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A Political Thread pt. 2

North of Lyman, Ridkodub and Nove look to have whilst Novomykhalivka and Zelena Dolyna are being contested. All access from the North of this pincer has been cut off already.
For the time being, it looks like the road East to Zarichne (or the smaller track to Yampil, which can then only lead to Zarichne) is the only route in or out for supplies / retreat.

I'm seeing unconfirmed reports that Drobysheve has been completely enveloped, with troops moving on to start hitting Stavky.
IF they get that, then moving along that route to Zarichne looks... an unpleasant prospect.

Equally, IF they can take and secure Stavky, then all of Lyman, Drobysheve, Derylove, Shandryholove, Serednje and Zelena Dolyna are all surrounded as well; with the only route out being that crap shoot from Lyman to Zarichne.

NB, this map hasn't been updated yet today
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Labour to renationalise railways and create a new public owned energy company during their first year in power
North of Lyman, Ridkodub and Nove look to have whilst Novomykhalivka and Zelena Dolyna are being contested. All access from the North of this pincer has been cut off already.
For the time being, it looks like the road East to Zarichne (or the smaller track to Yampil, which can then only lead to Zarichne) is the only route in or out for supplies / retreat.

I'm seeing unconfirmed reports that Drobysheve has been completely enveloped, with troops moving on to start hitting Stavky.
IF they get that, then moving along that route to Zarichne looks... an unpleasant prospect.

Equally, IF they can take and secure Stavky, then all of Lyman, Drobysheve, Derylove, Shandryholove, Serednje and Zelena Dolyna are all surrounded as well; with the only route out being that crap shoot from Lyman to Zarichne.

NB, this map hasn't been updated yet today
View attachment 15164
And in other related news it looks like that slap headed, Putin loving, child sex tourist Graham Phillips is going to be prosecuted for war crimes. I was hoping the Ukrainians would get hold of him but don't mind seeing him in the Hague.
Apparently the speech in general was quite good. I'll catch it later.
Bloody hell - troops from the Russian mobilisation have already been reported as having arrived at the front in Zaporyzhia!
Not canon fodder though... of course not... never... Russia would never do such a thing.
A friend of mine (presumably not his originally) has "asked" Channel 4 to start a new political analysis show with Ed Miliband called "Chaos, with Ed Milliband"
So probably as of Friday Russia will have, purely in their own view, a legitimate reason to nuke Ukraine.
Looks like Ukraine have pushed out from their beachhead North of the SD at Siversk

Looks like Dibrova and Torske are under attack - some reports have them taken, some contested, some as "just" under attack.

That's the route East from Zarichne under severe threat.

If all true, and successful, that's a huge land grab over the last 2-3 days

ETA: Nope, sorry, there's still a small-looking road out North from Zarichne to the East of the Zherebets River
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FFS don't make it that bloody obvious you massaged the figures Putin.

Door to door Russian soldiers asking for votes and one vote per household. Yeh of course it wasn't bloody decided in Moscow. 🤬
it's standard to suggest at Mole Autocratic Consulting to suggest yes votes in the 67% to 80% so as it looks legit but also overwhelmingly supportive.
A less pessimistic view of the last couple of days in Ukraine than Bruce's

Ukraine pushing out from the 2 beachheads the East of the Oskill in Northern Luhansk Oblast.
Ukraine making good progress East of the Oskill, almost (or probably, already having) closed off Lyman from the North.

So not quite "stalled" and more, "have spent some time securing the newly liberated territory West of the Oskil River, established, then securing 3 beachheads across the Oskill (and North of the Siverskyi Donets), and are now expanding those beachheads, liberating several villages and almost encircling Russia's principal defensive position in the area.

In Bahkmut, Russia seem to have advanced by approximately one street in the last 3 weeks. Around Spirne, Russia claim (unconfirmed) to have captured 2-3 empty fields.

In Kherson, the Ukrainian assault still isn't a Ukrainian assault, as that was misinformation by the Ukrainians - Ukraine are essentially besieging Kherson, but Russia have managed to patch up a bridge into the city by filling a lock with gravel.

Delighted to have awful timing with my suggestion of lack of progress east of Oskil, it seemed to take a long time to get going because apparently there is a concentration of settlements on the east bank before it opens back up into really rural territory. Gains seems to be accelerating at a fair rate now and will be posing Russia all sorts of problems in the short term. I obviously hope I'm similarly wrong on the medium to long term also.
Delighted to have awful timing with my suggestion of lack of progress east of Oskil, it seemed to take a long time to get going because apparently there is a concentration of settlements on the east bank before it opens back up into really rural territory. Gains seems to be accelerating at a fair rate now and will be posing Russia all sorts of problems in the short term. I obviously hope I'm similarly wrong on the medium to long term also.
I think that's just the logistics of crossing a big river, added to the necessity of securing the massive area just taken without being immediately countered because you've spread yourself too thin.

With the heavy rains now pouring down there, it's going to be ever slower - I this is going to be the last push of the year; you already can't really just push across a field, but have to use roads - pretty much including infantry if they want to move more than 5km in a day.
I suggest giving this a read before dismissing it fabricated. Anyone who want to create a vast consipiracy theory claiming it didn't happen doesn't have a leg to stand on. Now is you want to say it was weaponised sure that's acceptable but to say fabricated repeatedly **** off. And if you worried about the National Anthem being sung at a British political rally for a major party I'd suggest get your priorities straight. Like I don't know why anyone is even talking about it on any side.
I think the thing that grates me most is the complete denial there was a problem. Which has actually led to a bigger problem because now people treat it as a conspiracy and deny the problem which is almost antisemitism in itself. I have a friend who is Jewish (race not religion) and was a pretty big Corbyn fan who left the party during it all simply because no one was taking it seriously.

Like we all know the Tories are worse but Labour tried to take a holier than thou stance they couldn't possibly have problem with racism. Its left a lot of issues and now there's a pretty much zero tolerance policy because that's where they ended up.

I do feel sorry for the Labour Left (I don't like far left but to pretend Starmer is anything but center-left is a joke). They desperately wanted a leader but they got a guy so in belief of their own self righteousness they refuse to see any of his many faults. He was above criticism and had a long history of making decisions unpalatable with the British public.

Just for record the Israeli government sucks. I just don't why we focus on it more than all the other equally shitty or worse regimes out there.

I get why people don't want the national Anthem sung. I just don't think it's something that should be anyone radar as a talking point.

I've not read anybody here suggest there was no issue. The point on this forum was that there was comparable anti-Jewish racism in the Tory party and it got comparably zero coverage. There will be plenty non-Jewish racism in all major political parties too, that also gets comparably zero coverage because typically verbal abuse by rank and file party members that falls below the threshold of criminality isnt particularly newsworthy. But it was only the anti-Jewish racism in the Labour party that was shouted from the rooftops, had a Panorama show made about it was run on repeat in the media - all as intended by the Labour right wing even if it meant giving Boris the keys to the castle.

This was a very good documentary overall (which is not a surprise for AlJazeera), evidencing its claims.

Key points were:
- a 2 minute montage of Corbyn denouncing anti-Jewish racism and calling for action

- records show 24% of all complaints of racism in the Labour party during Corbyns tenure came from ONE individual. Indicating a mad trawling of social media to find any reference to Israel and inaccurately report that as racism

- a breakdown of 3 arguments* aired on Panorama as evidence of racism as being 100%, incontroveribly false as proven by audio recording and recovered documents contradicting the allegations. These were irrefutably "fabrications".

- one of these three fabrications on the show was made by the guy heading the Labour party disciplinary body and investigations into complaints.

- 12% of all complaints during Corbyns era came from the Jewish Labour body behind at least two of these proven to be false allegations.

- at one point the majority of all allegations of anti-Jewish racism were against... Jews! Individuals who were ashamed with their association to Netanyahu's pretty horrible government that was annexing territory against international law and literally bombing hundreds of kids to death.

- many Jewish labour party members were so appalled at the witch hunt against people critical of Netanyahu's policies (by Jewish labour movements afiliated to the Israeli embassy) that they formed their own subgroup.

- prior to 2018 Corbyn had zero control over the disciplinary process. The inaction appears to have been intentional by those controlling the process to make Corbyn look bad, while the discipline folk focussed on reviewing new members (Corbyn fans) to see how many they could keep from joining.

- in 2018 when Corbyn got an ally in charge of the disciplinary body the rate of investigation into complaints went through the roof as these were finally prioritised.

In short, when Corbyn said anti-semitism was "abhorrent" but that "The scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party, as well as by much of the media." He was bang on.

Many felt it at the time and now thanks to the leak of Labour party documentation we can see Corbyn's statement (which saw him suspended from the party) was undeniably based in fact.

*Claim one: "I was asked where was I from, Israel? [in a hostile way]".
Audio recording shows he was asked what Labour party branch he was from, with no mention of Israel. It was also a Jew asking him!

Claim two: "I had to work where people (party members) said 'Hitler was right' every day"
Social media research shows this individual years earlier reported 'Hitler was right' posters were found at her University and she took them down (I think we can probably infer she posted them herself). It had nothing to do with the Labour party and if it wasn't her it was probably the far right.

Claim three: "Corbyn was interfering in the process [to prevent investigation into complaints"
Email shows words selectively taken out of context to make the opposite meaning. Corbyn was expressing concern that complaints weren't being investigated and that the majority of the complaints of anti-Jewish racism at the time were against Jews (i.e. not racist at all, but different political perspectives on Netanyahu bombing kids and illegally annexing territory). He felt if the political ones were lower priority the disciplinary panel could get their teeth into complaints far more likely to be problematic.

In short, a real eye opener (again) in the BBCs role as a state media broadcaster with the apparent mission statement of preserving the establishment.
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Honestly mate get over it, Corbyn won't be coming back as Labour leader. We have to look to the future not be fighting arguments of now 3 years ago.

I wanted a Corbyn minority government we didn't get that (twice!), I want a Starmer one now. I'll take any leader of the Labour party over any Conservative no matter how much they don't align with my overall views.

Left of the party will still complain.

On the face of it very, very positive. We cannot rely on the private sector to take action that will increase competition with their fossil fuel wings. We'll see what comes of it as I've no idea to what extent the fossil fuel lobby have their claws into Mr Starmer. It is an economic no brainer given the pretty much world leading wind and wave energy bashing parts of the UK.

My complaint is him apparently showing apparent disgust at 5 million UK based bill payers paying a French energy firm - there was no need to mention that in the age of globalisation. That's more racist in half a sentence than Corbyn ever was in 4 years.

I hope this combined with his flag obsession and new found love of the anthem are just token gestures to win back northern Tory/Brexit voters rather than anything more sinister. But when he is siding with the Tories and Orange Lodge over the Greens in Scotland it's pretty hard to work out where his moral compass is or if his commitment to the environment is more than skin deep.

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