will benefit as they have some great ability or connections. They are businesses first and foremost.

I've always found it baffling how some people seem so opposed to the idea that wealthy individuals and organisations should pay their fair share...
In an ideal world we wouldn't have a 2 tier education system at all but we do live in the real world and in a capitalist system so banning private schools isn't really realistic. However, is it to much to ask that if you're rich enough to send your kid to private school (which isn't even 6% of UK kids I believe) then that should be considered a luxury and you should bloody well pay for it.
Yeah but there's no monarchy so it's a more equal society
I'll take **** on the US from anyone but a Brit. The UK is slightly more equal but also has a lower quality of life. If I were to bet (and the markets tend to agree with me) I'd say that the UK is going to suffer hard in the next infinity due to trade deals.

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