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What games are you playing?

I can't stop playing Bad Company 2. It's brilliant.
Is BC2 worth it for the single player campaign?
Is BC2 worth it for the single player campaign?



It's a great game!
Single player is quite good yes, it's no Modern Warfare 2 or anything and it is fairly short, but it's unremittingly fun.
I was pleasantly surprised by it,
I'd heard it's not that great and sort of shoved in so that it wasn't all online, but it was a lot of fun.
There's also re-playability value as there's items hidden throughout the levels you can collect. And blowing things up is fun
playing rugby 06, and blackout rugby, eagerly awaiting rugby 2012!!!!!!!! in 1 and a half years.
Almost finished with God of War III. Mindless game. But EPIC on another scale. Seriously. The environments are stunning. and the graphics are superb.
Ok, finished God of War III. Awesome game. Sets the bar pretty high i think. Now i am just waiting for Alan Wake. That game is going to be phenomenal!
Currently playing: (all on PC of course)

Cricket Revolution
Tiger Woods 2008
Bad Company 2
NFS Shift
Rugby 08
Jolly good nostalgic fun with FIFA 2000 on the PS1!

Good times...
I found Fifa 98 for pc in my wardrobe the other day, might have to give that a play
I have played many games.But My favourites are here.

2) GTA Vice City
3) The Sims
4) Pokemon yellow
5) Fable 2
Just started Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm. I'm a fan, so i am loving it!
Re-bought Test Drive Unlimited for the 360, had it 2nd hand, disc died so I got it 'cos I love it, a very easy way to waste a day just drivin around and occasionally racing and instigating police chases.
Just finished Demon's Souls. Best game ever made in my opinion. Currently also loving Red Dead Redemption on Xbox!

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