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Suggestions/ideas for Rugby 2012

Tackling - has anyone ever played Back-Breaker? Its like Madden, but you can NEVER have the same tackle again; the game is designed so that its much more realistic.
Backs - Maybe you could take control of the whole backs line? Drifting? Pushing up? Having some backs that tackle (unlike Rugby 08)
Kicking - Take less time. Also, make the ball bounce in different directions - the ball doesnt always bounce foreward.

I just looked up backbreaker - that's the direction they need to go in. It's ALL about convincing physics and collision detection for me. Backbreaker uses the euphoria engine, which is a natural movement evolution of rag doll physics. Sport games will continue to be crappy until developers look into it.
I agree with the Euphoria suggestion, if HB have the funds available (Euphoria is quite pricey to put in your game) from the publisher it could make a huge difference. If not, which is understandable looking at the history of Rugby games in general and the money made available to them in the past, some next-gen level physics could really beef up the game- hits that are varied and look big and realistic keep people interested. The engine matters most, the features and licenses can be tagged on in new games but a solid engine should be the starting point.
- it should be. But as long as the feedback developers get consists almost exclusively of cries for bells and whistles, we'll keep getting tripe.
No. HB issued a press release recently stating that political incorrectness will be rife in the upcoming 'Rugby 2012'.
ive played the manager mode on fifa, and if the tweaked a few things on it and used the structure for rugby 2012 i think it would be sick
I think this is a pretty through list:

Player Control:
- 360o control like in FIFA
- Ruck Control (have a dpeth chart for who to put in)
- More lineout options & create personal lineout stategy
- Better scrum control
- Option of cheating (and getting caught by the TMO) such as collapsing scrum or high tackle
- Choice of tackles (lower tackles or chest region tackles to prevent offload)
- Chracteristic movements of best players such as their running style
- Moe kicking options- punt you can spiral or make it flip and it can go high or low for example
- More ways of beating the player: Dummy, sidestep, switch, chip, hand off, shoulder barge etc.

Game Modes:
- A manager mode at a par with FIFA
- A be a pro mode would epicly change the game
- having a game face to go with be a pro
- the club 7s circuit
- World Cup (surprised if not in)
- 6 Nations
- Prem
- Super 14
- French league
- Italian League
- Amlin Cup
- Heineken Cup
- Eurpean Championships (Spain, Germany, Portugal, Georgia, Russia and Ukraine equivalent of 6 nations)
- Training
- Magners League
- Lions Tour
- Look at the minigames section on madden 11 (something like that would be aweosme)
- Have a super iberica league. (I know exactly what your thinking, its wishful thinking on my part as I play for one of the spanish teams)
- Online Multiplayer
- Online be a pro multiplayer

- Create a player
- Edit Kit
- Create a Kit
- Edit equipment
- Create a stadium
- Manage other aspects in manager mode such as board
- Have an arena mode like FIFA
- Licensing
- a tutorial, not only for the game, but for rugby, for the people who arent completely sure about tactics
- Update the roster
- Try and design game day as if it were a tv presentation (with fans and the stadium and players running out, coin toss, etc...)
- Realistic stadum atmosphere (eg have smoke on the water play in the beginning of welford road matches) (Madden does things like the J-E-T-S, JETS, JETS JETS at their stadium)
- Have important stadia such as welford road, twickenham etc but then have generic ones as well which encompass all teams)
- have brand associated stuff like nike boots for example.
- A data editor
- Referees that are actuall yon the pitch
- show real coaches on sidelines
- Option of making a half time speech
- chamge to offensive or defensive

If you can think of any improvements, of which I'm sure there are many, just say!
One thing i'd like to see is the ability to control the ball carrier with L3, and control another runner with R3. So you could perform realistic inside balls and run scissors + all sorts of angles.
Tackling - Ever played Back-Breaker? You can never have the same tackle more than once because of the technology and graphics. You should have hard tackles and light tackles; hard tackles take longer to recover from?
Passing - Have dodgey balls thrown? Have better miss passes? Inside passes? Crash Balls?
Kicking - Like on Fifa, you have a gauge/meter of how hard you kick. Kicks dont always go the way you want - you shouldn't have the arrow like on rugby 08.
Bouncing Balls - Balls don't always bounce forwards, they sometimes bounce in different directions.
Scrum - Rotate and Intentional Dive? :D
BLOOD - Have blood substitutes; no one on Rugby 08 bled?
Players - Have signature moves? Like a side step or a shoulder barge.
Weather - Changes play; more dropped balls if wet? People slip over?
Destructive pitch - If there is a lot of play in one area, the pitch starts to turn into a muddy mess :p
TRAINING MODE- Use tackle pads? And sort out some drills and moves.
Actions - Make the backs line drift? Make sure that it's harder to run through players; in Rugby 08, there was a lot of one man running through/around everyone...
More inspiring line-outs- all you had to do in 08 was jump at the front and you'd steal most opposition ball.
Have a referee that doesn't see somethings? :D
Game Modes - Have a mode where you can change the rules? e.g. No offside or All passes must be forward? SLOW MOTION? :D
Scoring - Scoring would be easy on Rugby 08; use your backs line and draw the last man, then pass... Also, the scoring techniques; diving and placing (Special Moves for players? e.g. Chris Ashton, Swan Dive? :D)
CREATE - A better create mode, make your own team? Take a picture and have it was their face?

Hope this was helpful :D
One thing i'd like to see is the ability to control the ball carrier with L3, and control another runner with R3. So you could perform realistic inside balls and run scissors + all sorts of angles.

This is a sick idea. It would make the game look so much more like rugby, with last minute decisions to cut lines through holes opening up in the defense. Couldn't be more for this idea, great shout.

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