Trump was 2 completely different characters simultaneously regarding Russia, which makes me think he was not the one making the decisions all the time. Every time he has spoken personally about Russia and Putin, he has praised them whilst criticising allies. He took the word of Putin over his own intelligence agencies and actually questioned whether Russia was involved in the Salisbury poisoning. Despite giving Ukraine aid, all his comments were pro-Russia and he spent more time verbally attacking Ukraine than he did Russia. He blackmailed Ukraine in a way he never did with Russia. He frequently parroted Russian propaganda.
Nope sorry, I don't buy it. I think the actions the US took against Russia were the proposals of Bolton, not Trump. Likewise his comments regarding gas supplies, pretty sure that was a Bolton thing too. Nothing about what Trump has said has been anti-Russian. His NATO comments weren't about European nations fighting Russia but were about the USA spending less, it was financial. He has frequently attacked European nations and rejoiced at Brexit. He made numerous attacks on Merkel and Macron in particular. His NATO comments had far more basis in financial whinging and Europe bashing than they did in any sort of anti-Russian ideal. Also the javelins sent to Ukraine were not donated, they were sold. As usual, Trump sees a way to make money and it later turns out, an attempt to get dirt on a political opponent.
I think you put way too much emphasis on Trumps appearance of being anti-Russian. It doesn't add up. Every anti-Russian action that the USA took, when Trump had to explain it, he was always dodging around trying not to criticise Russia. He never held back like that when talking about the European "allies". That to me strongly indicates he was being heavily directed to take those actions and was not in favour. It was the equivalent of a kid being told to say sorry. When Trump is punishing someone because he wants to, he doesn't moderate his speech and, if anything, embelishes it with lies. This NEVER happened any time he had to criticise Russia. Why would he suddenly be Mr diplomatic when discussing an enemy when he is perfectly happy to be Mr bull in a China shop on everything else. Hell look at how he talked about China when starting the trade war compared to how he talked about Russia. Trump was not strong on Russia at all.