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Top 14 Day 7

You are only allowed to play as well as the opposition let you when they are playing that well, nothing to do with not showing up, if you have ever been under presure then you would know!!!

I know, but then there's how a team plays on its own, intrinsically. There are days where you click as a team, days where you really don't. Days where Fofana and say Sivivatu are on fire and the rest of the team is meh. Those aren't machines and robots, they're teams made up of human beings. They don't play at the exact same level every single day, like if there was a way to measure a team's potency out of 100, not a single team would be at the same percentage every single time; I'm just stating the obvious, but it's necessary here.
Confidence is a huge, gigantic element and "luck" is another one - a couple of good tries and the opponents are somewhat stunned and the scorers pumped up tenfold. It takes talent and skill to score, but then a bit of luck each time, not every single little aspect is studied by the try-scoring team: there's the "right place at the right time" factor, you try running towards a corner and the tackle is missed but it's not like you knew it would be missed....

Clermont clearly didn't play their game, and missed their match completely. It happens to every good team, last year a seemingly invincible, on form Toulon club got annihilated in Bordeaux.

Of course Clermont couldn't score a try because MP's defense was there. And of course MP scored a bunch of tries because they *beat* the ASM defense. But Clermont never could engage what they'd wanted from the start, and never could get in rhythm.

To run a sprint, sometimes you're 100% prepared and ready but when the whistle blows you just don't know why you haven't picked the start you wanted and that lingers in your mind and you end up with + 1 second on the clock from your standard time.

I digress from this match in particular here of course, as I mean this in general in rugby and sports. Rhythm is everything, and sometimes you just can't find it, and the opponents being on your carcass like piranhas doesn't help.

P.S: ESPECIALLY as a team. A team, no matter how extremely well prepared can miscommunicate, can be slightly out of sync, may not work "synergistically" or in harmony on a given play.
For a single player, like in tennis, of course you're just one individual. You control everything your body offers. But as a team, being 15 on the field, clearly there's great potential for many things to go wrong.

So gaston, I must totally disagree with your "You are only allowed to play as well as the opposition let you"
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So gaston, I must totally disagree with your "You are only allowed to play as well as the opposition let you"

So Big Ewis, I must totally disagree with your disagreement with Gaston who said that "You are only allowed to play as well as the opposition let you"...............................

No matter how good you are if you are beaten by the more aggressive team to the ball at scrum, breakdown and line out and when your backs are given no space to move or to use whatever ball you manage to get, you cannot play your normal game, you do give away penalties and you make many, many mistakes and that is down to the opposition not allowing you to play rather than just having an off day!!!

Last night, MHL did all that but, it has to be said, Clermont helped them as are not the same team this season that they were last year and this could well be shown up next month in the H Cup - as it was when they gave a way a losing bonus point to a poor Biarritz team that did not play well in the opening game of the season, where I thought they were having an off day but similar performances, in particular, against Oyonnax showed it was more than that.
^ well my point still stands as something that applies to sports generally, that won't change in my mind unless someone gives me the right arguments. But to me at least, what I've said is fact basically.

Now about that particular game, of course MP had a lot to do with it, they were the team playing Clermont ! know what I mean. But no matter how unimpressive they are this year altogether, it wasn't representative of what they can do, and they were just rushing plays and never got in rhythm. Sure MP had a lot to do with them not getting in rhythm, but you can't exactly say they really showed up.

I've seen many rugby games where I can say with certainty Team A played excellently, but still got beaten badly by Team B. Other times, I've seen extremely tight matches but where the level of both teams was horrendous.

An example in that sort of thing is NZ France this summer, test 2. The 30-0 one. Not making excuses, but here are the facts:
"France played with little imagination" would be a great compliment. France played with absolutely nothing on attack. New Zealand's defense wasn't "great", it was merely present and in operation. They simply consciously defended the pathetic waves of ruck and pass, ruck n pass, ruck n pass France was mechanically throwing at them.
You can't say NZ subjected France to that, sure they were there, but France just had nothing going on at all on attack. They didn't attempt one intelligent play that was susceptible of confusing the defense. That 50 phase sequence that ended in a Michalak DG attempt that got charged down and try scored the other way was comical.

The opposite of that in recent memory is the 2011 RWC Final. NZ was attacking, going wide, stringed nice plays but France was just super organized and intense on defense.

Back to Clermont: they did not challenge MP all that much. It's just a match where they didn't ever get in rhythm. I thought it would come eventually, but they were just flat as the field they played on. Absolutely horizontal. But mega props to MP for that defense, no doubt.
But it wasn't a match where Clermont were firing and still were halted by MP. That's not what that was.
Has anyone brought up the point about Hook continually starting at full-back this season? Especially when he left Wales to get regular game-time at 10?
Anyways: TRY TOULOUSE !!
what a sequence by Fickou...

Not the greatest first half and one wonders how Toulouse have not won this game by now as, to me, they are in total control!!

Has anyone brought up the point about Hook continually starting at full-back this season? Especially when he left Wales to get regular game-time at 10?

Yes and done to death!!
Not the greatest first half and one wonders how Toulouse have not won this game by now as, to me, they are in total control!!

they were interviewing forwards coach Servat during the action and he said "Castres are missing some guys, and despite being at home we've still not gone away with the score".
I disagree a bit. Toulouse did play fantastic, with holes here and there, but Castres was better than some say in that match-up.

Fickou and Tolofua are going to be France greats in the future.

I can't wait to see Tolofua in a bleus uniform. He's just....."rare". Hookers are rare altogether, good hookers are gems, and for a hooker he does things he just shouldn't be doing. You shouldn't ever see a 120kg hooker side step and evade 2 or 3 tackles in one play. But he's still very young....kid's born in 1993 !

And yeh, Fickou's already proven his worth, now it's just a matter of improving and being selected.
Biarritz getting "beasted" in the scrum and Grenoble have two tries to effing zip..............9 - 17 to Grenoble with their 12 missing from 15 metres INSIDE their own half with a last minute penalty!!

Looking forward to Agen and La Rochelle next year away from these naughty big boys in the Top 14........................
Bonus point win for Grenoble making it only the 5th away win of the season and three of them have been at Biarritz.....................there is no getting back from this and Pro2 is a certainty as there is nothing left in the tank (are you listening Tom May?)

A disgraceful performance and a deserved loss............really is time to do a clear out ready for relegation on the off chance that we can get back again after only the one season!!

Is Joe Pieterson the worst signing made by any Top 14 team in the close season..........................YES!!!

By my calculations......Biarritz are 14th and Bayonne are 13th with two points the difference and the 11th placed team will be at least 4 points further depending on the Oyonnax result!!

Is fusion still a bad idea Messers Blanco and Afflelou?????!!!!!
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Yach plays a major Oscar role, gaining 2 yellows against Grenoble, The Ref tried his hardest for BO? PENALTIES GALORE Carminati interviewed after match actually complemented Yach on his acting abilities thought that was a jolly decent sort of good chappy comment.
Tony there are a couple of superb restos in La Rochelle but they could be taking your place next season in the TOP 14!!!!!!!!!!!
Had a very bad TV feed and missed a lot of it but Yach does have history and will certainly take your unbiased opinion at face value!!

He is probably playing his last season as surely they now have to do something to reduce the wage bill as they hardly managed to raise the funding this season and the season ticket sales will half...............

I was wrong about Bayonne....somehow they have got 12 points.....the same as Oyonnax.... so we are in an even worse position!!!

Edit......sorry just had to add that I thought that McAllister (oft crticised by me) of ST was MOM today against Castres...............what a different player this season!!
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watchin OYO SF, pretty boring so far...

Tony, man, just quit it with the Biarritz thing...just become a Toulouse fan or smt man, you may as well right now ! :lol:
watchin OYO SF, pretty boring so far...

Tony, man, just quit it with the Biarritz thing...just become a Toulouse fan or smt man, you may as well right now ! :lol:

Agree about the OYO game that we have now lost coverage of.............no great loss!!

Change my allegiance...................sorry, this guy is not for turning!!!
Oyonnax 15 Р16 Stade Fran̤ais
Biarritz Olympique 21 – 27 Grenoble
CA Brive-Corr̬ze 31 Р6 Perpignan
Racing M̩tro 92 26 Р19 Union Bordeaux-B̬gles
Rugby C Toulonnais 18 – 12 Aviron Bayonnais
Stade Toulousain 26 – 9 Castres Olympique
Montpellier H Rugby 43-3 ASM Clermont

[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD]Rugby Club Toulonnais[/TD]
[TD]Stade Français[/TD]
[TD]Montpellier Hérault Rugby[/TD]
[TD]Stade Toulousain[/TD]
[TD]Racing Métro 92[/TD]
[TD]ASM Clermont[/TD]
[TD]Union Bordeaux-Bègles[/TD]
[TD]Castres Olympique[/TD]
[TD]CA Brive-Corrèze[/TD]
[TD]Aviron Bayonnais[/TD]
[TD]Biarritz Olympique[/TD]
Gaston once again gives a demon prediction!!!!!! How did he know Oyonnax would loose their home record to Stade Francais, after 25 games and nearly 2 years undeafeated!!!!!!! this guy is GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
Top of the table clash next Friday Stade Francais = 1st, v Montpellier =joint 2nd and with Toulon loosing at Oyonnax on Sat. next, we could see a clear leader by the end of next weekends games...
BO propping up the table on 7pts and Bayonne on 12pts in 13th place with the Basque derby to come next Sat. some weekend in prospective.
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Well Gaston, you did miss BO's home loss. Chapeau on your predictions though, your only miss in about three weeks?
Sad news for TONY and all BO supporters the last 2 seasons 12th place at the end of the season was Bayonne 48pts and last season Bordeaux Begles 47pts, BO have 9 home games left if they win them all that would be a min of 36pts + the 7 pts they would have a total of 43pts going on the last 2 seasons not enough, they have to win all + bonus pts and a couple of away games, the task so early in the season seems virtually impossible and Lagisquet is calling for Basque fusion, not sure that is going to go down well in Basque country. For me Serge has to go and the training staff need either changing or reshaping something has to be done and very quickly.
Sad news for TONY and all BO supporters the last 2 seasons 12th place at the end of the season was Bayonne 48pts and last season Bordeaux Begles 47pts, BO have 9 home games left if they win them all that would be a min of 36pts + the 7 pts they would have a total of 43pts going on the last 2 seasons not enough, they have to win all + bonus pts and a couple of away games, the task so early in the season seems virtually impossible and Lagisquet is calling for Basque fusion, not sure that is going to go down well in Basque country. For me Serge has to go and the training staff need either changing or reshaping something has to be done and very quickly.

Understood and the way we are playing and the squad we have make us guaranteed relegation candidates......

The following are two of my posts on Facebook and you will know that I have been calling for Fusion for ages but at the bottom of this post there is a Facebook page set up to promote this and there is only on eperson who "likes" the page so not a lot of support there then!!! Blimey, me and Lagisquet in agreement on something....who would have thought that!!

Biarritz 14th and Bayonne 13th......time for FUSION!!!!
September 21 at 7:43pm · Like

Pol......Imanol is not the player he was, Traille is not the player he was, Blanco is not the man the club needs now....the world has moved on from the amateur days. We need a strong business person to manage the business and to raise the funds that a strong rugby manager can use to good effect and not waste on signings like Pieterson. What we have is clique of players and ex players who are mates of Blanco who are too old or not good enough to represent this very fine rugby club supported by some of the best people in France!
September 21 at 8:20pm · Like · 10


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