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[2020 Six Nations] France vs England (02/02/20)

Even in the great french era, French side has been erratic... if I rememberwell, just before beating ABs twice in a round in NZ in 1994 (with a somptuous try : the try from the end of the world), France had lost to Tonga and Canada in the serie... the best french side in the eighties which did the grandslam lost to Romania ... All along its History, Les bleus have been able to consistently be unconstant lol ... But I agree, the ratio of performances were truly low in the last decade ... France managed anyway to do a final in 2011 (she had lost only due to JOUBERT deciding he was not Boks but NZer this day) ... éclaircie dans un ciel sombre ;) after having been atrocious over Wales in semi and Tonga (again) in pool stage.

I think France will win the 2 match at home, but not both outside...

Ah, well, I could go on forever about Joubert in that final and his reluctance to call a penalty no matter what NZ did, but in the end, that's part of the game, and all teams get a bad rub from the referee at some point. My point is, that throughout my life, the great rivals to England were France and Australia. Everyone else was an occasional win or loss, but it always seemed to come down to England vs one of France or Australia when I was a young man. And I absolutely loved those matches! Win or lose to anybody else, and it's disappointing or good stuff, but win or lose to France or Oz and my family don't hear the end of it! :D

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