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TRF EA Rugby '06 NZ Tournament

2 1/2 hour drive to Dunedin (at 4am) to catch first flight to Wellington (1h20min flight). Then same in reverse back home.

A hell of a lot of km's travelled by some of us, and well worth travelling every single one of them. Awesome weekend spent with awesome people, with an adventure thrown in by Craig, for him to tell at his leisure :)
So this could become a yearly thing?

Would be interested in coming down either next year, will definatly be coming down in 2 years when i'm my own free man at Uni... which is likely to be Wellington anyway.

Now you can all hear my snide remarks and unwitty sarcasim! In real life!
Great to meet Dobrien7, Andrew Horton, CA Iversen(briefly) and GayGuy what a great bunch of guys and some equally great Rugby 06 players. Gayguy definitely in a class of his own in this comp. And of course Woosaah and Spawn whom I had met previously were there normal selves.

Dobrien7 played some very expansive football that was very hard to defend against and after him beating me in round 1 i was determined t o come back in round 2 and take him down.

Andrew Horton was very quiet and it was hard to determine if he was just really calm and collective - or just extremely tired from the long trip to the tourney. Provided some good matchups and even threatened the amazing GG at times. Memorable moment for me was when he managed to outrun my defense down the wing to get within 7pts for the bonus pt(resulting in him pipping woosaah at the post in the pts table)

CA Iversen seemed to be a real nice guy and was a pleasure to meet and chat with. His early departure whilst unfortunate produced the 2 round option silver lining. So cheers CA Iversen.

Having met Woosaah previously in some practice matches prior to the tourney i was impressed with his game day performances and especially his draw with Spawn in the first Round of the round robin, he was the thorn that broke the spawns 100% winning streak in round 1.

My old foe Spawn managed to take me down in round 1 but round 2 turned out to be mine and then the semi I played him in turned to heartache for him as I miraculously won after 80min was up. Spawn is my normal gaming opposition and I am sure he was devastated to lose to me when he normally seems to be the better of us both.

Everyone played in very good spirits and there was only the occasional ribbing - most often was directed at my great conversion kicking prowess LOL(sure i got one of them over in the semi????).

GayGuy stayed on for an extra day so we went and played golf today â€" his first time ever and I was really impressed with how quickly he picked up the sport. Pretty sure it’s the old noggin working overtime running scenarios and strategies on golf just like he does in gaming. What a lovely guy and it’s a pleasure to have met him and got to know him a little bit. Hes probally learnt too much about me and my whanau and will not want to return LOL.

Totally enjoyed the whole weekend including all the side games played and enjoyed having everyone at our house to relax and have fun. Hope the hospitality was allright and you are all welcome back anytime.
Sounds like you all had a blast.

I will try and make next year's one even though i will suck majorly since I don't own a Xbox or 36O.

Whether I'm back in NZ or in Oz I will try and make it. if only to socialise.
Stay tuned for more pics, videos and footage of the final to be posted during next few days...
Dave, will hopefully record the final onto disk on tues/wed/thurs as well as the other footage that was taken during the evening.

this is my take on the weekend.

Friday morning woke up at 630 knowing that i had to pick up my mate and drop him off at the airport by 8. got to his place just after 7 and made it to the airport just before 8, the traffic was pretty bad! Then i waited for the dunedin flight to come in at around 8am and i waited to see if i could find the guys. I saw Dave in his southland jersey so i went up said hi and introduced myself etc etc. Took the guys to wellington through the scenic route and had to go see Gay-Guy. found him, he looked like a crim sitting on the steps casing out the place to see what he could steal :) lol jks. put his gear in the car left the southland boys in town and took gg back home. there wasnt enough room in the car and it seamed like the best way to go at the time.

from home i waited around for the southland boys to finish their sightseeing and for gg to get picked up by danny. when he got picked up i logged into work, sent an email saying that i probably wouldnt be in the office and that i would be logged on and present for the day. which i wasnt.

Dave txt me to say they finished, i made a mad dash looking for my keys and wallet and stuff ready to take it up to dannys. stopped off at my place to pick up some controllers, and away we went.

got to dannys, had a look around and had a bbq on the deck, it was a beautiful day, and it would only last that day as the rest of the weekend was utter crap. anyway enough about the weather. saw GG have a couple of games on the mame cabnit, i played danny on one game of street fighter, which he won 2-1, i fluked my win :)

played table tennis on 360, wicked game :) i was unbeaten in that also had a quick game of tiger woods. and watched dave have a go at saints row. i am tempted after playing fifa on the 360 to get one after it was running sweet on my projector, with no cables for controllers. VERY tempted.

After that we set up all the projectors and such then we had the drama about craig. trying to race to get him a ticket back to dunedin/christchurch and get him to the airport on time it was a bit of a mad dash. but all in all i think he would say it was worth it, and hey it did even up the teams for us.

when everyone came back (they left me and spawn at dannys while danny, craig, dave, andrew and gg took him to the airport, spawn and i played a few games on my projector and waited for teh guys it was pretty cool.

Had the first round matches after they all came back i had andrew horton up first, he was up 17-0 at half time, but my 2nd half comebacks, which became regular, came into effect and i won the first game, i felt pretty good!.

after that i have no idea what order i played, as i got my beats in every game up until the last. i had spawn, on my projector, which looked awesome with the component cables, thanks gg. I was down big time at half time, not sure of the exact score, but i almost gave up. i am glad i didnt as i think spawn let his gaurd down just enough for me to get back into the game and end up with a 38 all draw and keep spawn from going into the second round unbeated. so i felt pretty happy with myself, and the way i played even though i was second to last on the table, i was enjoying myself and thats all that mattered.

crashed at dannys as it was easier to do that than have to go home and then come back in the morning. was real tired as it was about 130am when we all went to bed. none of us got any sleep cause of ggs snoring it was aweful! :p

next day woke up to the breakfast of champions, bacon eggs & sausages mmm was great, thanks danny. then we just potted around a bit, had a few games of whatever was going, waiting for spawn to arrive. which he didnt for a while, we were thinking of making him forfeit every game until he turned up but we ended up having a world cup fifa torny on 360. that was cool as i was coming second to the one and only GG :) and i had never even played the game let alone on a 360 before this weekend, a bit different to fiffa 06 on xbox.

Second round of the torny started during the canterbury v auckland match, which i was enjoying watching actually but this was more important. first match was against spawn, which he owned me pretty bad i scored in the last few minutes so i didnt get held to 0. i didnt want the only person to have a 0 beside me, but that wouldnt have mattered as dave got a 0 in the first round as well. i think it was him could have been andrew :p. anyway this round was all about bonus points for me just so i wouldnt come last.

next game i think was against gg, he beat me as well, but i scored 21 points, not enough for a bonus point, and i could hear andrew yelling something about a bonus point, that was 2 games and 0 points. i then played andrew, he won, but i think i got a bonus out of that. just one, cant recall for sure. it was a couple of nights ago. then i bet dave, that was cool, and i got 4 tries 2, but i also heard that andrew got another bonus point. which sucked. then came danny, i was down by alot then came abck in the second half and he ended up beating me by 1 point argh. i think that is what order the games were in but it could have been different i dont have the draw infront of me but its no biggie :) i still came last.

then came the semi finals, danny v spawn, big game spawn ended up losing which i found funny. now come to think of it, i think mine and dannys game was somewhere else in the draw meh oh well. danny ended up winning that game and facing the all might gg.

gg played awesome, pulled out some moves that none of us had seen before. and showed that what he was talking about was not bull. he showed us stuff that we didnt even know was possible. thankfully he showed us what he did on the sunday so we have a little idea of what he was doing. you might see some tricks on the video when we get it posted.

sunday was a bit of a chill out day til i had to drop the southland guys back at the airport. then later in the evening went back to dannys to watch the league final with danny gg and dannys family/friends. was a good game, though i was going for the storm.

the comp was awesome, but not as awesome as meeting the guys form here, everyone got along great and everything was fun and done in the right spirit. i cant wait for the next one, be it in auckland, southland or back at dannys again, ill be there :)
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Now that'd be something!
Wouldn't it just, words spoken, being backed up by appearing in the flesh, how many other TRFers can match Ripper's inclusion???
None, it would be like Moses coming down from that mountain.
Dave, will hopefully record the final onto disk on tues/wed/thurs as well as the other footage that was taken during the evening.[/b]
Awesome will whip it up as soon as I can. Have got a Google Video account now to post it :D

the comp was awesome, but not as awesome as meeting the guys form here, everyone got along great and everything was fun and done in the right spirit. i cant wait for the next one, be it in auckland, southland or back at dannys again, ill be there :)
Couldn't agree more with you Woosaah :D
wow, glad you all had a good time

very generous of the host laying on all that lovely food.

well done gay guy.
gents, this sounded like the most awesomest thing in the history of awesome.


danny, host extraordinaire, and congrats gay-guy!
Great tournament. Big raps for danny and his partner cant speak highly enough of the hosts. Thanks also for stu for driving us round. Congratulations to gay guy he must be one of the best at this game. The tournament was well run, hopefully there will be a bigger turn out next year.
Hey boys....pm me your email addresses so I can send the word file of how to do all that stuff to you fellas.
Some images/video, are of debatable quality, this unfortunately couldn't be helped, as complete darkness was needed to get maximum quality from projectors. You should get an idea of what it was like though :)
Credit goes to everyone who took the pictures and videos, a real team effort :D


Here's various shots of projected screens we used. First highlights Woosaah's commendable 38-all draw with Spawn.


Seeing as no-one wanted to give anything away by playing Rugby 06 in front of others, an impromptu set of games of doubles on Fifa 06 on Xbox's started up, plus a mini tournament of sorts of Fifa World Cup 06 on the XBox 360.


Here everyone enjoys the Pizza Hut feast, a rare moment when Danny and Aroha weren't providing us with feasts :D
You can also see the Tui Woosaah and Andrew used to calm nerves :p


Round robin stage games being played, dobrien7 in necessary state of great concentration vs Gay Guy at bottom right.


More shots of games, with 2 of the competition heavyweights in Gay Guy and Spawn at bottom.


Playoff game to reach final vs Gay Guy - Clockwise from top left: Spawn and Danny gearing up for another battle; Trophies are just within Spawns reach; Game starts in good mood; which doesn't take long to turn serious; Danny lets one through while Spawn's chuffed; everyone eagerly awaiting the result. 32-26 to Danny.


The big final vs Gay Guy - Clockwise from top right: Danny gets a pre game (non alcoholic) drink in; Spawn and Woosaah look on; Danny enjoys a try, as does Gay Guy; dobrien7 catches Danny with the flash (oops), and gets camera lined up for 2nd half...


The big final vs Gay Guy - Clockwise from top left: 2nd half under way; Spawn looking on, having come oh so close to making final; Danny scores again; but bottom pic sums it up really, Gay Guy comfortably through in the end 70-21.

VIDEO CLIPS FROM TOURNAMENT - (except final - to come)

Tour of Venue Part 1 - 1min1sec

Tour of Venue Part 2 - 1min8sec

Warm Up Games of Fifa 06 on Xbox 1 - 14sec

Warm Up Games of Fifa 06 on Xbox 2 - 24sec

Warm Ups Own Goal in Background - 56sec

Practise Game for recording purposes - 15min30sec

Practise Game for recording purposes 2 - 7min48sec

Falcon from box kick - 9sec

Box kick from Spawn - 17sec

Gay Guy vs Woosaah in the dark - 29sec

Banter between Spawn and Woosaah over goal kicking - 58sec

Gay Guy takes dobrien7 to the cleaners with Lewsey... 51sec

P.S. - If any links don't work, please let me know :D
Thats a good shot, Dave. Whats it off? Your phone cam?

Anyhow guys, just thought I'd let you all know that I had my first games since my awesomely crazy weekend.

I played Andrew Horton twice, the first time as the Wallabies against the AB's at home. The second was England at home against the All Blacks.

These were 5 minute games, with the skill on elite and the wind on strong etc.

I won the first game 45-7 after missing two kicks, and the second game was 63-0. The only thing I can take out of it though, is that I tried a couple of tricks that I'd been holding onto that I hadn't shared with the other two and brought out my "tight angle running" and "cut" moves. They all seemed to work, and in his humble way Andrew was still big enough to say that he thought I might of been able to throw an upset or two around.

Hats off to GG though (and the other guys), I can "might of been" all I like. At the end of the day I might also have not pulled off my stuff up there under all the pressure.

Now I need to steal the secrets of the guy known as gay, only then can I hope to usurp his throne..........(I don't mean use his toilet either!!!)
Nah Danny's camera. So we were the only two openly playing in our "training" games aye? Cheeky sod :p

I imagine like others from the tournament that Rugby 06 will take a well earned back seat for a while...
Feeling guilty now, because there are some things that I would've shown Andy and Dave if I'd known that I wasn't going to be able to play at the tourney.

I assumed Dave had done the same, so was protecting myself. I guess I'm going to have to learn to trust you more Dave.

P.S. I did try and show Andy during some friendlies, but he was like "Yeah, yeah, lets just play this game". That was about 3-4 weeks ago ,lol.
Lol that's Andy alright! I was suffering lack of game play big time at that stage before comp, didn't have anything to hide, so don't know if it would have helped me :p

Felt I put in a good effort, could have done better towards end of 2nd round, faded away unfortunately while others picked up their game.

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