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The Movie Thread


Really good fun. Big fan of Vaughan's movies. Some incredible scenes in it. Especially the Church scene with the Free Bird solo playing.

I like the look of that one. Been slated by certain critics, but those critics are usually the ones who are so pretentious that I can guarantee anything they slate is a good flim.
I watched Exodus: Gods and Kings, last week. And I thought it was a brilliant adaptation.

It wasn't far-fetched as what Noah was. And I thought the manner in which they portrayed the 7 plagues was a sensible way. Also thought it was a nice touch to dedicate the movie to his brother, Tony Scott
Great soundtrack as well.

this is the original soundtrack that was rejected by the studio:

<iframe width="100%" height="450" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/30916587&amp;auto_play=false&amp;hide_related=false&amp;show_comments=true&amp;show_user=true&amp;show_reposts=false&amp;visual=true"></iframe>
Please guys, do not miss this film, a highly recommended movie. In UK cinemas on March 27th and February 20th in USA.
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Please guys, do not miss this film, a highly recommended movie. In UK cinemas on March 27th and February 20th in USA.

I saw that reviewed on one of the morning news programs. Only problem I see (and they also mentioned) is that it doesn't really seem conducive for the cinema. I'll probably catch it on DVD release though, as it does look interesting.
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Come on whos gonna admit they went and watched 50 shades of grey?

My wife is trying her hardest to drag me to see it. I got away with it this weekend but I am probably going to have to cave at some point.
Finally saw The Hobbit Battle of the Five Armies.
Very very very disappointing, by far the worst of the Middle Earth Hexalogy.
Need for speed (2014)

The worst film I've ever seen in my life. Is like Fast & Furious, a piece of s***
Drive (2011)

Good movie. Really liked Ryan Gosling's character.
I really enjoyed Drive. I always felt it was pretty to watch but could never really explain why until I saw this vid:

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Really impressed. A sci-fi film that isn't a horror/schlock film in disguise. Good, non-contrived storyline with sympathetic characters and one that gets much of the science right if a little distorted. They had cosmologist Prof. Kip Thorne as their science advisor and Neil deGrasse-Tyson gave it his stamp of approval. Couldn't help thinking that this time Matthew McConaughy got to take the ride through the wormhole.
Bleh. Tried to insert a meme/video thingy but didn't work. Move along, nothing to see here. Move along.
So after rewatching Groundhog Day for the billionth time, I've decided I need to rewatch a lot more Bill Murray films. I started with Meatballs (1979) with Bill Murray for the first time since I was around 10-12 years old (probably the time when that movie would be most exciting to a kid). I'm not sure if its just the nostalgia - but for some reason I feel that movie really holds up well. Recommend it for anyone who has an hour and a half to kill to watching a feel-good 70's summer camp film..
So I went to watch 50 Shades of Grey with my wife. I liked it. It was a good movie to watch, and I thought that Dakota Johnson played her role amazingly.

I also finally managed to watch the Grand Budapest Hotel. This was a fantastic, enjoyable movie.

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