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RWC 2011, Halo Reach and the Battlefield 3 Open Beta, all 3 are bloody amazing
Finally finished Force Unleashed 1 and 2. Really enjoyable games if a tad frustrating (maybe thats cos Im not that good:lol:) story a bit short in 2 but still a pair of cracking games. Good for those who arent really into Star Wars
Just went out and bought Madden 12 and Halo Anniversary. Thats what I'm doing today
L.A. Noire one of the best games I have played in a very long time, very different from the generic games and themes I get most often now.
L.A. Noire one of the best games I have played in a very long time, very different from the generic games and themes I get most often now.

Bought this myself, brilliant. Addictive in a non-traditional sense and its nice to own a game that makes me use my brain. Love the face animation too, really makes it unique. A game tha woudnt have been possible 5 years ago.

Also bought F1 2011, much harder than last years game but looks and sounds much better. And NFS The Run, a really fun, old school arcadey type racer.
My GF bought me Assassin's Creed Revelations for Christmas, but left the F***ing game at home as she didn't want me to waste our holiday in front of the TV the whole time... I got back home yesterday and started last night, played until I got 5 animus shards and did the Desmond Journey part one thing where he gets flashbacks from his past...

Love the Entire AC series, and what's awesome about this one is the bomb-making, the den protection and I have no idea what's gonna happen at the end...
Just finished Revelations, possible spoiler, but it actually left me less mindf*cked then I thought i would be. It's a fitting ending to Ezio and the game makes you actually care about Altair rather then get ****** off at him for being a dick like AC1.
Ratchet and clank all 4 one,a lot different from the rest of the series but alot more detailed and more fun.

Still haven't played the new Ass Creed!
Playing through Saints Row 3 atm (got it cheap in the sales)
Just finished Revelations, possible spoiler, but it actually left me less mindf*cked then I thought i would be. It's a fitting ending to Ezio and the game makes you actually care about Altair rather then get ****** off at him for being a dick like AC1.
yes but then it leaves you with yet another bloody cliffhanger and although its a nice ending for Ezio I realized that finding all those keys was pointless
Well no it wasn't because now Desmond and modern day assassins know where to look when they need to. (I'm trying not to spoil the ending for those who haven't finish sorry if that doesn't make sense.
Different opinions I guess but felt like it was a big slap in the face. Just finish the series already, Ubisoft are dragging it out.
I'm just a little bitter at Assasins creed because i felt it was a bit tedious and the same as brotherhood
Different opinions I guess but felt like it was a big slap in the face. Just finish the series already, Ubisoft are dragging it out.
I'm just a little bitter at Assasins creed because i felt it was a bit tedious and the same as brotherhood

I agree I haven't and possibly won't finish it. Apart from that hook yoke it is exactly the same as Brotherhood.
Definitely agree- the single player wasn't at all a step up. I think a lot of the problem is being so practiced with the Brotherhood combat system that I never found Revelations a challenge. That said I'm actually quite enjoying the multiplayer for Revelations, anyone else tried it?

Hopefully AC3 will make the leap (of faith) forward that we've all been waiting for.
UFC Undisputed 3 demo - Enjoying it a lot more than the previous two (owned the first, demo of the second).
Loving how it's got Pride in it as well as UFC, might end up picking this up.

Like the new submission system especially.

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