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Look out for a two on one overlap that sometimes for some strange reason comes up from a scrum</span>.......catch it on the blindside on the run then you have your two on one situation.
Attack</span>.....when you are tackled HOLD onto the ball all the way through the tackle animation until the tackle is completed and you (hopefully) see your guys get into the attack formation. This "holding on" will increase your ball retention 20-30%. Now if you try and pass it out and your opponent is also holding on (you will know because you will press pass again and again with no avail) then immediately press if you can simultaneously the join ruck button with the pass button. Joining players into a ruck helps to secure a ball (especially guys with high rucking stats) because if your opponent is a "ruck" type of player then he is keeping you honest by making you commit players to the ruck to counter his guys holding on in the tackle. If after a while you still cannot pass after guys are added into the ruck then do the "hands in the ruck" presses.

The other alternative method is the "holding on" to the ball and not letting go while getting your pointing finger (XBox users) to wrap around the control pad and push the pass button (or if you are doing a forward from the ruck you can just press the triggers).

Good luck.......
Interesting... will make sure our fellow players down south pick up on your advice, can't have anyone getting an advantage, even palying field and all that :)

I personally find spinning the ball wide with players running onto the ball works effectively, as turns the situation into broken field running, but then again sucking forwards into rucks does allow the gaps in backline to be exposed...

Overall top advice Gay Guy, a credit to the forum. Hopefully more of us can get to the in-depth level you're at.
Originally posted by dobrien7@May 3 2006, 01:21 PM
Interesting... will make sure our fellow players down south pick up on your advice, can't have anyone getting an advantage, even palying field and all that :)

Hahaha.......I am not interested in being No1....well not until online play is out.....

..I am more interested in bettering myself.....therefore I will tell my opponents lots of things that I am doing.....I need them to raise their level....beat me......so I can in turn raise my level to beat them. The bottom line is that we all get better step by step.

Last night I helped one of the boys learn a defensive style because I was killing him with my new French team. Once he got the hang of it he started to slow my points rate down. However he started getting cocky so I neglected to let him know a few more key points about that particular style of defence :lol:

It was good though being on the recieving end of one of my own defensive styles....good practice for me finding a system to beat it. Haha! I didn't tell him everything about that defensive style so he was a bit puzzled that I would occassionally run through.

There is one move that can beat that particular defensive style that was invented not by me but by one of the better guys in our circle. When I am least expecting it he pulls it out and I am standing there puzzled at how he managed to find such a big hole. He has also I suspect found another move that he someties tries that is occasionally effective in beating it. I have taken on his first move but i need to observe more closely what he is doing when he does his new one.

At the moment I am soon about to experiment with bow and arrows as the "new" guy who won the World cup at our comp last weekend was doing some.....for those who play rep touch or sevens rugby...they will know what I am talking about......maybe even try bow and arrow missouts.

Also tonight I am going to find how to link with the cutter who cuts in occasionally when you are doing a dummy running across field. Once i find out how to link up with him then this may be the key to real bow and arrows rather than attempted ones.
Is a whole another type of animal multiplayer compared to single player isn't it? There is so much more depth to the game.

Wonder if like in Jonahs, that when you loaded your maul differently, it made the backline fan out in different combinations? Therefore opening different gaps in which different moves can put you through?

Make sense???

Keep up the good work with the skills development, will try and contribute ourselves once we start to analyse it more in-depth :)
When running the ball on attack.....

3 things to read.

1. Read the D-Line....even if the defence hold the ball for ages and everyone gets back onside.....they will most times never line up with even spaces.....it is like real life.....big gaps little gaps...inconsistencies.

2. Read the defensive pattern chosen....kick, tight, standard, or pivot.

3. Read the defensive player highlighted....this will give a clue as to what defensive style your human opponent will use....sometimes you can see a person winding up to do SJRL flying defence...other times you can see them doing slower smaller circles behind the ruck for their sweeper defence.......other times you can see them put their person where there is a gap for the plug defence.

Once you can read and perhaps anticipate a persons defensive plan you can attack them where you percieve them to be the most weakest at (obviously). There are many ways to do this but i am getting tired :lol: of typing so I won't go into all the details. But just to show you I am not talking baloney I will show one example of breaking through a midfield hole against a human opponent who knows how to mark.......

...well actually I really am tired of typing......
Ah you're a tease GG...

There's a lot to be said for being able to read the game, not just seeing the gap, but knowing it's going to be there before you start an attack.
Originally posted by dobrien7@May 3 2006, 02:29 PM
Is a whole another type of animal multiplayer compared to single player isn't it? There is so much more depth to the game.

Wonder if like in Jonahs, that when you loaded your maul differently, it made the backline fan out in different combinations? Therefore opening different gaps in which different moves can put you through?

Make sense???

Keep up the good work with the skills development, will try and contribute ourselves once we start to analyse it more in-depth :)
Well you do have a point there....loading a ruck or maul takes players away from the backline as well as forwards doing one off the ruck runs.

I have noticed for instance that with Richie McCaw and others not in a ruck he tends to stand wider out in the backline...which annoys me because he receives the ball as a back. This stunts my running and passing midfield combination that I select to complement my style......
Originally posted by dobrien7@May 3 2006, 02:48 PM
Ah you're a tease GG...

There's a lot to be said for being able to read the game, not just seeing the gap, but knowing it's going to be there before you start an attack.
Yeah and thats the thing......no defensive line stands perfectly like robots and moves as one. Even the best d-screens will have guys who are tired from lowering stamina, guys who are slow moving, guys who have slow awareness, low tackle, low strength.....and we can only control one guy at a time!

Then you also have the opposite with star players moving too well. For instance I had one of my French loosies (star name withheld) who when I was doing plu defence....the guy (AI) decided he was going to rush up ahead all by himself (SJRL defence)....while the rest of us were moving up slowly!

With all the players and their differing stats making them behave differently, trying to coordinate them to defend like a team has as much variables affecting them as it would in REAL life!
Originally posted by wkl@Mar 9 2006, 05:02 AM
It might just be me but I feel you win scrums easier if you feed it and push back and hooking it before you push back fowards.
I'll give it a go tonight.....
I get done like a dinner in multiplayer scrums, so am intrigued as to whether that actually works...
I am officially ending my posts in this thread due to the upcoming TRF R2006 competition....... :lol:

....all new requests for the latests tips will require payment :p
I hope you all realise that this tourney is really just a race.....for second place. :p
who is going for second?

who is going to set up the torny? like who plays who etc? i can do that

to pools of 5 if there is 10? or shall we do a 10 nations? having 14 people would make it a bit longer and would possibly be an all nigher lol

10 nations is still pretty long so maybe the 2 pools of 5 and then split them up

ie top 2 of each pool go to cup semi
3-4 of each pool go to plate semi
bottom two play for wooden spoon (i can buy a wooden spoon but that may cause the two to just play for a loss lol)

seams like there is going to be that many anyway still going to be a few games
10 Nations is a good idea, but then it can only be played on the one console, probably better off making our own tournament and recording results. As then if for any reason a game can be delayed, played early etc eg beer/food runs interrupting :)
Seconded. Dave and I have played multiplayer tourneys a few time down here with a group of about eight players, and if someone is mucking around it can slow down the whole thing.

If two people were enjoying your bbq or away down your local shop to grab some food, then someone elses game can be played.

I've always suggested that EA should include a "Postpone Match" feature for any multiplayer tournaments on their sports games. We've got 2 Super 14 comps going right now, (Dave leading one, Me the other) that we're always having trouble getting one or other player to be there to play their match on time, so someone else can play theirs afterwards.

If we just do it through Play now, we can record the results on a sheet of paper (yes another sheet), and play whichever order of matches we want.
dont forget loo breaks...

also will need to sort out the rules

eg time limit (level will have to be elite right?)
player stats, what stats would you want to give to all the hookers etc (if thats the way we are going to do it, instead of having some teams more powerful that nothers, but then again that might take the fun out of it)
Also things like are head highs allowed, and if they are, no head highs in the in-goals? Kick offs not to go in a certain area (you can pin a team in their corner if you aim it right) etc

The stats thing is interesting, as you could hypothetically even the playing field so it's then who out of us is better, but then playing with teams as normal, if someones too good (or ****) you can just change their team up or down. Also some people play better with certain teams too, eg Gay-guy's penchant for the French...

What do you guys reckon? Ultimately it doesn't worry me, will just be good to have a get together and play some new fish and then hit the **** and play where am I going to wake up...

:bravo: :cheers: :buddies: :vomit: :injured: :violin:
dont see why head highs arnt allowed, if you are stupid enough to get in goal and get a head high done on you and lose the ball then its your own fault (good tip though lol)

will need a poll on the stats thing once all the people are confirmed and stuff. i need at least a week to sort out the stats for the xbox's even though i am going to program the stats straight in.

will also try to have some custom kits in there :) like the trf kit :) just for a bit of fun :) want them for whoever my team is going to be (might even just change it for argentina anyway)