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What games are you playing?

Seconded, total war games are legendary.

Played through Infamous (1) and Mass Effect 2 recently. Both absolutely great if you're looking for an RPG.
Got the demo for "Driver: San Francisco" the other day (the offline and online versions)
Offline was pretty good fun, but deleted once I'd done the three missions, but I LOVE the online demo, it's brilliant fun - really recommend it

Downloading NHL12 atm, see if it's enough of a stepup from NHL09 to warrant a purchase somewhere down the line :p
I wish this thread would stay active so I can see whats hot. Ill probably always play Rugby 08 (TRF10) and I am currently doing a bit of GTA online as well as Track Mania.
I play Deus ex: Human Revolution at my Xbox 360. I bought it from Gamefly. I generally buy all console games from there as It offers me heavy discounts on all games.

True. Haven't heard of gamefly, might have to try that one out. I use ozgameshop.com

I want to get that Deus Ex, I heard it's awesome and could be up for Game of the Year.
Heard that it's cracking on console, but not too great on PC

Bought LA Noire the other day, enjoying it so far
Also playing a bit of Battlefield Bad Company 2, to get me ready for BF3
I've been playing the Vietnam addon for so long that going back to the original multiplayer feels like a new game
Nothing at the moment, but I'm patiently waiting for Assassins Creed Revelations to release in November.
Madden '12 ... great update for the franchise.

Was gonna pick that up sometime. been meaning to get a Madden game past few years but Im skint right now so can't afford it :(

As for me I'm replaying a bit of fable 2 tis about it tbh :/
Nba 2k11 totally addicted to 'My Player' mode. Take a rookie through the draft and nba gaining skills along the way. Want to get Rugby Challenge but I'm not allowed to or I'll sit infront of the T.V all day and won't clean up, cook dinner, do the washing, vacuuming or anything else that takes a bit of physicality haha
My copy of NHL12 should arrive tomorrow. Beyond excited :lol:

NHL 12 has received some high praise and is mostly noted for the quality long list of play options available. Note that you can now create female players!

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