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aren't you talking about, for example, our friend george bush, more interested in money and profits than in the life of his own soldiers ('cause they are dying for oil at the moment) !!??
saddam should be jailed in a 1m² cell for the rest of his life. that would make him think !!! death is not enough for what he did and we can't unfortunatly torture him, even if he deserves it ... but that would be using his own methods, the ones we're supposed to fight against. so i think the 1m² cell would be big enough for his crimes.
classic french view point eh?
I love how he "doesn't care about their lives" first of all, if it were for oil why are we still paying $2.50-3.10 a gallon? Secondly, thats their job, to protect this country, and let me see here if im not mistaken i believe Bush has the power to send the military into conflict if he sees fit, thats what they get paid for. Third, it wasnt just Bush who sent them over, look at the whole congress, senate, house of representatives.
Classic french viewpoint, with the classic french battle flag White on White.. oh yes i forgot you supply the weapons to saddam, hope the sanction would be lifted so your own oil giants could secure the oil.. so basically our troops are getting fired at by iraqi's who were supplied by your ignorant french selves.. dispicable.
Well that smacks of hypocrisy alright, you do realise that the US sold weapons to Saddam don't you?
Of course it does, but many people fall into the trap of 'rooting for the home team' assuming their country must be in the right, regardless of the historical context. It really just goes to illustrate the ridiculous nature of the rhetoric espoused by statesmen like Bush... it's all just for domestic and then international consumption. Lets not forget that the Japanese weren't technically at war with China untill well into WW2 despite a long standing invasion, for a long time they were simply "quelling a Chinese rebel force".
DC, I know you want to hate the French, but there is very little difference in the attitudes of either government. In quoting Lord Palmerston, the French foreign secretary (I think it was) in the 80s claimed "France has no permanent friends, only permanent interests". In sync with this, recently the former US ambassador to Australia was asked "would the US honour it's treaty and come to defend Australia were they attacked by an outside power?" To which the response was given "it would depend if it was seen to be in our interest to do so." The presenter then asked "so the treaty isn't worth the paper its written on?" Again, the former US ambassador said "no treaty is worth the paper its written on."
You see what I'm getting at? You may think of yourselves as 'the goodies', but that just isn't real life.