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If I were to rank the AC games I've played from best to worst it would be:

AC Oddyssey
AC2 & Brotherhood
AC Revelations
AC Black Flag
AC Origins
AC Unity
AC Syndicate

I'm glad to see Odyssey at the top of your list, I've heard good things about it and have been looking forward to it. I wonder if I'll have lost the will to live before I get that far through the back catalogue though! I picked up Skyrim for a bargain price over the weekend, so if all goes according to plan, I'll lose myself in that for long enough to forget everything I ever knew about AC.

In other news, has anyone played Elite: Dangerous? I'm thinking of picking up a copy to break up the 1st / 3rd person shooting / slashing monotony. Opinions?
Ended up 100%ing AC: Origins,
Some of the trophies were a bit of a slog (kill 30 enemies with a fire arrow shot at an oil jar took some proper grinding to do) but even the "Complete Every Location" one (of which there are hundreds) I quite enjoyed just because the world is so well built/interesting to travel around

Will pick up Odyssey in a week or two (want to have a break from AC games so I don't burn out) - £54.99 on the PS Store is a joke, so I'll be hitting up ebay
Will pick up Odyssey in a week or two (want to have a break from AC games so I don't burn out) - £54.99 on the PS Store is a joke, so I'll be hitting up ebay
Wow, I balk at spending over a tenner, but to be fair, I'm working my way through a massive back catalogue of older stuff. I wrongly assumed that you'd save a packet using a key site, but was quickly disabused of that notion. Is that common with Playstation games? My local Argos has it a lot cheaper. I know nothing about this site https://www.thegamecollection.net/a...eshopping&utm_medium=ppc&utm_campaign=froogle but it's the cheapest I found.

Edit: I completed AC2 last night and it turns out I've got 95% of the in game achievements, so will be grinding out the remainder (mostly feathers). I have no compunction about referring to walkthrough maps, hats off to anyone who gets them all without looking online.
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If the current 'sale' includes the game you want you can get a bucket off but otherwise it's full RRP.

Its a bit baffling TBH because they want people to come off "physical" media.

Myself I'm currently playing through every Resident Evil main game (including 0 and Code: Veronica) which has been fun hopefully by the end I can desensitise myself enough to be scared playing 7 and last longer than minuites. They were all on sale the other day so got them all as PS4 remasters, except remake for 2 (as I already had it). Been interesting plaing them in timeline order (well not quite playing 2 in timeline order is very hard) but playing 0 first and stopping 3 2/3rds of the way through.

Was disappointed with the 3 remake, the Nemesis has become something scary you run from rather than feel like its actively stalking you. Which is what they did do with Mr. X in 2 (although that is just a case of running ahead of it and planning routes of what your trying to do).
If the current 'sale' includes the game you want you can get a bucket off but otherwise it's full RRP.
Aye, I've never bought anything full price from the PS Store, but will often buy something in the black friday/summer sale etc.
The annoying thing is that Odyssey was in the sale for about £15 around New Years time - but because I'd not started Origins yet I decided against it
And relax....I've just finished collecting all the feathers and glyphs, so have completed all the in game achievements (incl. treasure chests, hidden away in a sub menu somewhere) in AC 2. In their infinite wisdom, Ubisoft have taken down achievements for all but a few of their games, so I have no idea how close I am to true completion. Collecting the feathers was a real grinid, made all the worse for earning a cape that makes you notorious everywhere for doing it. Overall it was an enjoyable experience though. It went a good way to addressing the complaint about the original being repetitive.

FYI, Ubisoft are offering AC Chronicles China for free for Chinese New Year ATM.
If anyone missed out on Ratchet & Clank on PS+ a couple of years ago it's completely free (for life) on Playstation atm

100% worth playing - I never played the original, but had a ton of fun playing through this

Also picked up AC: Odyssey on eBay for a tenner, so will be getting stuck into that tonight
Been playing Anno 1800 and Dyson Sphere Program...

Loving both and they are HUGE time sinks.
Finished Control the other day. Had a glitch for about a third of it where I wasn't guaranteed to have sound for cutscenes but it's a good game. Decent story, well made characters, fun and challenging gameplay with some very cool trippy levels.
Downloaded Valorant a few days ago and it's hooked me in - already prefer it to Overwatch (though that might be because the learning level/skill curve is lower :p)
Finished Control the other day. Had a glitch for about a third of it where I wasn't guaranteed to have sound for cutscenes but it's a good game. Decent story, well made characters, fun and challenging gameplay with some very cool trippy levels.
One of my favourite games I played last year... added the ultimate edition on PS+ the other month so gonna play the whole thing through again on PS5 at some point.
got a good deal and got a borderlands bundle....wow that is one unengaging game...i forget im playing it unlike other where i look forward to getting home to play

too many guns with only tiny differences, spend too long trying to work out why gun 2 is $10K more expensive when the stats dont actually look better
Just finished the story on Assassins Creed: Black Flag. The naval stuff is fantastic to be fair and well worth the playthrough on its own. The 'land' sections are fine but marred a bit by the awful controls that AC games used to have.

Could be a fools errand what with it being so old but I'm gonna see if I can get any multiplayer going as I want to try and get the Plat... and there are a few MP trophies on the trophy list.
Got the plat on AC: Black Flag after and now started Remnant from the Ashes. Im not really a looter-shooter type of guy but I'm enjoying it. Really playable and a lot of fun in co-op.
Smacking the backlog around atm:

TLou2: Excellent, but not the masterpiece that the first one was

God of War: Obsessed with it, but the BOY needs a proper slap

Furi: probably the best game I've played in 5 years or more
I got the dishonoured trilogy and prey game as one.

Smashing dishonoured at the moment and loving it. Started the game by killing everything which is so fun and now restarted not killing a thing. Hope the others are all as good.

Still got Spider-Man and days gone to get through as well. It's so good behind behind the curve gaming wise, cheaper and always have s new game to play with no bugs.
100%ed AC: Odyssey last night (got a few "Additional Feats" trophies that I'll mop up tonight, but base game done)

Really enjoyed it - liked the new systems they'd put in (battles, mercenaries etc.).
Do think I preferred Origins though (preferred the time period/setting/terrain), though - so probably my 3rd, maybe joint 2nd, AC game (Black Flag the one I liked the most)

Not sure what to go onto next, got a massive backlog of PS+ games - Maybe Horizon Zero Dawn? God of War?
I really want to get Valhalla but I'm determined to save that for PS5 (whenever that might be)
100%ed AC: Odyssey last night (got a few "Additional Feats" trophies that I'll mop up tonight, but base game done)

Really enjoyed it - liked the new systems they'd put in (battles, mercenaries etc.).
Do think I preferred Origins though (preferred the time period/setting/terrain), though - so probably my 3rd, maybe joint 2nd, AC game (Black Flag the one I liked the most)

Not sure what to go onto next, got a massive backlog of PS+ games - Maybe Horizon Zero Dawn? God of War?
I really want to get Valhalla but I'm determined to save that for PS5 (whenever that might be)
God of war was amazing! Definitely recommend that. I'm working my way through dishonoured 1 and 2 I which are quite fun. Worth a play.
Out of nowhere, AoE2 DE has become my go-to online competitive game. Otherwise it's a jump around between Overwatch, Apex Legends and Warzone.

I never thought I'd miss the SA CS GO servers, but it's just a lot less motivating playing in the north when you can't communicate with your team.

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