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What games are you playing?

I am playing Lunar: Silver Star Harmony from last week. It has some good features like engrossing story, lovable characters, and newly redrawn visuals make it a great on-the-go RPG for fans and newcomers alike. But the long load times and grind-heavy combat system keep it from being unbeatable.
I'm in love with Modern Warfare(TRF tourny anyone?). Em playing a heck of a lot of Footy Manager at the mo, trying to guide Forest Green from the Conference to the Premier League, and no it's not going well.

For anyone still playing AOE2 I'd seriously look at downloading the Age of Chivalry: Hegemony patch. It's a total conversion mod and will replace the 18 civilisations with 18 medieval European powers (eg. Swabia, Bavaria, Genoa) and you get new buildings, units, an epic campaign and all that jazz. Tis free too
Traded in Forza 3 (very VERY disappointed with that - Forza 2 was brilliant, for this they upped the graphics a tad, a few new cars/tracks and made the gameplay worse) and bought Bad Company 2.
Singleplayer is very good, not quite MW1/2 level, but fun to play, love the distructable environment.
Apparently the multiplayer is what makes it, played a little, seems very good, but the lag on it is unreal. Had to give up after 20mins or so because it was unplayable. Hopefully i just caught it at a bad time/joined a bad game or something.
Currently playing Championship Manager a bit (and I am not a football fan but felt like playing it after fifa 10) just finished fifa10 be a pro, playing a manager mode right now. i really want to get some more trophys on this before i start to get anything else

got one trophy left on assasins creed for a platnum, but i dont think ill get it as its the one where you jump on a guard using da vinci flyimg machine. i only hired the game anyway :)

also playing a bit of major league basebeall 2k10 on pc :)
Just playing mostly Fifa as well as Uncharted 2 and Ratchet and Clank a Crack In Time on and off.

Got a few other games I've had for ages and haven't played yet but will look at getting into soon, keen to Plat Uncharted 2 and Ratchet first but probably won't any time soon since I keep playing Fifa instead.
Just got a brand new 250gb slim PS3 with Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy XIII. Heavy rain is buggy as hell, but has a fantastic story. Cinematics stutter badly though. :/ Loving Final fantasy though.
I just finished Heavy Rain, and traded it in. It was fun, and I wanted to do multiple playthroughs to see different endings. But, not being able to skip cut scenes means having to sit throught alot of the same stuff over and over. Don't have the time.

I'm playing mount and blade (pc) at the moment and am eagerly awaiting the expansion at the end of this month.

Also, the the just cause 2 demo. (ps3 and pc)

I decided to give FF a miss for now. I like more freedom than it allows. Might pick it up in a year or two for cheap and save for when Ive got the flu or somthing.
Just finished Uncharted 1 and 2. Brilliant games, best 3rd person series i have ever played.

Still busy with Final Fantasy XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Assassins Creed II. I bought Killzone 2 as well, but playing an FPS with that controller is just plain ****

. I just bought an Xbox360 as well, although i don't really want anything for it until Alan Wake arrives, as that's the only real reason i bought one. Can't wait for that game!!!
HAHA! No, what happened was, i quit my stupid old job, and immediately got another job with a R5 000 (£480-00) raise. Then in the same month, i got my last salary from the old company (including 3 weeks leave paid out) on the 15th, and then on the 29th, i got my first salary at the new company. So i basically got 2 paychecks in one month, and had around R13 000 (£1280-00) to blow on whatever i wanted. You are not the first guy to ask me that though! I had slaved away for 3 years and had nothing to show for it, so i was finally able to spoil myself for once, and the wife-to-be whole heartedly agreed. :)

I bought myself a PS 3 with 8 games, a 32" Sony Bravia LCD TV, and an XBox360 with Forza 2 bundled.
I know! I have a high end PC as well, and my fiance has even agreed to us having a 'gaming room' in our new house! It's a darn pity that there is no XBox Live service in South Africa though, as i hear it's really fun online! I will have my PSN running shortly, and then we can also play some time!
Yeah. You need to do a whole bunch of stuff to get it working, but locally, we have no live service. :(
Jer1cho you're probably looking forward to play Rugby 2012 on your PS3 and or XBOX next year?

I also want to get myself a PS3 one of these days:cool:
I can't wait man! It's gonna be beyond epic playing rugby in High Def! For now though, I am waiting for Alan Wake. I am much more into single-playing game experiences as opposed to multiplayer.
Sucks that Alan Wake got canceled for PC.It would have looked pretty nice running on DirectX 11 with a GTX 480 or 2 or 3 or 4:D:cool:

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