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A Political Thread pt. 2

Electricity is a complete disgrace. I don't know the energy market intimately, but look at how low electricity (day ahead) wholesale price has been for the past 6 weeks.

Then look at the Ofgem website where if you go to the same chart (which looks worse) and click on 'data table' you'll see they haven't bothered their backside to update it since 1st March so it completely fails to show the plummeting price.

I'll cut gas some slack as its dip in price hasn't been quite so pronounced until a few weeks ago.

But if these prices hold until the next price cap and the cap doesn't fall substantially then its outright robbery. Better to be robbed in summer than winter, but robbery nonetheless. Has anyone been hearing through the media about plummeting wholesale prices or is it not clickbaity and alarmist enough unless it's going up?
A couple of belters. UK to cut proportion of aid to multinational agencies from 40% to 25%. Tories reference China as using money to invest in countries in return for patronage then announce how they'll now do exactly the same (money won't go to the most needy, but to those the Tories can do business with).

And Aljazeera journalist reportedly shot dead by Israeli security forces while at a refugee camp, but the the Israeli government refuse an independent investigation into the circumstances then do this to the funeral procession. US foreign minister calls it 'disturbing'.

UK gov response on the same day is to withhold funds from the National Union of Students for alleged 'anti-semitism' for previously stating that being silent to Israeli atrocities is aligning yourself with Zionism (amongst other complaints by some Jewish students (rejected by other Jewish students)). Funds suspended despite no apparent criminality and even though the NUS have stated they will embrace an independent investigation. Perfect timing yet again from the political establishment to stick their colours to the mast. Apologies if either main UK political party joined the US government in expressing concerns about the scenes at the funeral or the killing, but I'd be surprised if they haven't been wilfully silent again.

he so tweeted that for attention. sad.
Considering he's been making impossible demands of twitter and saying he won't buy unless they comply it looks like he's about to get smacked up by the SEC and wants to spin it as the damn dirty liberals slandering him
The people of this country are being shamelessly fleeced, relative spending power has been dropping steadily ever since the financial crash as costs have risen and risen whilst wages have not kept up. Either this trend is stopped or this country will end up with massive wealth disparities with a much wealthier top but a drastically poorer middle and lower class. We are living through one of the greatest transfers of wealth from the population as a whole into the hands of a very select few and it seems this is just another step on that path.

I wonder how many in government have vested interests in the energy sector...

His district went 65% republican last time he's a shoe in to win. I'd honestly support most of my classmates regardless of my politics but he's just such a wacko.
I genuinely can't fathom how anyone could seriously rate Trump unless they are part of the segment on the right whose sole goal politically seems to be ******* off the left as much as they can and they don't care how much damage they do to achieve it. Hell his one redeeming feature as far as I was concerned was that he didn't start any wars, turns out he was itching for military conflict the whole time and wiser heads steered him away from it.

I'm yet to hear any Trump supporters offer actual tangible reasons for why Trump was a good president. The best we get is empty rhetoric like "make America great again", outright falsehoods or claims he has dispelled one of their fabricated threats.

No idea if Johnson has received more, would be utter madness if only received it for cake gate.

Supposedly not all fines sent out yet because y'know the Met so Johnson can claim hes not received any additional yet.....ho hum. 6 months
Is it 126 for everything in total or 126 new ones? If 126 overall then can't be many more given out.

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