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The Movie Thread

Ah, I'm only joshing :p

With the two ***anfalls and Apex Legends under their belt, though, they're definitely the company I'd trust most with a Star Wars game atm

I just hope the Disney execs don't stick their noses, smelling free cash/monetisation

I suspect that was more EA's call, judging by things like Battlefield
Ah, I'm only joshing :p

With the two ***anfalls and Apex Legends under their belt, though, they're definitely the company I'd trust most with a Star Wars game atm

I just hope the Disney execs don't stick their noses, smelling free cash/monetisation

Hate to drag this whole thing down (again) but didn't EA rape and pillage (and murder... a little dramatic but I stand firm) Visceral Games (another team who had great pedigree) while they were deep into development of a single player, no micro-transactional Star Wars game...

EA got priors kids! May Izzy's lord protect Respawn during this fragile period!
sorry to jump back, conversation moved on so fast!

TFA may have been safe but at least it looked like it was setting up something...and then not only did TLJ kill off Snoke as the big bad and Ren as a new vader (lite) there were just too many HUGE pot holes, even for a star wars film, the whole trip to the casino planet that was unnecessary in the end, bombers in space? ships that can travel faster than the speed of light cant just jump past the ship their following? throughout all the films ships have gone at all kinds of different speeds...but both the good guys and the bad guys suddenly have fleets that unless at light speed travel at exactly the same speed?

I think i just got annoyed because i watched Clone wars and rebels and they both had really great story arcs and i just get confused that these are the stories they decided to make into films...the idea that Palpatine has been the Big Bad over all nine films is a tiny redeeming feature
I liked TFA, it played safe but it did what it needed. There were things I liked about TLJ but it just felt like such a mess, it was really disappointing for me, the plot just didn't make it interesting. I enjoyed Rogue One a lot as well. It was obvious that it went a different direction to the one that was originally indented. I liked the trailer for Ep.9, not sold on the ***le but as a movie it looked promising. I think the financial failure of Solo was a wakeup call for Disney, they seem to have reconsidered their strategy for the better.

One thing that is obvious is that there's a section of the Star Wars fanbase that will moan and complain whatever happens, I love Star Wars but some of the fans need a bit of perspective.
I love Star Wars but some of the fans need a bit of perspective.
The fact that some think the TLJ is worse than prequels....seriously I just want to force anyone who says that to watch TPM again.

I'm trying very hard to not get into is TLJ good or bad, I think all the points made are wrong but I've had this argument so many times now I've just given up and just accept I like it a huge amount of people did as well but also a huge amount didn't for reasons I don't agree with (Apart from Canto Bite I've seen no one defend that sequence, but its notable for being the only part of the film I wasn't fully engaged).

I think the 'failings' (I fully expect IX to romp home in the box office like TFA and TLJ did) by Disney are as follows.

A misunderstanding of its core fan base, they applied the same thing Marvel where they didn't care about continuity outside of the film franchise (except Clone Wars which was still running) not realising the fandom behind the fanfic EU. Where as comic book fans are use continuity reshaping and retellings of the same story the hardcore SW had had one continuity. Just ditching the EU peeved a lot of fans but its understandable why they did it.

'Franchise fatigue', this is primarily Solo's fault but its release so soon after TLJ was ill judged. Coupled with a troubled production, an okay but not stellar film (it wasn't even divisive) just led to no one really interested. Its actually surprising how well Rogue One did. Marvel gets away with it by expecting smaller returns from its smallers outings like Any-Man and the Wasp but Rogue One gave unrealistic expectations that a Star Wars sticker was a license to print money.

Hiring JJ Abrams then Rian Johnson. Abrams is a hack without an original thought in his body his mystery box style of writing is inane he creates mysteries but doesn't want to explain it. this led to two of the biggest problems with TLJ that people complain about. First the decision to remove Luke from the movie meant Johnson had to answer the question what could of caused him to go into hiding whilst essentially the Empire rebuilt, whilst everybody has a diffrent opinion on what that answer may have been some vehemently hated Johnson's decision. The other is 'Who's Snoke?' bear in mind in original trilogy we didn't know anything about Palpatine, Johnson decided it was just uninteresting evil character, finished him off so he could develop Kylo Ren into a bad guy creating a more interesting fall to darkness than happened with Anakin. Most of Johnson's creative decisions (and theres a level to how many he really got to make) that people object to are a direct consequence of mysteries that the creator of them had no interest of solving himself so no direct answer was set up.

I think they ****** of the hardcore fans but I think the franchise is likely in rude health because they don't need those fans. It should be noted that only people I've seen ****** off in my everyday life are those who were heavilly into the EU everyone else seamed to love it.

But we'll see I don't think this will be course correction no more so than season 2 of Discovery was. Disney has had one failing so far with Solo and it was most likely due to hubris than backlash.
My main gripe with the new star wars films is how it just feels like the original trilogy being rehashed. The prequals, despite being pretty poor, at least felt they had distinct storylines. The Force Awakens was so blatant in just repeating the story of the original trilogy it was pretty annoying. Such a huge fictional universe and they go for the same Death star with single point of weakness destroying a rebellion story arc. I just find the new episodes quite unmemorable, to the extent I forget which is in which episode and their names. I didn't have that problem with the original trilogy or even the prequels. There just isn't enough original or standing out about the new trilogy.
I have seen the Endgame it was rather good.

Watching Return of the King for the first time is probably the closest I can get to describing the experience.
Saw the Avengers at midnight last night, it was brilliant.
I have seen the Endgame it was rather good.

Watching Return of the King for the first time is probably the closest I can get to describing the experience.
Return of the King is a really good way of describing it.
Saw it, just two hrs and 45 minutes of Korg handing out revolution pamphlets and a 15 minute epic battle where everyone in the universe fights Thanos. The only survivors are the black avengers, Hawkeye and Korg and Meek. Best film I've ever seen.
Endgame exceeded my unbelievably high expectations and then some. Paid off so many seeds which have been nurtured over the years... a lot of which none of us even knew were seeds and just seemed inconsequential at the time. The more times you have watched the previous MCU films the more you will get out. Three times I have floated out of the cinema in my adult life... The Matrix, Fightclub and now this... Bravo!
Went to see Endgame. I was very disappointed. I don't really think I can explain how without giving spoilers so I won't explain fully but... the amount of fan service was just infuriating. Don't get me wrong, I like the odd bit but when every single scene has this wink wink nudge nudge feel to it, it's just too much. Definitely had a couple of moments that were incredible; probably the best that the MCU has produced, but for me it just doesn't discount how poor some parts were.

I think the best way to describe how I felt about it was that feeling when you're writing an essay and you start off really strongly and feel good about it but then you start to get a bit rambly and don't know where you're going and then you figure out where you're going but by that point you're running low on time so you just rush to get to the climax and then it just feels like a mess.

I really wanted to love it but I just didn't.
I can only really think of one thing that was massively fan service and looked force for the sake of "Political" reasons.

Outside that not sure.
(Could do with a spoiler thread)
I can only really think of one thing that was massively fan service and looked force for the sake of "Political" reasons.

Outside that not sure.
(Could do with a spoiler thread)
I know which moment you mean and that was the killer for me, I wasn't sure how to word it without being spoilery but Jesus, what were they thinking?! Beyond being cringe it just didn't actually make any sense for that to happen.

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