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Quick tip for multiplayer (though it maybe handy for single player)

* Never take control of your fullback when defending 1 on 1's.

If you let the computer to the tackle him, there is no way he can get round you, unless he grubber kicks or any other form of kick.

I dunno who many times I controlled the fullback trying to tackle the opposition and ending up diving tacking thin air, or worse, get fooled by the opponent weaving in & out. By letting the computer to tackle him, he can do all the weaving all he wants, there is no way around the fullback. :cheers:
Quick tip on lineouts.

If you find that the opposition team jumper has read your call and will get the ball if you throw it, just throw it over the top and quickly select the closest player (flanker/no8) and dive on the ball. This works for me 8 out of 10 times.
My Tip is for everyone that plays on a view other than side view. It is...(drumroll) play on side view ....yes, that is right, play on side view (AK & BOkke). When I started the game was very easy, I'v played nothing but World league on Classic 3 and after I won it - (losing only 6 matches in my career that spread 3 seasons) decided that I would start playing the comps all on sideview, starting with S14 and 6 Nations and man what an eye opener. ...

Suddenly attacking and defensive set plays came to life, moving on from a 2 dimensional arcade game to a sim in the switch of a camera. Mauls started rolling, receivers starte running onto the ball, offloading became more of a decision than an option. Pick and go's with the scrumhalf started becoming an attack rather than a defenitive tackle, crosskicks set play becomes easier, kicking in play becomes a challenge. Defending is harder, Ai's attack seems to be harder to "read" - in short its more fun.
Don't know if this will help but I've noticed in lineouts against AI teams (non human) that you can tell when the ball is going to be thrown in, making stealing lineouts and regaining posession easier... the hooker will have ball in two hands, then it appears to move to the right hand, approx 3 seconds later it will be thrown in. Stills requires timing but is great for lineouts close to opposition line :D
why do we need tips?
this game is getting too easy...

i need tips on how to get the ai to actually score on me
get a knock on near your own line, they will drop goal from the scrum 90% of the time o_O depending on the score of course

A drop-goal is scored when a player kicks the ball from hand through the opposition's goal posts.

The ball is dropped to the ground and is kicked just after it has bounced - it can be a tricky skill to master.

If a team is awarded a free-kick, a drop-goal cannot be scored until

the ball next becomes dead

an opponent has played or touched it

an opponent has tackled the ball-carrier
This restriction applies also to a scrum taken instead of a free-kick.


its the only place where i found this rule, does it annoy anyone else when they get a drop goal directly from a scrum? there is absolutly no way to stop it!!!

its law 9-A1 :D http://www.irb.com/NR/rdonlyres/8910ED80-F...LawBook2005.pdf
Originally posted by Quintes@Mar 14 2006, 01:47 AM
My Tip is for everyone that plays on a view other than side view. It is...(drumroll) play on side view ....yes, that is right, play on side view (AK & BOkke). When I started the game was very easy, I'v played nothing but World league on Classic 3 and after I won it - (losing only 6 matches in my career that spread 3 seasons) decided that I would start playing the comps all on sideview, starting with S14 and 6 Nations and man what an eye opener. ...

Suddenly attacking and defensive set plays came to life, moving on from a 2 dimensional arcade game to a sim in the switch of a camera. Mauls started rolling, receivers starte running onto the ball, offloading became more of a decision than an option. Pick and go's with the scrumhalf started becoming an attack rather than a defenitive tackle, crosskicks set play becomes easier, kicking in play becomes a challenge. Defending is harder, Ai's attack seems to be harder to "read" - in short its more fun.

:lol: :bravo: :cheers: :bana:
i used to play on side view, but went to classic 2 (i think) cause thats what my mate plays when he plays and wont go side view. i just want to make it fair so i can beat him by a higher score :)
side view is way way better... plays like real rugby

but its still getting easier and easier.

how can i get the full back to join the line more when i run onto the ball. inside centre always seems to cut inside which is great, but the full back needs to join the line to make up the numbers out wide
I just like the feel of the side view. You get more of a feel of collisions in the tackle, players breaking the gainline or getting knocked backwards. It makes it harder to spot gaps on the far side of the field and harder to line up the opposition ball carriers, so i don't run away with the game as often.
Beat the flying defender (Human vs human).

If your first five is getting smashed as soon as he has the ball by someone using the flying defender.

When you pass the ball to your first five and you see your opponent winding up to hospitalise you with the flying defender.....

.....before your first five recieves the pass from the halfback "hold down" the pass button. It will be a hot potato pass but more specifically a "missout" hot potato pass....so you will miss out a player.

Then before the missout pass reaches its target do another "normal" hot potato pass depending on whether there is room to move on the outside...or if there is no gap....do the hot potato pass back on the inside. If you do the hot potato pass on the outside there is normally a VERY big gap to angle into. If you do a hot potato pass back inside then immediately activate the sidestep to get immediate go forward as your inside receiver will unfortunately be recieving the ball standing still. When you do activate the sidestep from a standing start then most times you will accelerate into space. :bravo:

This move only works on people who really try and hospitalise you with their flying defence. If they do not fly up 100% but hang back just a little then they will read your move and go to tackle the second pass. If they do rush but hang back just that little bit then simply play normally as they will be marking the second reciever if you do a hot potato especially if it is a miss pass.

Also the timing of it requires very quick decision making whether to throw the ball back out or back in.

However mastering it will make sure that those who try and rush you all the time will start to treat you with respect as they will be shown up with the big midfeild gap all the time, and I mean a BIG midfield gap you will be exploiting. If they start to mark up the missout hot potato pass then adjust by simply running instead of passing straight with your first five into the gap that maybe just outside the ruck where the ball originally came from.
Stutter Step

Yep...I know how to do it where it will stutter a diving tackler to miss.

But should I tell? :locked:
Originally posted by welshy@Mar 3 2006, 04:10 AM
* When the AI goes for a set play, always tackle the fly-half even if it's late. This can disrupt many of the set plays.
you know, i always thought of this as a really good idea, and yes sometimes it works, but i find it much safer, and often more effective, if you get your best tackler and follow the ball. reason being? if you tackle the 5/8 then you never know where the ball is actually going to go. instead of the centre passing it back to the 5/8, he will run it instead, and make massive meters. wheres if you let a play wrok, and then have your tackler right there for when the last player gets the ball, and smash him then they often dont make any meters!
Originally posted by BOKean@Mar 25 2006, 04:13 PM
i will give you a cookie if you tell
Once you get some speed up......pull back in the opposite direction then push back to your original direction....all done VERY fast (flick speed) so that the animation never gets a chance to make the player turn around......instead you will just stutter for a sec......before sprinting off again as you have already built up speed and are (according to the programme) still in turbo mode and did not return to a "standing" start.

In multiplayer a human diving at the "stutter" can sometimes be beaten because the release after the stutter is in "turbo" mode rather than a standing start one which causes the dive tackle to miss as the takeoff after the stutter is a "sprint."

Just another option to add to your armoury of sidestep, swerve, fend, barge, grubber, and dummy when beating a player.

Also tell your opponent you are stuttering when you do it to make them nervous. :lol:

Once you have mastered that Bokean I will show you the "multi" stutter! Much more dramatic! For anyone who has played touch rugby at a high level they will know what I am talking about.......
Good tip for newbies GG, but I been there done that.

I have played over 50 games against all my playing mates and only ever lost one of them.

I quite modestly think I'm on my way to being a multiplayer god at this.

I won nearly all the time at JLR, but not this much!

Still it's early days....

I think R '06 is a multiplayer stayer for the whole year!
Originally posted by C A Iversen@Mar 26 2006, 09:14 PM
Good tip for newbies GG, but I been there done that.

I have played over 50 games against all my playing mates and only ever lost one of them.

I quite modestly think I'm on my way to being a multiplayer god at this.

I won nearly all the time at JLR, but not this much!

Still it's early days....

I think R '06 is a multiplayer stayer for the whole year!
wow CA!!!! :bravo:

We gotta met online in R2007.......... :)

Until then its time to practice I suppose.........

you could share some of your tips y'know B)
Originally posted by Gay-Guy+Mar 26 2006, 09:26 PM-->
<!--QuoteBegin-C A Iversen
@Mar 26 2006, 09:14 PM
Good tip for newbies GG, but I been there done that.

I have played over 50 games against all my playing mates and only ever lost one of them.

I quite modestly think I'm on my way to being a multiplayer god at this.

I won nearly all the time at JLR, but not this much!

Still it's early days....

I think R '06 is a multiplayer stayer for the whole year!
wow CA!!!! :bravo:

We gotta met online in R2007.......... :)

Until then its time to practice I suppose.........

you could share some of your tips y'know B) [/b]
Hell yeah, GG! Hey, imagine how good '07 should be, if this is what we got for '06!

I haven't been on the forum much recently, as all I've been doing is playing it to death.

I love the crosskick moves, like the one you can do off the 'miss' set-play, I find it's best done from about just a few metres outside the opposition 22.

Actually when '07 comes out the broadband should be a lot faster in NZ!
Defending with fullback Human v Human. DO select the fullback

If the opposition has made a break with support it is better to select the fullback, as long as you hold off and dont make a dive tackle. It puts the human attacker in two minds and often gains a bit of time for cover defence to arrive. it also lets you tackle the person who they pass to if they do make the pass shutting down the attack.

risky when they are in your twenty two though. Over all it is high risk, high return, but when you master it your defence improves greatly.
More "multiplayer" tips......

Missout pass dummy is a better animation to use when doing a dummy....looks more authentic

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