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TRF Rugby Gaming Tournament '08

any chance of an australian getting in on the act? kinda busy to travel to nz at the moment, but maybe we could organise an aussie tournament in sydney? just wondering ar eu guys playing 06 or 08 in this upcoming tournament.
Playing '06 by all accounts, it's gameplay is far more stable. By all means discuss this with us fredrick. At TRF you'll meet some great guys who are rugby game nuts.

If you can't come to NZ there's no reason we can't help you organise something with your aussie mates!
Finals 06 was fricking full-on, unfortunately i had played my best rugger against spawn to get to the final and then had nothing when i came up against gay-guy, my mindset whilst playing him in hte final was all confusion, i over thought everything and ended up convincing myself that this move wont work coz hell do this etc etc, which then left me flat and desperate.

Cant wait for a rematch.

Let me know once the date is confirmed.
Hey Danny great to hear from you again!

Yeah I was expecting Spawn in the final as he had beaten me in the round robin with his blasted last minute drop kick arrrrghhh! You played your very best in that semi-final and probably needed time to recover and refocus and strategise....like another day. So yeah I was fortunate to have had the luxury of being a little bit better prepared mentally for the final with my semi not being the nail biter that yours was. I bet Spawn has never forgiven you for that!

Hey I found this on youtube of the AB's EA Rugby tournament...it is so hilarious lol!

AB's EA Rugby semifinals 2005
ok so what date is labour weekend? i should get my tickets soon just to make sure we get some good prices :)
Yeah im up for a tounament in oz. sunny brisbane sounds better than sydney though. 08 is way better than 06. so let me know if a ozzy tourney gets rolling. i havent met anyone i cant beat yet. so ill be looking foward to taking the trophy home.
Yeah im up for a tounament in oz. sunny brisbane sounds better than sydney though. 08 is way better than 06. so let me know if a ozzy tourney gets rolling. i havent met anyone i cant beat yet. so ill be looking foward to taking the trophy home. [/b]

Sounds good you could liase with frederick in Sydney maybe and see if you can get some more people involved.
Wow! great to hear from Danny Bullen! I have to say if there was one thing this dude can do besides be an awesome host, (he and his family were talked about for a long time afterwards of the '06 tourney - fantastic!) well that other thing would be drive in an emergency.

I had the biggest shock of my life on my hands (daughter arriving 11 weeks early) and had about half an hour left to travel a distance most people cover at 100kmh in 30-35 mins and he got me to the airport in about 27mins. It was something like that.

I know that absolutely any of the boys down here would be up for hosting you, big guy.

Also, I hope those who are travelling the big distance down here and having to pay the $$$ to do so, will know that both Andrew and I are going to be putting at least that value in as hosts.

Amy is going to make sure we are more than well stocked at our place for breakfasts and evenings will be undoubted beer and pizza fests, or maybe even the beloved KFC, lol!
Hmmm...yummy yummy...pizzas yummy.

The last tournament was like a boys dream weekend without sex lol!

Wakeup....uninterrupted gaming...no work...no day to day issues...no woman screaming for attention....just gaming with Xbox 360 and the mame cabinet...eating...snoozing....drinking...wow what a weekend! Would have been topped off if we had played touch or soccer (not rugby cos some of us are too old lol!).

And who can forget the reason we were all there..the rugby gaming! Wow what a setup we had....3 projectors simultaneously going...action everywhere...the drama, the highs, the lows, the tension! I will never forget how everyone drank when they played...who would have ever seen that coming! We were all so nervous we had to drink so much just to keep straight lol! After a while there was tonnes of empty bottles but everyone looked so straight as if they were going for a job interview :lol: !!!!! When the final was over at 2am on Sunday morning it was like the middle of the day!

I think the event was more like a boys wekend than a tournament. It is sad that Craig you had to go so early because everything really picked up big time after you had gone (sorry sorry) and I see the whole experience as transcending my triumph n so many ways. The food was great, woosaahs hospitality picking me up, woosaah beating me at table tennis on xbox 360, David beating me at Fifa07, me and woosaah teaming up against others playing four player Fifa, Danny's beautiful house and his accomodating family, Andrews smug face after an early try, Street Fighter II, Kung Fu Master, Tiger Woods golf, the boys talking about my snoring, watching the Broncos win the NRL on the huge screen, Spawns dreaded box kicks, Danny scoring his match winning try, bbq's, random naps, our posting of our progress on TRF, the camera crew recording everything, the girl in the cake...no wait that was banned cos of the kids....
So whats the weather normally like during that month of labour weekend down that way? Thinking i may be able to do a road trip down on my bike to take in the lovely scenery along the way.
Well, that's why I've suggested that time of the year, it's pretty warm most of the time. It's really hard to often get the understanding out to some people in the country, but it can more often than not be beautiful down here. Right now, there's not a cloud in the sky, T-Shirt and shorts condition.

My last job was a business machine sales rep and I had to liaise with all of the other reps who came down here to sell one line of product or another. Any new people down always said the same kind of things, "Oh, I'm not going to mind coming down now, it's not so bad".

So, in short it should be good, more often than not. We Southlanders are a little defensive about it as you can see :D

I'm hoping the Saturday early-arvo will be good though as if it worked out I'd love for all the guys to have a game of touch, soccer or something. If not, or if no-one's keen on the day thats fine too. Flexibility will be the way to go.

About the date, I think it seems we can officially put up Labour Weekend as most seem keen for that. I know for many people it's a family weekend that one, but it's really a one-off that this'd happen and it may just be a safer weekend to keep the loved ones off the road anyway, the way it is in NZ. Though I'm sure Danny would be fine. No trouble with that mans reaction time, lol. :)

About the tourney itself.

Just throwing this out there, but full round-robin may have to go. I remember David and Andrew telling me that they were knackered after all the games were played and that the results would've been the same in the last tourney with a pool structure anyway.

We could seed GG and Danny into separate pools, as they were finalists last time. Current pool suggestions:


C A Iversen
Andrew Horton
Shane Tomlins

Danny Bullen
Amy Iversen
Spot Free

Top four progress to Semi's, final from there. Bottom 3 go to plate.

Plate to be played as straight knock-out. 5th plays 4th from other pool. Winner Plays 3rd in a semi. Final from there. I see this as good as 3rd place gets a slight reward for almost making the top grade semis, by missing the first knock-out of the plate.

This would make for a quicker tournament and there are still several pool games to play so it's not over in a flash.

That would leave time for a few "grudge matches" at other ***les.

So, any thoughts?
Awww...I wanted to play everyone...maybe 5 minute games in the round robin? I think the number of TV's or Projectors can cut down the time factor. I know the result may be same perhaps for the winner but it would be a shame travelling across the country and never getting to play against some people. I think we had this discussion with the last tournament.

Gee...its raining hard out here in Auckland. Are you sure you have blue skies right now lol?!
Sure do. It's still all sunny. Just realised that there were two games being played at once in Wellington. Wehave access to four Xbox's down here, so it shouldn't be a problem to have multiple games going at once.

With that in mind we might still be able to all play each other, although in the unlikely event that we get more than 12 players, I wouldn't still recommend that. With the prospect of 10 as it stands then it should be do-able. We could have two Xbox's going at my place and 10 mins across town have the other two going at Andrews place.

That would take care of a certain number of fixtures, then we'd just swap a few players over to the opposite "ground" and continue. That's no big deal as one quick car trip and we're into it to finish off the round-robin.

It's worth pointing out that none of us have projectors down here, but if anyone wants to bring one down that's fine. There are two 42" LCD's, one 32" widescreen CRT Sony Vega and the nearest after that a 29" Sony. That's unless dobrien7's place is used as a third venue and he has a 37" LCD. So although thats not half as big as the massive projector lounges from last time, it's still fairly big.

I myself found that the projectors were great, but it was hard to take in everything at a glance for the uninitiated. It sure didn't hinder GG, Danny Bullen or Woosaah as those lads were a little more used to it.

Bearing that in mind there's no reason that if a projector was bought dowm that we couldn't use it. Much like in real rugby we all have away games on grounds that aren't as comfortable to us. If someone can bring one down that'd be a big help! :D
well i would bring mine down, no worries about that.

we had 3 projectors last time going at once. it was great. I think it would be better to play everyone as i know i am going to suck again and i am sure everyone will want to practice against me :)

ok if everything is all ready set go what dates are labour weekend? i cant remember, i think i have it written down somewhere (or its probably in this thread but yes i am that lazy) i can sort out getting some money together and book some tickets to go down :)

it should be a wicked weekend :)
I would bring my school projector down but it is at the cheapo end of the scale. I can bring my xbox down though if that is needed and the rugby game with it.

BTW are there any TENNIS courts that are free over there?

Golf or Driving Range?

Massage Parlours? :p
Yep, there are two tennis clubs, four golf courses & 2 or 3 "massage" places. About that last one, are you wanting to know because your looking for a job, lol?

Bringing a copy of the game could be useful.

By the way, I've just been playing Amy and she got her first win this year! Her Crusaders downed my Hurricanes 26-19. Has got a lot better at moving the ball upfield with forwards and not getting isolated. I didn't have the ball as much as usual!

Oh and Stu, just saw your post. Yeah bringing your projector would be awesome. Maybe have three units going at one house may work better. Surely we'd get through all round-robin fixtures over the Friday night. Maybe starting after dinner, like 6.00pm and then finishing for the night at 12.30am or something? I'm not 100% how long it took you boys last time.
Yep, there are two tennis clubs, four golf courses & 2 or 3 "massage" places. About that last one, are you wanting to know because your looking for a job, lol?

Bringing a copy of the game could be useful.

By the way, I've just been playing Amy and she got her first win this year! Her Crusaders downed my Hurricanes 26-19. Has got a lot better at moving the ball upfield with forwards and not getting isolated. I didn't have the ball as much as usual! [/b]

Haha nah I've retired from that line of work.....

Yeah the Hurricanes are only good when Nonu or Umaga breaks useless tacklers but apart from that they never get much ball haha! I think playing a woman at Rugby06 will be worth the trip alone lol! It seems to be such an anomaly to see a girl play rugby2006 nowadays!
Oh god, I have to have some competition. Had a 10 min halves match with Andrew Horton. Blew him away with a 112-7 score line.

I had Ireland and he had Argentina! This game ('06) still rocks!

We are starting up a S14 amongst all the guys again in the next week, that'll harden the others up a bit. I am loving it so much, hardly touched the PS3 in the last few days!
Oh dear that sounds like kick off then score a try sort of business lol! Yeah that can be really sucky after a while.

Yeah 06 on xbox is truly still the king of all sports games lol! Fifa on PS3 is cool cos I can play randoms anytime....but it doesn't have the crazy variable type drama that Rugby 06 can bring out Fifa is......someone scores....someone else tries to score back....very simple. Rugby 06 is all over the show with the drama and excitement.
Convincing dummies got me four of my tries and two were good fends, so I'm really happy about that! The rest were just gap exploitation and a grubber, lol!

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