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The Premiership 2006-2007

Once again Teh Mite, you post the "dive" that was a blatant penalty! In fact, Gattuso should have been sent off for it, Gerrard was clean through. He would have been better served to stay on his feet.

As for the Sheff Utd penalty, that was the referees decision.There was no appeal from Gerrard for a penalty. Whether it was or it wasn't a penalty is entirely dependant on your interpretation of the "intent" rule. I think it's a load of crap myself.

I could post a lot of pictures of Everton hatchet men pulling off malicious fouls RBS, but sadly I have bandwidth considerations.

Back to the original point, when Johnson played for Palace he was a serial diver. He has his reputation for this reason, so I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. I don't recall him diving once for Everton, but that isn't where he forged his reputation, it was at Palace. This "victimisation" is because of his go down behaviour at Palace, and his reputation as a diver is thoroughly deserved because of this.

Not that this is fair on the Bloos, of course. Not that I care. I do know that "The People" of Liverpool (and North Wales) have been getting very upset about the lack of penalties he's been getting. All his own fault. imo.
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SFW, that was funny stuff!

Anyway, tbh, as an outsider looking in on premiership divers, I say they all do it. It has become the accpetable level, if you feel a tap or leg now, go down. They practice it, I am sure.

I still think they should ban people for doing it, they do for headbutts so why not diving, it surely affects the game more than a small violent act. Look at Morgan, he will surely get something for tapping RVP in the stomach.

Oh and I am getting rather worried over Watford's pitch, Stockport County's FA cup game is there and it is a hell of a long way for me to go!

Diving has become common place in Spanish and Italian football, and they seem to be fine with it in their leagues, its that great debate tho... Its only like citing people for intent in rugby... so whats the difference...

Anyways 3 nil win for Liverpool against Bolton, great result to put Liverpool into 3rd and Bolton slip to 4th in the New Year Day's Fixtures... with Crouch getting the first Premiership goal in 2007...
Curbishley's honeymoon period well and truly over, it's all well and good beating wankstain but then to lose 6-0 to Reading, that's some comedown.
Who'd have thunk it, Newcastle getting a point at home to Unireh, up to Chelsea now to see if they can take advantage against the draw specialists of the premiership.
Once again Teh Mite, you post the "dive" that was a blatant penalty! In fact, Gattuso should have been sent off for it, Gerrard was clean through. He would have been better served to stay on his feet.

As for the Sheff Utd penalty, that was the referees decision.There was no appeal from Gerrard for a penalty. Whether it was or it wasn't a penalty is entirely dependant on your interpretation of the "intent" rule. I think it's a load of crap myself.

I could post a lot of pictures of Everton hatchet men pulling off malicious fouls RBS, but sadly I have bandwidth considerations.

Back to the original point, when Johnson played for Palace he was a serial diver. He has his reputation for this reason, so I have no sympathy for him whatsoever. I don't recall him diving once for Everton, but that isn't where he forged his reputation, it was at Palace. This "victimisation" is because of his go down behaviour at Palace, and his reputation as a diver is thoroughly deserved because of this.

Not that this is fair on the Bloos, of course. Not that I care. I do know that "The People" of Liverpool (and North Wales) have been getting very upset about the lack of penalties he's been getting. All his own fault. imo.

So essentially this post was you admitting that it's nonsense to say that the incorrect refereeing decisions are the players fault for his previous misdemeanours.

You shouldn't referree by reputations...They obviously don't when it's a high profile player like Steven Gerrard MBE* because, as we've demonstrated, he's certainly not above going to ground if he thinks it'll be a penalty.


* Might Be Evertonian
and the draw specialists strike again, holding Chelsea for the second time this season and the champions fail to take advantage of United's slip up yesterday. The Special is going to have to do something pretty special indeed if he's to get Chelsea back on track, not looking like 3 in a row for Jose at this stage.
certainly heading that way, 3 draws in a row now, that's got relegation written all over it. :p
Stupid Chavs! They are handing United the ***le on a plate. And that is a thought I can't stomach...
Stupid Chavs! They are handing United the ***le on a plate. And that is a thought I can't stomach...

There's nothing else for it...your lot will have to get themselves a decent manager and do the job themselves. ;) :p

Or, if ridiculous rumours are to be believed, buy Thiery Henry. :eek: :blink: :wacko:
I'm perfectly happy with our manager thank you. Heard the Henry rumour, load of rubbish. Lovely if it were true though!
I'm perfectly happy with our manager thank you.

Looks like you jinxed him there

9-4 home defeat (over 180 minutes).

What happened...I was playing footy and haven't got Sky. Just caught the 606 recriminations.
I wouldn't read too much into it, yeah it's effective finished any chances Liverpool have of winning a trophy this season but these were 2 matches with Arsenal we're talking about.

Their game is always suited to playing top sides cause they try and play football as well and don't go out with the intention of knocking the shite out of them.

Plus as for the reserve side, Arsenal are clearly the best team at finding young talent and nurturing it through. Didn't see last night's match either but apparently Dudek had a bit of a mare, there were calls that he shouldn't have played at all.
I wouldn't read too much into it, yeah it's effective finished any chances Liverpool have of winning a trophy this season but these were 2 matches with Arsenal we're talking about. [/b]

We have one trophy this year... the first one of the season, ok it may not be much but its still there

and on the having a mare, dudek certainly did... The one problem I have with Arsenal is the LACK of English Youth...

Can anyone Name 5 UK players from Arsenal, who play on a regular basis?

If UEFA/FIFA/FA bring in the rule of 5 British Players must be in the starting lineup Arsenal will struggle...

Teams like Man United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Everton, Newcastle etc will be fine....
We have one trophy this year... the first one of the season, ok it may not be much but its still there

and on the having a mare, dudek certainly did... The one problem I have with Arsenal is the LACK of English Youth...

Can anyone Name 5 UK players from Arsenal, who play on a regular basis?

If UEFA/FIFA/FA bring in the rule of 5 British Players must be in the starting lineup Arsenal will struggle...

Teams like Man United, Chelsea, Liverpool, Everton, Newcastle etc will be fine....

So Arsenal who's youth team is excellent suffer whilst the likes of Jermaine Pennant, Ashley Cole, David Bentley, Stewart Taylor, Julian Gray, Jerome Thomas all go to make up the quota of teams with cack youth policies.

The rule will need to be less clumsy than that I think

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