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2014 6 Nations: France vs Ireland (Round 5)

I think Ireland will win this with ease. However I'd much rather France win or the game is a draw just so England have a chance of winning. If Ireland win then England will have to probably set a new record for thrashing Italy to get the 6N back. Whilst that would be amazing to see, I highly doubt it can be done.
Haha! France just went up 2 positions in the world rankings to 5th again
I wonder if the number 5 spot has a France shaped arse groove in it like and old sofa!
Haha! France just went up 2 positions in the world rankings to 5th again
I wonder if the number 5 spot has a France shaped arse groove in it like and old sofa!

ah ah :bravo: yes but its France B that went up, as we have yet to field an A side...
One of the main things I've noticed with France is how slow they've been moving the ball from the ruck. It really messes with their opportunities out wide. Having Parra back might fix this and I'd say he has a better rugby brain than Machenaud and Doussain (Doussain sucks so bad I can't believe how slow he is). He could be the tactician that France have been missing between the forwards and backs. Someone to marshall the troops. It must have been pretty difficult for France to play with experience and maturity when their halfbacks have been young newbies. Plus they will be getting Picomoles and Szarzewski back which is a big boost. We are playing well but it says something that even though France have been playing crap, they are still within a chance of winning the damn thing. I would not be overly confident of us going over there and getting a win. Having Bowe back is super timely though.
Interesting!!!! its like saying its not fair bo hoo, bo hoo, he won millions on the lottery and he earns over 100k per year, this is sport my son there is nothing fair in sport you win you move on to the next game you win them all you win the Championship I will be the first to admit that France have played badly and won, so the teams they beat what are they??? France still have a chance as do Ireland and England, is that fair!!!! If France do win the Championship maybe they will add unfair on the trophy before they put France!!! Whatever next!!!!!

well hurry up!!!!! can't wait for the Top14 to start again!!!!! Clubs will be back to full strength as they should be!!!!!! Some cracking games lined up after we draw the curtain on the 6N rugby hiccup. 6N is a pisser for value. Hurry up!!!!!!
Ooo no Bowe for Ireland then as he's been released for Ulster duty.
Haha! France just went up 2 positions in the world rankings to 5th again 
I wonder if the number 5 spot has a France shaped arse groove in it like and old sofa! 

so hilarious. How. The fukk. Is France. Fifth at the moment ????????? :lol: :lol:
We couldn't win a match last year, and have a CONSIDERABLY shiittier 2014 so far and we're fifth. It's uhh.....it's magnificent. Simply.

Can you imagine France will be going into the RWC being one of the Top 4 seeds, leading its pool ? :D

If France beat Ireland, or worse, somehow win the tournament...I don't know what I'll do. And not out of joy, there's no joy there to be felt. Out of sheer compassion for pure situational comedy. This whole 6N thing could turn into a comedy theater...

But I'd also, as stated higher here, love to see Ireland beat the shiittiest France of all-time and actually take immense pride in it. That will be smt to behold per se.
I have a feeling France will win - if, as I've read on here (not been keeping up to date with the actual news, so I'm taking Big Ewis' as gospel...oh dear), Picamoles, Szarzewski and Parra are back then that improves France a huge amount.

Midfield is a conundrum for France, I feel. Mermoz hasn't really been at his best for.....a while now. Pre-Toulon move, I feel - not even his last season at USAP was that good. I'd be tempted to throw in Fickou alongside Bastareaud, but then maybe you do need the experience of Mermoz vs D'arcy and BOD?
so hilarious. How. The fukk. Is France. Fifth at the moment ????????? :lol: :lol:
We couldn't win a match last year, and have a CONSIDERABLY shiittier 2014 so far and we're fifth. It's uhh.....it's magnificent. Simply.

Can you imagine France will be going into the RWC being one of the Top 4 seeds, leading its pool ? :D


yes and by then our team will be in full auto pilot mode hopefully coaching itself. Leaders within the side will have naturally emerged. They will watch PSA's lips move during team talks but not hear him. PSA will be relegated to media duty and smiling to the camera, and generally lick arsing the FFR president. His true full time job. The AB will be in town fearing for their darling RWC and we will knock them out just to **** them off...It happened in 1999, 2007 & 2011, it will happen again
All this talk about France being still in the running for the ***le is ludicrous! We would have to beat Ireland by at least 5 or 6 tries to stand a chance! And in that case France would definitely deserve the ***le. It would be amazing if England lost to Italy in Rome just to mix things up a little. Makes things interesting! But it's not going to happen so the best we can do is a sneaky 2nd place

And while we're the subject... screw BOD's last send off!! It's about the 10th time he's retired in the last 3 years isn't it?! It's just another excuse for a **** up if you ask me! Bloody Irish! if we beat them to make a cosy 2nd and they get bumped down to 3rd place then so be it. That's the nature of the beast I'm afraid sports fans!
I have a feeling France will win - if, as I've read on here (not been keeping up to date with the actual news, so I'm taking Big Ewis' as gospel...oh dear), Picamoles, Szarzewski and Parra are back then that improves France a huge amount.

Midfield is a conundrum for France, I feel. Mermoz hasn't really been at his best for.....a while now. Pre-Toulon move, I feel - not even his last season at USAP was that good. I'd be tempted to throw in Fickou alongside Bastareaud, but then maybe you do need the experience of Mermoz vs D'arcy and BOD?

Parra isn't recalled but as you say other 2 are superb ball carriers.
so hilarious. How. The fukk. Is France. Fifth at the moment ????????? :lol: :lol:
We couldn't win a match last year, and have a CONSIDERABLY shiittier 2014 so far and we're fifth. It's uhh.....it's magnificent. Simply.

Can you imagine France will be going into the RWC being one of the Top 4 seeds, leading its pool ? :D

If France beat Ireland, or worse, somehow win the tournament...I don't know what I'll do. And not out of joy, there's no joy there to be felt. Out of sheer compassion for pure situational comedy. This whole 6N thing could turn into a comedy theater...

But I'd also, as stated higher here, love to see Ireland beat the shiittiest France of all-time and actually take immense pride in it. That will be smt to behold per se.

... Hey English ... can you please leave the commentary/opinions on the French team, to the FRENCH supporters please :D :p
If Ireland lose it will be one of the largest points difference for a 3rd place squad in the history of the torunament and I think the only time where the 3rd placed team had a higher points difference than the 1st and 2nd (assuming a tight game here)
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