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What games are you playing?

Obsessed with Dragon age origins ans Dragon age Awakinings, frightninly good could play this game forever!
Just finished Metal Gear Solid 4. I cried like a little girl, and saluted Snake numerous times. The most incredible cinematic gaming experience i have ever had. Never before have i felt closer to a game character than i did in this game. Truly one of the best games ever made.
I have been playing Red Dead Redemption, God Of War Collection, finished Assassins Creed II not so long ago as well.
red dead recdemption...absolutely amazing stuff ..the ending got me a wee bit upset too :(
I finished Halo 3 and Halo ODST over the weekend. Fantastic games! Busy with Killzone 2 now.
I forgot to bring my cd-case-wallet thing with all my games in when i came back for the summer, so i'm stuck with RD:R (good job there's still a lot to do after the story's over) and demos/mini games (just got NHL 3v3 Arcade, which is good fun) until I go back and get my other games :p
I'm considering investing in Fight Night round 4 today on the cheap. Is it any good?
RDR was a little tearful at the end. i then wen ton a killing spree in balckwater.
Installing FM2010 as we speak. Got it for £8 and will keep me entertained all summer. :)
What's FM? Formula Mom? Fifa Mountain? Fountain Moat? Furry Mothers?
Football Manager ;)

I was considering getting that, my brother loves it, but i don't think i know enough (i know pretty much nothing) about football to get it. Pretty much everything i know comes from playing Fifa
...Maybe that's why I keep missing him all the time...
Can anyone remember FIFA 95 on sega? You would push those top two L1 R1 buttons and the players arms would go crazy beating all other players you run into! Good times
Does anyone remember Viva Football? Shite game, but you could randomly throw a lovely right hook.

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