Embarrassing sycophancy to Fifa in World Cup bidding makes me proud to be a rugby supporter
By Eric Janssen, Telegraph Sport
When you follow this ridiculous circus that's Fifa's bidding process for the 2018 and 2022 football World Cups, are you also immensely proud to be a confirmed rugby nut (or supporter of most other sports)?

Dear President: Sepp Blatter has received plenty of attention this week PHOTO: AFP
Yes, the International Rugby Board also has a bidding process, and prime ministers and dignitaries also put their best foot forward during visits and presentations, but there's none of this bowing, scraping and kowtowing we see to Fifa, its president Sepp Blatter and his merry men. Sycophancy is a kind word for behaviour in the past few weeks and today in Zurich.
Frankly, it's terribly embarrassing, and makes me wonder, what's really more important to Fifa – the technical merits of the bids as such, or the number of A-listers they get kissing their backsides?
Just consider a few of the acts in this circus:
* Russia were one of the hot favourites, but have suddenly lost massive ground simply because Vladimir Putin opted to tend to national affairs rather than travel to Zurich to massage Fifa's inflated egos.
* David Cameron felt compelled to apologise when he looked after his heavily pregnant wife instead of meeting Fifa big cheeses during an inspection visit.
*England's 2018 bid might be penalised by Fifa execs because they did not like an independent media exposing alleged fraud within their ranks; you would think Fifa would welcome anyone picking out rotten apples, but no, they huff and puff like aggrieved adolescents.
* Sepp Blatter is constantly addressed like a demigod. "Oh Mr Great and Glorious President, I'm humbled to stand before you…"
For all its faults, the IRB still picks its hosts based on a mix of the bidders' finances, stadia, passion for the game, the good it will provide for players and fans and the way it can contribute to the growth of the game.
Fifa should pull its head in and become real. It's a deep irony that this motley crew runs what is so often called the 'beautiful game'…