I've been nominated for Cleverest Member and Least Respected Southern Hemisphere Poster by a person with around 25% of my rep.Originally posted by Candyman@Jul 18 2006, 12:46 PM
The TRFies,
They are a great idea but the only problem i can see with them, Is that there seems to be the same people getting nominated for everything it needs to have a bit of a mix of people in each award. I am most certainly not complaining as me personally i don't think i deserve to be nominated for any just yet.
But people like Rassie,Neck,Mono Turd,Ripper,gay-guy etc etc have not been up for many there seems to be a few with admins and mod's keep appearing.
I am sorry if it feels like i am picking on a few but i am honestly not.
What more could I want?