Hi everybody i have a problem with the woosah's editor, when i open it and choose a roster it does like i have never choose it, can you help me please?
Hi woosahif you want it just PM me.
I dont make any money from this editor. I did this in my spare time. I want to help the forum out as I love this place. Nothing wrong with wanting other people to contribute to the forum. 10 posts isnt much, its not hurting anyone. If after 10 posts you dont post afterwards we cant do anything about it (and I dont think we should). If after 10 posts you get the bug then wicked.
At least you dont have to pay for anything here.[/b]
if you want it just PM me.
I dont make any money from this editor. I did this in my spare time. I want to help the forum out as I love this place. Nothing wrong with wanting other people to contribute to the forum. 10 posts isnt much, its not hurting anyone. If after 10 posts you dont post afterwards we cant do anything about it (and I dont think we should). If after 10 posts you get the bug then wicked.
At least you dont have to pay for anything here.[/b]
I was just browsing through folders and I found a link to it, I havent even sent 10 messages and I got iti'm new around here, how can i get the editor[/b]