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TRF Rugby Gaming Tournament '08

That sounds awesome for the finals? What about having a Super 14 points structure? Four tries or more gets a bonus point and getting within 7 points gets one too? [/b]

Yeah we had that format too...oh thats right...you had to go.....cos I paid Amy to time the baby for the night before the comp lol!

So the next comp looks like..."nine" months from now haha!
She won't let me get her in the family way again until after this tournament. She wants to focus on getting a few wins.

She was starting a Super 14 on Elite with the Hurricanes (55 overall) last night to get back up to speed. When she heard that Invercargill was likely to be the place, she got very excited, she has it in her mind that she wants to win the plate!

She thinks that Gay-Guy, myself, dobrien7 and this Doug fella will all be in the top finals group and has earmarked a showdown with an unable to practise Woosaah in the plate final after disposing of Andrew Horton, Muzza and Shane (two others who are playing).
lol, good thing my gf is away, she might hear that and have ideas about me not going lol.

how long you been with your woman gg.... you never know... lol

but yeah the format we had last time was great. mainly cause most of my games were close, even if i did come 8th at least i had some points, as well as a draw against someone... now... who was that again? was that spawn, gg or danny lol i cant remember one of you three :)
I can't wait to slay these mighty beasts from the NH, I mean NI. Same thing. Both purveyors of 10 man rugby, lol!
hey remember i am not from the NI, i just live here.

no idea for how long.

i am still going to represent canterbury, its still my home.

classic caterbury otago struggle i think. though if you are going to be southland it will be no competition haha
I'm so good that if there's a Southland side in Rugby '09 (via Air NZ Cup), then I'll beat your S14 Crusaders with them and then beat Gay-Guy's S14 Auckland Blues! Then I'll wake up, with a smile on my face.

I'm going to spend my days and weeks plotting, scheming, reading (the tips) and generally doing all sorts of nefarious things to ensure I'm at my slippery best for this tourney.

Is there a spy in the Gay-Guy camp that I can buy a video from to study?
lol there is the final on google video somewhere. that was gg vs spawn, have a look!!!
if you dig out the old 06 thread you will find the links in there

yes... i am that lazy :)
Absolutely stunning footage. I have never watched that until now. I learned a lot about the strengths and weaknesses of both Danny Bullen and Gay-Guy. Danny can see running lines brilliantly and has a first class eye for a gap. His biggest problem was not giving Gay-Guy enough of a variety of problems to think about. Gay-Guy had too much time, but that's hand-in-hand with his biggest strength.

What is Gay-Guy's biggest strength? Composure. He was never really troubled in that final. His biggest chance to lose was in the first 10 minutes of the game. Once he got up by 28-7 at half time, he had almost certainly closed the door. Why? Quite simply, it had little to do with his tricks. Danny was good enough to rob him of time to do them. Gay-Guy had closed the door by playing nigh perfect basic rugby. No mistakes, perfectly timed passes and most of all didn't keep repeating himself. Once you do that you become readable. It was a masterful display of seeing about 2 seconds into the future and doing all the basics required to get you to that 2 seconds.

The worst thing that could've happened to Gay-Guy was when Danny scored to make it 28-14. If Danny had scored again, in a manner Gay-Guy hadn't seen coming, ol' GG would've really started to sweat. The problem was Danny didn't do much other than halfback runs and offloads. Things he does well, but which work when mixed in with variety.

Above all though, if you are going to try things against GG, they must be crisp. Your execution can't let you down. This guy pounces on errors like a hawk on a rabbit.

If at that point Gay-Guy had of had more to think about, you might've seen him implode.

It's only one game, sure and he's probably a different player, of that I'm sure too.

I have to say though. Those videos gave me hope and motivation.
OMG Craig you explained that game to the tee!!

The scariest moment of the game was the first five minutes where the game could go anyway. That is where the bounce of the ball could go anywhere and if Danny had scored first I would have started to sweat a bit. When he scored at both ends of the halves I stated to think maybe a comeback was coming and if he had just scored one more time to bring the game back to 28-21 I would have been PACKING! However I think I remember scoring quite easily straight after his second try and gaining my confidence again and pretty much from there I carried on.

You are correct about Danny not mixing it up. He pretty much played into my hands by repeating the same attack patterns again and again. He was to be fair quite a good attacker. However he made two fatal flaws with his gameplan....he didn't kick enough to get himself out of trouble....and he didn't pressure me enough when he was defending...he was almost in awe waiting for me to make my move. He should have just thought killer thoughts and thrown caution to the wind to upset me. A knock on here...a tackle there...just the little things can turn a games momentum in a tight match.

Luckily the video footage is very bad so the actual finesse details of what is really happening cannot be seen hehe....

Even though it is footage of a game that happened in 2006 and we have all moved on since then I know that if I here today played the me back then I would pretty much lose because I am not "in the zone" at the moment...and the game is all about being in the zone at the right place at the right time rather than having a heap of knowledge. At that top level it is about being in form when it matters.

Danny had a few tricks up his sleeve as well....he built some good momentum at times but failed to finish it off when it mattered. He was a whole lot more creative in his semi against Spawn who is VERY creative himself but when he caught sight of the holy grail he played safe when should have been risky and risky when he should have been safe and virtually gave me the trophy.
I watched those videos very closely. Rewinding a few bits here and there, I'm certainly getting the hunger back.

I must agree that Danny could not be judged by that one game, in a final of anything, it's always possible for someone to be unnerved or a little bit too focused on their strong areas of the game.

The key to (and beauty of) this game is presenting options. You must present to your opposition the appearance that you have as many options available as possible. this creates uncertainty. In the split second before you take your preferred option you must present your decoy option. If they don't buy it, then you actually DO USE the decoy option. It sounds complex, but it's actually a subtlety of the game.

Your head really has to be comfortable in three places, 1 - the decisive present time, 2 - the potential future (1-2 seconds ahead), 3 - Crisp execution.

It's possible, that's those moments of brilliance that we sometimes see. More often than not though, many of us can only do two of those at a time. Gay-Guy, seems to be able to do those three things at most times.

What stops people keeping those three areas of thinking in sync with each other? Pressure, verbal mind games, tight defence (it gets inside your head) and over-confidence!

I watched every thing I could find online, even the presentation. I felt, and this is going to sound dumb, but I felt like I was South Africa watching the 1987 World Cup on tv.

I felt hungry, left out, under-rated, admiration of what I saw and a big chip on my shoulder with a point to prove.

I was there long enough to know it was going to be good, with first class hosts how could it not be? I never realised though how much un-finished business I have.

I've got a lot of work to do.
Aha it must have been fate....you won a greater trophy than any of us that weekend. For me that trophy is fading...but for you your trophy gets shinier every year.
Lol Im downloading those vids onto my hard drive. The hungers gone and ever since I let my cousin borrow my xbox I not as good as I use to be. **** my cousin mustve somehow managed accidently to overclock my xbox. My rugby 06 is 1.5-2x faster than normal. Timing is crucial in that game and I found it difficult to adjust to my mates normal game speed. He always done this kick at kick and I would always never catch it. I'd smash him and then he'd manage to steal the game from me with his cheap kick lol. Same with my madden too its figggin fast as hell. Anyway Im gonna check out these to step my game up haha.
Well, I've gotta say Darkman, playing it on an overclocked Xbox would be awesome. Wish I knew how to do that safely!
So guys, I've talked to everyone down here and Labour weekend is good with everyone I spoke too. So far I have accommodation for 6 and I haven't spoken to dobrien7 yet. If he can accommodate a couple that'll probably be enough, allowing for interest to grow between now and then.

I have been playing '06 on the xbox like a madman recently. I have lost a lot of my old touch, but have picked up a couple of new attacking ideas from '08. It's like knocking a LOT of rust out at the moment. I'll get there though.

I lost a game against Muzza too 19-17. It was a case of me using the game to experiment with tricks. I'm trying my best to do the running spin on purpose.
yeah i am goign to get wasted lol.

GG i just found out that i should be going up to auckland for some weekend courses (just cause my work is cheap and will only get the guys in on saturdays) but if i can get a late flight on a few sundays i should come around and you should be able to beat me a few times on rugby, bit of in house practice is all good. I cant practice at all but i dont mind losing big time all the time lol.

Ok... ill sort out what i need to do for labour weekend if its also cool for GG. then we will be all set with a date and down we go :)
Yello, Craig told me I had to finally post something. The internet is not something I go on much for anything other than videos and music but here goes.

I am very keen to host two of the guys who are coming down here. I am also all for Labour Weekend. I have got a PS3 and LCD at my house so it will also be one of the "grounds" for the tourney. I am in favour of scrapping '08 as a game as I hate the control system compared to the XBOX's '06 set-up. If we have any other mini tourney on the side it should be a quick Jonah's tourney. Thats only if theres time.

I would really like to have some drinks with Stu and Gay-Guy rather than a second tourney if it cut into the time. I'm more than happy to be a host and along with Craig and our other mate Shane, we'll host an awesome tournament.

There's room for anyone else who wants to come down from what I've read there's only two so far and with two per house we can accomodate 6. I will be more than keen to buy a feed or two for the guys who stay at my place.

As I said, I don't come on here often, so just take my word for it that I'm keen.
Wow, after my badgering Andy made a post again. Enjoy that. That's 2 years worth, lol!

Anyhow, hope that shows theres commitment from others down here!

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