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RWC: France V Canada (18-09-2011, 20:30)

Ahh it's from some survey that compared average earnings of households in cities above 500,000 people in 2009

Canada 68,410
Québec (Que.) 75,160
Montréal (Que.) 65,960
Ottawa–Gatineau (Que. part, Ont.–Que.) 80,110
Ottawa–Gatineau (Ont. part, Ont.–Que.) 93,070
Toronto (Ont.) 66,790
Hamilton (Ont.) 74,660
Winnipeg (Man.) 71,470
Calgary (Alta.) 88,410
Edmonton (Alta.) 86,250
Vancouver (B.C.) 67,550

Unedited version available below:

Ottawa is kinda of inflated as the number of high paying government jobs there (specifically in the Ontario part.)
Calgary/Edmonton has the biggest job market and highest earnings in Canada mainly due to Alberta having the lowest taxes that attract a lot of businesses and that people seldom want to live there due to the winters. Not slagging Calgary or Edmonton off, although Chris Pronger's wife might have a thing or two to say. Alberta in general also has one of the lowest cost of living in Canada whereas Montreal and Vancouver has the highest.
Compared to Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver (Canada's 3 biggest cities in that order) where the wages are low because they are generally considered world class cities and have much nicer weather and scenery thus they attract a lot of people who immigrate (all 3 cities have hugh population growth and Vancouver has 52% of it's population that doesn't speak English as a first language.) Average home in Vancouver costs 750,000 Canadian compared to 350,000 in Edmonton.

I'm far too lazy to source all this.
Not even rugby related aahahhha.

Interesting, it's the 500,000 population, if you go smaller, 100,000 or more, Calgary and Edmonton would be blown out of the water. Ft. McMurray must be far and away near the top. At one time you could get $25/hr or more at Timmies slinging coffee. Course you would need that much to live in Ft Mc.....a horrible place, as are Toronto and Vancouver.....IMO.

I have just moved from Calgary, to a smaller town, 11,000. It will be interesting to see the difference.
Interesting, it's the 500,000 population, if you go smaller, 100,000 or more, Calgary and Edmonton would be blown out of the water. Ft. McMurray must be far and away near the top. At one time you could get $25/hr or more at Timmies slinging coffee. Course you would need that much to live in Ft Mc.....a horrible place, as are Toronto and Vancouver.....IMO.

I have just moved from Calgary, to a smaller town, 11,000. It will be interesting to see the difference.

The thing with Canada is you have to know what you want otherwise you'll hate it.

I love Vancouver, I have live in it for my entire life and I beg my misses to hurry up and finish school as soon as possible so we can move back.
Not everyone will like though as it has quite a....stuck up feel to it and it rains for about 2 weeks straight.

Lots of people hate Canada's big cities and like the small towns. Some people like being in the middle of everything, some want to be 10 hours from it.

Part of our difficulties in rugby though.

I just realised though that i can add Jason Marshall to the list of players I played with or against. He was much much skinnier during the provincials, i think he 2nd row.
The thing with Canada is you have to know what you want otherwise you'll hate it.

I love Vancouver, I have live in it for my entire life and I beg my misses to hurry up and finish school as soon as possible so we can move back.
Not everyone will like though as it has quite a....stuck up feel to it and it rains for about 2 weeks straight.

Lots of people hate Canada's big cities and like the small towns. Some people like being in the middle of everything, some want to be 10 hours from it.

Part of our difficulties in rugby though.

I just realised though that i can add Jason Marshall to the list of players I played with or against. He was much much skinnier during the provincials, i think he 2nd row.

Agreed, I have lived in all Provinces of this wonderful country, with the expection of NFLD and Que.

I didn't know we were making lists. That would be a good thread idea, you should make one:
Jason Leonard, Sean Fauth, Q, Paul Hull, J. Loveday... and that's of the top of my head
Agreed, I have lived in all Provinces of this wonderful country, with the expection of NFLD and Que.

I didn't know we were making lists. That would be a good thread idea, you should make one:
Jason Leonard, Sean Fauth, Q, Paul Hull, J. Loveday... and that's of the top of my head

Ahahaha figure of speech, but I'm sure you know how I feel.

When I see people I used to play with or against (or even people that I knew) it makes me feel a bit of extra pride and I tend to cheer for them a bit harder. That and it makes me wonder were they really that much better than me.

Sounds like you played against some dinosaurs, ahahahhaa.

Ya well I got the Kyle Turris when he was QB at STM and we were in grade 8. Deal with it. Although he might not be playing this year. Dear god, if he played rugby, he'd be kicker extraordinaire. Coordination on that guy, could throw 40 yards with some degree of accuracy in grade 8 nevermind his wrist shot that he never decides to use. To put it in perspective for any none football players, most college player taper off at around 30-35 yards unless they are going to the NFL.

As evidenced by things earlier in the thread, this entire post was meant to be in a joking tone.
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I have just moved from Calgary, to a smaller town, 11,000. It will be interesting to see the difference.

Did your move involve peasants bearing pitchforks and flaming torches? :D

Agreed, I have lived in all Provinces of this wonderful country, with the expection of NFLD and Que.

yeah, I've been run out of a few towns in my time too ... :D

my grey hair and sore body remind me of my age.............i don't need you help.............;)

I hear ya buddy ... my bl**dy knees try to remind me now and again too :D ... on the upside, I can multiple in lots of four very well :D
Interesting, it's the 500,000 population, if you go smaller, 100,000 or more, Calgary and Edmonton would be blown out of the water. Ft. McMurray must be far and away near the top. At one time you could get $25/hr or more at Timmies slinging coffee. Course you would need that much to live in Ft Mc.....a horrible place, as are Toronto and Vancouver.....IMO.

I have just moved from Calgary, to a smaller town, 11,000. It will be interesting to see the difference.

Vancouver, a horrible place? guess that's why it ranks in the top 3 internationally of livable cities.
But if you dislike excellent food choices, multicultural neighborhoods, dozens of great golf courses, mild climate, very pretty girls, and the bulk of Canada's senior/jr. rugby players... then ya, it's a horrible place, what a shithole!!
I can't believe Hamilton is that high in the income levels, that study MUST be flawed....:D I'm in a small town as well FFW, but pretty close to Hamilton and St.Catherines/Welland/Niagar Falls area. I've never been to Vancouver so can't comment, not a huge fan of much of Toronto certain parts are nice and BMO field was a great venue for the Canada vs. USA match.

Haven't ever played rugby with anyone famous, but former Canadian National Soccer team Goalkeeper Josh Wagenaar went to my high school and I played with/against him, nice guy and his brothers were great guys too, had an excessive sweating issue which made tackling him a disgusting ordeal, as well was really cheap I think he still owes me $3.25 I leant him for lunch once.
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Vancouver, a horrible place? guess that's why it ranks in the top 3 internationally of livable cities.
But if you dislike excellent food choices, multicultural neighborhoods, dozens of great golf courses, mild climate, very pretty girls, and the bulk of Canada's senior/jr. rugby players... then ya, it's a horrible place, what a shithole!!

Well excellent food choices to me are KFC and McDonalds, don't appreciate multiculuturalism(at least the Canadian touchy feely windbag version), I DESPISE Golf, good looking women don't bother with me because I'm short, mild climate might be a plus but I hear it rains a lot and I like my tan....hmmm maybe the latter is a positive I guess.

Perhaps Vancouver isn't the city for me, besides I hear housing is outrageous and these 70 acres outside my window look nice...although the pale in comparison to Jacques Burgers 15,000 acre farm in Namibia.:(
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Well excellent food choices to me are KFC and McDonalds, don't appreciate multiculuturalism(at least the Canadian touchy feely windbag version), I DESPISE Golf, good looking women don't bother with me because I'm short, mild climate might be a plus but I hear it rains a lot and I like my tan....hmmm maybe the latter is a positive I guess.

Perhaps Vancouver isn't the city for me, besides I hear housing is outrageous and these 70 acres outside my window look nice...although the pale in comparison to Jacques Burgers 15,000 acre farm in Namibia.:(

Back home, there some great food (drop the Timmies and try Starbucks, just once) and it's a naturally multicultural city (over here in the UK they say they're multicultural but outside of London, which is a cesspool, they have nothing on Vancouver.) Golf does suck and the good looking women in Vancouver suck because most 6s think they are 10s and think that the are entitled to having a man-slave who also has a six figure salary while they do F-all. Rains a lot because clouds get stuck on the mountains but when it's sunny, it's sunny, 35-40C for a few weeks every summer.

Biggest questions is, do you like crackheads? Because if no, i'd live elsewhere.