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NHL 12 has received some high praise and is mostly noted for the quality long list of play options available. Note that you can now create female players!

The one thing I wish they have improved is the custimization options for players and teams
The one thing I wish they have improved is the custimization options for players and teams

I've skipped the series the past couple of years for that problem and another I'll get to in a sec. I'm tired of the same nine faces and some skin color options. This is the one poor part of the series that definitely needs to be revamped from scratch. I do like the equipment selection options, though they could do with one or two more sticks from Warrior and Mission.

The other problem is player faces. Most of the players look nothing like themselves. For instance last season they had Duncan Keith doing national commercial for the game and yet his real face wasn't in the game. That's just laziness. EA has full license of NHLPA player likenesses, so why not take advantage? They don't have to have every player's face in the game, but 13 to 15 per team would be acceptable. As of right now, each team barely has 6 or 7.
I've skipped the series the past couple of years for that problem and another I'll get to in a sec. I'm tired of the same nine faces and some skin color options. This is the one poor part of the series that definitely needs to be revamped from scratch. I do like the equipment selection options, though they could do with one or two more sticks from Warrior and Mission.

The other problem is player faces. Most of the players look nothing like themselves. For instance last season they had Duncan Keith doing national commercial for the game and yet his real face wasn't in the game. That's just laziness. EA has full license of NHLPA player likenesses, so why not take advantage? They don't have to have every player's face in the game, but 13 to 15 per team would be acceptable. As of right now, each team barely has 6 or 7.

2004 was the best for creating a team, you customized pretty much everything and 2007 was best for equipment with I think it was 15 or so different goalie masks.
Busy replaying Dragon Age: Origins. The **** poor disappointment of DA2 still leaves a sour taste in my mouth, like watching a beautiful piece of furniture/statue/enteranybeautifulmasterpiece here getting ruined by a snotty kid with a saw.

Tried Driver San Francisco at a friend's house, played 5 minutes before I decided it wasn't for me, maybe a bit immature but no thanks. I really want to play Madden 12, but unfortunately no PC version. Pretty much waiting for BF 3 (think my pc might die in protest)

Oh and played a bit of AoE online, love that they went back to the roots.

Hate how they turned an once awesome game into a piece of **** online ******** with only two civilizations and a glorified demo, with the full "premium" version not being better, basically the ******* of an awesome game having the kinkystinky with a shitty mmorpg/online ******** and out comes it's retarded lovechild: AoE Online

There is no hope left. Might as well trade in my pc for a console for gaming purposes, along with my self-esteem and manhood.

I'm playing CoD4 multiplayer. I traded in half my collection the other day, and realised i'd never actually tried CoD online!
It's arrived. Nhl12 is here

It's bloomin good. Gamplay wise it's smoother than 11. Improved sounds in the game aswell including the fact you can hear the noises of stick on puck during replays. Also like the have personal replays if you've hit a few players or scored a couple.

Be a pro is miles better. You can start by playing an entire season in the lower leagues. The games are 20 min periods and your icetime is relative to which line you are on and you can skip to your next shift rather then waiting.

Customisation yet again is a disappointment. The Create a Team option just isn't as thorough as previous incarnations of the game and also if you looked at Maddens Create a Team option. But seeing as it's not the USP of the game I'm not going to worry too much n
Playing dead island. It is probably my favorite zombie game.
Yoh forza 4 and battlefield 3 :( you guys arelucky with our crap bandwidth in sa :( let me rather stop there, before i get nailed for hating SA again :D

i'm playing fifa12, F1 2011 and Jonah Lomu rugby challenge on Xbox
Yoh forza 4 and battlefield 3 :( you guys arelucky with our crap bandwidth in sa :( let me rather stop there, before i get nailed for hating SA again :D

i'm playing fifa12, F1 2011 and Jonah Lomu rugby challenge on Xbox

Is F1 2011 any better than 2010? I'm thinking of getting it.
I'm trying to play Jonah Lomu Rugby on Pc but it's running too way to fast anyone know any settings to run it properly? I haven't played it in years but forgot I had it, went to put it on and it's like the damn Chipmunks haha
Is F1 2011 any better than 2010? I'm thinking of getting it.

I didn't play 2010, but my friend says its more or less the same graphix, but the game play is harder than 2010, there are also much more details regarding career mode etc... but its a brilliant game, any F1 fan will love it!! but i guess cuz there is nothing else regarding F1 games :D

Yep, I'm playing Street Cleaning Simulator 2011.
Is F1 2011 any better than 2010? I'm thinking of getting it.
i played pro evo for years but now it seems fifa have stepped it up the last two years...i might just get it aswell along with rage & gears of war 3:)
I'm trying to play Jonah Lomu Rugby on Pc but it's running too way to fast anyone know any settings to run it properly? I haven't played it in years but forgot I had it, went to put it on and it's like the damn Chipmunks haha

You should check your frame rate it is probably too high, are you using an emulator or DOSBOX? It should pretty easy to change the settings for the speed in the menus.

Anways I'm playing FF 13, and Warhammer Space Marine at the moment, really enjoying both

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